PowerStrips™ tapasztalatok
Esetleírások, vélemények a világ különböző pontjairól.
I have osteoarthritis in my lower back, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. I tried them where my sciatica pain starts before I went to bed. I had the best deep sleep and woke up in the morning without any muscle pain. Yesterday I was walking all day and no sciatica pain!
Osteoarthritisem van, isiászom, és a fibromyalgiám. Alvás előtt feltettem a tapaszt oda, ahonnan az isiász fájdalom indul. Nagyon jól és mélyen aludtam, fájdalom nélkül ébredtem. Tegnap egész nap sétáltam és nincs isiász fájdalmam!
Holly S
I cannot walk normally and I have consistent pain. Now, I can walk normally again. With deep gratitude.
Nem tudtam rendesen járni, állandó fájdalommal éltem. Most újra rendesen járok. A legnagyobb hálával.
Jerry B
I've had shoulder issues for over a year and limited range of motion. Now I am sleeping on my stomach and can raise my arm above my head!
Több mint egy éve probléma van a vállammal, nehézkes a mozgatása. Végre a hasamon is tudok aludni és a fejem fölé bírom emelni a kezem.
Joy E
I applied the product to the bottom of each foot before bedtime. The next morning my feet were like new! For the first time in years and I felt like I was walking on cushy slippers all day.
Mindkét talpamra ragasztottam lefekvés előtt. Reggelre mindkét lábam olyan volt mintha új lenne. Évek óta először végre most úgy érzem mintha kényelmes papucsokban sétálnék egész nap.
Kathy R
I am not sure exactly what I did but I tweaked my sciatic nerve just after the first of the year. But then after using the product, in the morning I was more flexible, no pain and felt great. It felt like I had gone to the Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and got a massage all rolled into one.
Már nem tudom pontosan, hogy mitől, de a múlt év elején becsípődött a az ülőidegem. De mióta haszálom a terméket, mozgékonyabb vagyok, a fájdalmam megszűnt, jól érzem magam. Mintha egy csontkovács-akupunktőr rakott volna rendbe.
Keith O
I am very impressed with this product and company. I used the Strips on the back of my neck to see what would happen. No pain. Hey these work big time.
Lenyűgözött a termék és a gyártó. Hátra a nyakamra tettem a tapaszokat és vártam, hogy mi fog történni. A fájdalom eltűnt.
Ramona B
I tried the product for a pain I had. It took only 2 hours and my pain was totally gone, I was impressed. I don't take any pain pills so for me it is very exciting.
Fájdalmamra próbáltam a tapaszt. Nem telt bele két óra és a fájdalom megszűnt. Ez lenyűgözött. Nem vettem be fájdalomcsillapítót tablettát, így számomra nagyon izgalmas.
Sheila W
My husband had back surgery a year ago. Within 2 weeks he felt like he had significant pain relief. I can't tell you how blessed I feel that these were shared with us.
A férjemnek egy éve műtötték a hátát. Két héten belül érezte, hogy jelentősen csökken a fájdalma. Nem tudom elmondani mekkora hálát éreztem mikor ezt elmondta.
Teresa B
Now the pain is gone. Not to mention that my muscles haven't ached from doing weights at the gym. They really do work!! Thanks
A fájdalom megyszűnt. Nem beszélve arról, hogy az edzőteremben a súlyoktól sem fájdulnak meg. Ez tényleg működik! Köszönöm!
Colleen C
My meds owned me… Thanks to Power Strips I'm managing successfully without toxic medication. I'm Back! An answer to prayers, every day of the Year!
Az orvosomtól kaptam. Hála a sikeres PowerStrips-nek kezelésnek: Újra a régi vagyok! Toxikus gyógyszerek nélkül. Egy válasz az imákra, az év minden napján!
Norma R
I had a neck injury in college. I can’t tell you how long it took to take effect but it was pretty quick. I didn’t feel anything. What I mean is I had zero pain, zero!! I told my husband that my neck felt like a super well oiled machine, so flexible. Shazam! LUV LUV LUV them.
Volt egy nyaksérülésem még a főiskolán. Nem tudom, hogy mennyi időbe telt, míg hatott, de elég gyors volt. Egyszer csak nem éreztem semmit. Vagyis abszolút semmi fájdalmat, semmit! Mondtam is a férjemnek, hogy a nyakam megint olyan, mint egy szuper jól beolajozott szerkezet, annyira jól mozog. Shazam! SZERETEM, SZERETEM, SZERETEM!
Kim A
I feel amazing, happy, healthy, and pain free with this patch. It's Freaking Genius!
Csodálatosan érzem magam, boldog, egészséges és fájdalomtól mentes vagyok a tapasztól! Fantasztikus!
Chris T
My back pain has improved greatly, have been able to run errands and take care of active kids!
A hátfájásom sokat javult, képes vagyok az ügyeimet intézni és vigyázni az izgő-mozgó gyerekekre!
Ashley C
It's the first time in almost 12 years that I can move freely with less pain and actually LIVE my life.
12 éve az első alkalom, hogy szabadabban, kevesebb fájdalommal élhetem az életem.
Sheryl S
I have had chronic lower back issues since 2008, and now my pain is almost gone....it's amazing!!!... :-)
2008 óta krónikus derékfájdalmaim vannak. És most a fájdalom eltűnt.. Ez csodálatos!!!... :-)
Barbara M
Huge relief in my lower back, right hip and chest. I'm giving samples out to the other nurses today. Woohoo!
Hatalmas megkönnyebbülés a derekemnak, a mellkasomnak és a jobb csípőmnek. A többi nővérnek is adok mintákat.
Adriane C
I recently had leg surgery. Now, I'm the biggest skeptic I know, but I tried the product. By the next day my leg had ZERO pain. You have to give yourself this gift.
Nemrég lábműtétem volt. Nagyon szkeptikus típus vagyok, de kipróbáltam a terméket. A következő napon a lábamban a fájdalom: NULLA. Ajándékozd meg magad vele!
Cathy J
78 years young! They provide me with endurance.
78 éves fiatal. Ők biztosítják nekem a kitartást.
James H
My biggest challenge has been the perils of aging (UGH!). My ankle and hands are the most affected so I was anxious to see what would happen. 24 hours later, in addition to incredible energy and "feeling good", my ankle and hands are 100% improved.
A legnagyobb kihívást az öregedés veszélyei jelentik számomra. A bokám és a kezem a leginkább érintett, így alig vártam, hogy mit fogok tapasztalni. 24 órával később feltöltődve és jól érzem magam. A bokám és a kezeim 100%-ot javultak.
Barbara F
I have endured chronic pain in my upper and lower back for over 30 years. I have tried every pill, treatment, etc… to treat my back challenges. I was a bit skeptical of a patch, but within minutes I felt relief and was walking up my stairs with ease.
30 éve krónikus hát- és derék fájdalommal élek. Kipróbáltam minden gyógyszert, kezelést, stb. a problémámmal kapcsolatban. Kicsit szkeptikus voltam a tapasszal, de perceken belül megkönnyebbülést hozott, és könnyedén sétálhattam fel a lépcsőmön.
Steve S
I have been living in pain for most of my life. I feel so relaxed and not my usual "edgy with pain" that I feel like going to lie down for a little nap right now!
Az életem nagy részét fájdalommal töltve éltem. Annyira megnyugtató, hogy nincs az az éles fájdalom, így végre most nyugodtan pihenhetek, kicsit sziesztázhatok!
Iris R
My husband has suffered from shoulder pain for years and occasionally resorted to a cortisone shot. The first day he said his shoulder didn't bother him at all, in other words no pain and he had a lot more energy as well. No wonder he says he is feeling really good.
A férjem vállfájdalomtól szenvedett évek óta, alkalmanként kortizonnal csillapította. A tapasz felragasztását követően azt mondta, az első nap, hogy a válla nem zavarta, másszóval nincs fájdalma és sokkal energikusabb. Nem is csodálom, hogy jobban érzi magát ettől!
Iona Z
So easy to use and the results I have experienced are great. They eased the pain I felt after an injury to my ribs.
Nagyon egyszerű használni és nagyon jó eredményeket tapasztalok! A borda sérülésem fájdalma enyhült.
Within 15 minutes the pain was GONE! Later that afternoon I felt them heating up, and then noticed a “tingling” in the opposite hip. I smiled to myself knowing that it was creating an energetic balancing of my skeletal system.
15 percen belül megszűnt a fájdalom. Később, délután melegséget, majd bizsergést éreztem az ellentétes csípőmben. Mosolyogtam magamban, tudtam, hogy kiegyenlítődik az energia egyensúlya a csontrendszeremnek.
Keli A
I placed one on my left arm. I had developed severe tendonitits approximately 2 months ago on my left elbow. In less than an hour I experienced a reduction in pain and an increase in the mobility of my arm. I headed to the gym the next morning and did a full range of weight lifting and body weight exercises: no problem, no pain. I have been wearing the strips continuously and have been amazed at how "miraculous" the results have been for me.
Két hónapja a könyököm íngyulladásától szenvedtem. Feltettem egyet a bal karomra. Egy órán belül a fájdalom csökkenni kezdett, egyre jobban tudtam mozgatni a karom. Másnap reggel edzőterembe mentem és kondiztam. Nem tapasztaltam problémát, nem volt fájdalmam. Folyamatosan használom a tapaszokat, és levagyok nyűgözve a "csodálatos" eredményektől.
Kevin O
I suffer from feelings of low energy, stamina, fatigue. Every day on Power Strips gets better and better!
Szenvedek: alacsony az energia szintem és az állóképességem, fáradt vagyok. A PowerStripes-tól napról-napra egyre jobban érzem magam.
Andre J
So I'm sitting here scanning Facebook from my phone as I do every morning. Only today I'm sitting up in bed while I do it. I only just realized that I've been sitting up now for quite a while. The reason this is significant is because I normally can't sit up in bed like this for more than a few minutes before my back starts screaming in pain.
Most is mint minden reggel átnézem a Facebookot, csakhogy ma feltudtam ülni az ágyban, miközben ezt csináltam. Ez különleges, mert nem vagyok képes felülni az ágyban anélkül, hogy pár percen belül a hátam ne fájdulna meg.
Crystal A
My body warmed up, and I've felt better than I have in a while.
A testem felmelegedett, és egyre jobban éreztem magam.
Irene K
I work with a young man who deals with back pain. Yesterday, I shared the product with him and he went about his regular routine. This morning he came into work and told me that he completely forgot he had the product on until this morning. He said he immediately felt relief of the tightness associated with his back.
Egy fiatalemberrel dolgozom aki hátfájdalommal küzd. Tegnap megosztottam vele a terméket, ő ment, csinálta a napi rutint... Ma reggel bejött a munkába, és azt mondta, hogy teljesen megfeledkezett a tapaszról, csak reggel jutott eszébe. Azt mondta azonnali megkönnyebbülést érezett, csökkent a szorító érzés a hátában.
Mary W
have a long-standing injury at the base of my neck. I put the Power Strip right over the permanent "knot" and within 20 minutes, the dull ache began to subside! I stayed pain-free for 6 days with one Power Strip. I have more energy and more clarity, which means a happier, creative outlook on life! I am loving the Power Strips!
Van egy régen szerzett sérülés a nyakam tövénél. Rátettem egy tapaszt a "csomóra" és 20 percen belül a tompa fájdalom kezdett alábbhagyni. 1 tapasszal 6 napig fájdalom mentes maradtam. Sokkal energikusabb vagyok fényesebben látok mindent. Úgy értem, hogy boldogabb vagyok és kreatívabban állok az élethez. Imádom a PowerStrips-ot!
Carol M
My wife has pain in her left knee, The next morning she could walk easily without pain. I will tell all my friends.
A feleségem bal térde fájt. Másnap reggel, könnyedén, fájdalom nélkül tudott járni. Elmondom az összes barátunknak.
Sri Krishen T
I've been suffering with severe back pain (about 7 months) as well as knee joint pain (3 years+) The other day, I slowly bent over - ever so careful - and to my surprise was not only able to 'touch' my toes but to 'tuck' my fingers underneath of my toes!! I did this over and over; each time with more confidence! I phoned my husband and cried as I told him the news! I was convinced and have not gone a day without them since.
Több mint 3 éve térdizületi fájdalomtól szenvedek. Ehhez 7 hónapja, súlyos hátfájás társult. A minap lassan - nagyon óbvatosan - lehajoltam, és meglepetésemre nem csak megérinteni tudtam a lábujjaimat, de meg is tudtam markolni őket. Ezt újra és újra meg tudtam csinálni egyre magabiztosabban. Sírva hívtam a férjemet és elmondtam neki a hírt. Engem meggyőzött, azóta nem telik el nap nélküle.
Annette F
I have the occasionally back ache, and pulled muscles. After 20 minutes, I saw the clock on the table and thought, I'm "watching" and then it hit me - my back does not hurt. I’m very pleased!
Néha fáj a hátam, és meghúzom a hátizmaimat. Húsz perc után -láttam az órát az asztalon- figyeltem és hirtelen észrevettem, hogy a hátam nem fáj! Nagyon elégedett vagyok!
George A
I have had a lower back problem for over 30 years and especially the last few years while getting out of bed I've stooped. Within 2 minutes, I felt a relaxing of the area. I then went on my daily bicycle ride 20km and NO pain just power. WOW WOW THANKS!
Derék problémával élek több mint 30 éve, különösen az elmúlt néhány évben érzem, mikor görnyedtem kelek ki az ágyból. Aztán a tapasz felrakása után 2 percen belül a terület megnyugszik. Azóta napi 20 km-t kerékpározok és nincs fájdalom, csak energia. Köszönöm!
George P
I have been an elite athlete for most of my life. I hold the Australian Record for scoring 6 goals in one game in National Soccer League (Australia). I recently received a muscle tear and literally 24 hours later and absolutely no pain and no injury to that region, 100% completely gone. I could feel waves of blood and warmth every 2 hours or so; just a fantastic healing sensation, but never in my wildest dreams would I have believed it could work that fast.
Életem nagy részében élsportoló voltam. Én tartom az ausztrál Nemzeti Futball Liga 6 gól/játék rekordját. Nemrég izomszakadást szenvedtem. 1 nap elteltével eltűnt a fájdalom, eltűnt a sérülés. Hullámokban 2 óránként melegséget éreztem. Soha a legmerészebb álmaimban sem hittem volna, hogy ez ilyen gyorsan működhet.
Patrick B
They helped my husband's shoulder. He couldn't sleep for the pain. Now he sleeps through the night.
Segitett a férjem vállán. A fájdalomtól nem tudott aludni. Most átaludta az éjszakát.
Shirley K
My shoulder pain went from about a 5 to a 1. I can move my arm now without grimacing or making “ouch” noises. TRULY REMARKABLE.
A vállfájdalmam 5-ösről 1-esre csökkent. Grimaszok és jajjgatás nélkül tudom mozgatni a karom. Igazán figyelemre méltó.
Sandy K
Literally immediately the pain started subsiding. Anyone who has suffered from sciatica or lower back issues knows how extreme that can be. To be relieved of that is extraordinary. It’s truly amazing!
A fájdalom szó szerint azonnal kezdett alábbhagyni. Bárki aki isiásztól szenved a derekában tudja, hogy mennyire fájdalmas lehet. A megkönnyebbülés rendkívüli. Valóban csodálatos.
Marilyn S
As a wrestler, my body takes a beating on a regular basis. You just get used to it. I had forgotten what it’s like to not be sore. Now I feel less over-all soreness. My specific pain went away as well as more of the overall soreness. I feel great. I’m very impressed! I will be adding the product to my regular routine and I’ll definitely be telling other wrestlers and my friends.
Mint birkózó, a testem rendszeresen a talajnak ütődik. Megszokod. Már el is felejtettem milyen érzés fájdalom nélkül élni. Most úgy érzem kevesebb a fájdalmam. Jól érzem magam, le vagyok nyűgözve. Hozzá fog tartozni a rendszeres napi rutinomhoz és a birkózóknak, barátoknak egyaránt ajánlani fogom.
Alex K
I drove 10 hours with only a few 10-minute stops to use the rest room. Generally my sciatic nerve always hurts whenever I drive even a couple of hours. I didn't realize until days later that the whole 10-hour trip didn't bother me once. Truly amazing!
10 óra vezetés közben csak néhányszor állok meg 10 percre, hogy mosdóba menjek. Pár óra vezetés után, általában megfájdul a ülőidegem. A tapasz után napokig nem vettem észre, hogy a több mint 10 órás vezetés meg se kottyan. Igazán csodálatos.
JoAnn N
You just can't imagine how impressed my husband & I are. Richard is virtually free of pain and able to sit for longer periods of time.
El sem tudod képzelni, hogy mennyire lenyűgözte a férjem és engem. Richard gyakorlatilag fájdalommentesen képes hosszabb ideig ülni.
Richard C
I'm lifting up my previously difficult right arm like my healthy left arm! I definitely will use them and tell everybody about this amazing product!
Korábban a jobb karomat kevésbé tudtam felemelni mint az egészséges jobb karomat. Én mindenkinek elmondom, hogy biztosan használni fogom a ezt a csodálatos terméket.
Olga T
I have more movement in my arm and more flexibility... so I'm grateful for that.
Sokkal mozgékonyabb lett a karom, jobban hajlik. Hálás vagyok érte!
Judi V
Twenty-four years ago, I accidentally fell and hit my left knee hard on the ground. I can’t bend my left knee and had difficulty walking, especially climbing stairs. My friend shared the product which I used that night on my left knee calf. The next day, I was able to bend my knee and walk normally and fast.
24 éve véletlenül elestem és a térdem keményen a földnek ütődött. Azóta a bal térdem nem hajlik, és ez nehézségeket okoz, különösen a lépcsőzés jelent gondot. Egy barátomtól kaptam a tapaszt amit egy este fel is ragasztottam a térdemre. Másnap, tudtam hajlítani a térdem. Tudtam járni normálisan és gyorsan.
Virginia C
Amazed with my results! I am a nail tech and sit for 12 to 14 hours a day. Needless to say pain all over. Back, knees, neck, thumbs, etc. I have more energy, am sleeping through the night and am looking forward to cumulative results!
Lenyűgözött az eredményem. Műkörmös vagyok, napi 12-14 órát ülök naponta. Mondanom sem kell, fáj mindenem. hát, térd, nyak, törzs, stb. Azóta több az energiám, végigalszom az éjszakát és várom a további eredményeket.
Susan B
Both my husband Richard & I have noticed amazing improvements. Firstly, He has been free of pain for 2 days, and he feels much better and he is sleeping sounder.
A férjem Richard, és én is elképesztő változásokat tapasztaltunk, Ő 2 nap alatt megszabadult a fájdalomtól, jobban érzi magát, és nyugottabban alszik.
Sue C
My pain went from an 8 to a 2 within 6 weeks. I was miserable 24/7. Completely changed my life!
Nyomorultul éreztem magam a hét minden napján. A fájdalmam 8-asról 2-esre csökkent 6 héten belül. Teljesen megváltozott az életem.
R.K. Williams
Wow! What a day! I walked into work today after very little sleep, and my back started to hurt. This product helped me get through the day, and helped with a better attitude! Amazing how lack of energy due to low sleep and body aches can start the day in a bad direction.
Hú, micsoda nap! Kevés alvás után sétáltam munkába, mikor a hátam elkezdett fájni. A tapasz segített át a napon, segített helytállnom. Elképesztő, hogy a fáradtság, és a fájdalom mennyire tönkre tehetik a napodat.
Denise D
We have the tools to help ourselves and others - so grateful to be able to share! I can "feel" the difference.
Megvan az eszköz, hogy segíthessünk magunkon és másokon, annyira hálás vagyok érte, hogy ezt elmondhatom. Érzem a különbséget.
Iona Z
Amazing! Ask me about them!
Lenyűgöző! Kérdezzetek róla!
Mesu U
I crashed on my ski’s and smashed my knee on the ice. Recovering! Happy to have the tools!
Síbalesetem volt, eltört a térdem. Helyreállította! Boldog vagyok, hogy létezik ez a tapasz.
Deanna P
I slipped last week and bruised my tailbone. Last night was my first 8 hours sleep. Such an amazing product!
A múlt héten elcsúsztam, pont a farokcsontomra estem, még most is véraláfutásos. A tapasznak köszönhetően a múlt éjjel sikerült egyhuzamban 8 órát aludni. Csodálatos ez a termék!
Melissa B
Amazing! Within minutes my pain eased. I am so happy to finally find something that stops pain. I wear mine every day as it also perks me up and I have a great day just wearing it.
Lenyűgöző! Perceken belül enyhül a fájdalmam. Boldog vagyok, hogy végre találtam valamit ami elmúlasztja a fájdalmat. Minden nap használom, felfrissít, nagyszerű lesz tőle a napom.
Joy S
My lower back issues have improved. I have more energy and an improved range of motion and I'm even experiencing a deeper sleep!
A derékfájásom javult. Energikusabb, mozgékonyabb lettem és mélyebben alszok!
Marian R
Finally sitting outside comfortably in a chair and walking around!
Végre kényelmesen kitudok ülni és sétálni!
Chris C
My daughter had her braces adjusted. She immediately received comfort!
A lányom fogszabályzót igazíttatott, a tapasz enyhítette a kényelmetlen érzést.
Dee K
My husband Doug went horseback riding, and he had one foot on the ground and one in the stirrup when the horse started to go. He hurt his hip and could hardly walk. He came home that night and used the product and felt great the next morning.
A férjem lovagolni ment, az egyik lába még a földön volt mikor a ló elindult. Megsérült a csípője, járni is alig tudott. Egy este felragasztotta a tapaszt, a következő reggel jobban érezte magát.
Doug & Leslie A
Easy to use, no fuss no muss. It is that easy. In just five days, I am limber. Thanks
Egyszerű használni, semmi gond, semmi felfordulás. Ez ilyen egyszerű. Öt napja használom, fürge és hajlékony vagyok tőle. Köszönöm!
Tyler C
It sure did take the edge off, and I can definitely say I haven't woken up with this much energy before.
Segít tompítani a fájdalmat, és határozottan állítom, hogy rég nem ébrettem ennyire energikusan.
Robert C
An associate and long time friend of mine who happens to be a PhD Psychologist has a client who is an elderly female and in excruciating pain due to spinal issues. I asked if they helped and she said yes. She also stated that she was able to do some yard work, which was evident by the pile of weeds on her driveway.
Egy régi barátomnak aki történetesen egy PhD pszichológus van egy idős hölgy ügyfele, akit kínzó fájdalom gyötört a gerinc problémája miatt. A tapasztól végre képes volt végezni a teendőit a ház körül, kitudta gyomlálni kocsifelhajtót.
Susan M
When I walk for a long period of time my hip starts hurting to the point that I’m limping. It is something I have just lived with. This past Saturday morning I knew my wife was dragging me to the mall in Miami so I used the product. After walking 5 hours I had no pain!
Hosszabb séták után a csípőm elkezdett fájni és bicegni kezdtem. Ezzel együtt kellett élnem. A múlt szombat reggel a feleségem elvonszolt a plázába, ezért feltettem a tapaszt. 5 óra sétálgatás után sem volt fájdalmam!
Vince H
Not only did the pain in my lower back disappear, but the pain in my abdomen did too, and....it NEVER returned during the rest of my cycle after I removed it! I can only imagine how my life will change now that I can use them every month.
Nem csak a derék fájdalmam tűnt el, hanem a menstruációs fájdalmam is. Képzelem mennyire megváltozik az életem, hogy használhatom minden hónapban.
Patricia M.
I’ve had a chronic low back issue for over 20 years. After using the product, I felt considerably better. I didn’t know what to think. My back felt looser, I could move easier and without pain, and it didn’t hurt when I did my yoga. I’d say on a scale of 1 to 10 the tightness went from 10 to about 5, then after two more days it went down to 3 or 4. I’ve never had this kind of immediate and significant improvement from any kind of natural remedies, and this gives me hope! Thank you!
20 éve krónikus derékfájásom van. A termék használatától sokkal jobban érzem magam. Nem tudom mit gondoljak, miközben jógázom a hátam lazábban mozog és nem fáj. 1-től 10-ig skálán 10-ről 5-ösre csökkent majd két múlva 3-as, 4-esre mérséklődött a fájdalom. Még soha nem hozott ilyen gyors és jelentős javulást semilyen természetes orvoslás. Ez reménykeltő számomra! Köszönöm!
Ellie Y
I tried the product, I was impressed. For me it is very exciting.
Kipróbáltam a terméket, nagy hatással volt rám. Lenyűgöző.
Crystal A
I suffer from back and leg pain. I am now free of pain.
Derék- és lábfájdalomtól szenvedtem, most tünetmentes vagyok!
Debbie F
I applied the product and I was able to put on a pair of pants in very little time at all and the pain had greatly decreased.
Felraktam a tapaszt és rövid időn belül újra képes voltam könnyedén felöltözni, a fájdalmam nagyságrendekkel csökkent.
Gail C
Something is happening and I think it is suppose to. I almost always use a cane and know that lately I haven't needed one as much. I tell everyone about the product.
Valami történik. Egyre kevésbé van szükségem a járóbotomra. Mindenkinek mesélni fogok a tapaszról.
Guy B
My bike accident left me in bad shape. I'm back on my bike and won a 1st place gold medal in my inter-class judo tournament.
A motorbalesetem után rossz bőrben voltam. Most újra motorozom és első helyet szereztem dzsúdóban.
Joash D
The pain I felt after surgery was unbearable. My pain is now relieved.
A műtétem utáni fájdalmam kibírhatatlan volt. Csökkent a fájdalmam.
Kyler H
I have had back problems for quite some time now. Now I've felt remarkably better! The pain didn't come back, and I could sit comfortably and bend down to tie my own shoes.
Egy ideje hátproblémám van. Feltűnően jobban érzem magam. A fájdalom nem tért vissza, kényelmesen letudok ülni bekötni a cipőmet.
Jenn S
With my shoulder out I went to bed. I rolled over a couple of hours later - amazed - because I was COMPLETELY free of pain.
Kificamodott vállal ágynak estem. Pár órával később megfordultam. Csodálkozva tapasztaltam, hogy a fájdalom teljesen elmúlt.
Dottie M
Because of my back pain I could not turn in bed. The next morning I was able to turn and my activity returned to rolling, like a squirrel in a wheel back and forth.
Hátpanaszaim miatt nem tudtam forogni az ágyban. A következő reggel észrevettem, hogy újra képes vagyok rá. Forogtam, mint mókus a kerékben, előre-hátra.
I woke up with a frozen shoulder and stiff neck. After 4 days, all the stiffness, tightness and pain were gone. My mobility is enhanced, blood circulation is better and sleep is very sound. I feel GOOD! Thank GOD!
Merev nyakkal és vállakkal ébredtem. 4 nap elteltével a merevség, feszesség és a fájdalom eltűnt. Mozgékonyabb vagyok, jobb a keringésem, jobban alszom. Jól érzem magam. Hála Istennek.
Nenita T
Nobody can see [the strips] but I can feel the effects! My pulled muscle on my left side of the neck had pain but no more — amazing result!
Senki nem látja a tapaszokat, de én érzem a hatásukat! Meghúztam a nyakizmom bal oldalt. Fájt, de már el is tűnt. Lenyűgöző eredmény.
Rubina K
My knee, back and shoulders are always painful even though I went through all chiropractors, massages, and acupuncture. Now my pain went from a painful 10 down to a 2. Yeah! I’m now feeling relaxed and feeling free. I love my body again.
Folyamatosan fájt a térdem, a hátam és a vállaim. Jártam csontkovácsoknál, maszíroztattam, és akupunktúrán is voltam. A tapasznak köszönhetően 10-esről 2-esre csökkent a fájdalom. Pihentnek és nyugodtnak érzem magam. Újra szeretem a testem.
Mary Siew Ping Y
I love these because everyone at some point in time experiences pain of some type. Thank-you FGXpress
Szeretem mert időnként mindenki találkozik a fájdalommal. Köszönöm FG Xpress.
Tony E
I love these! On the business side, how great is it to make money by truly helping people in such a simple way? Thank-you FG Xpress.
Szeretem! Üzleti szempontból nagyszerű, úgy keresek pénzt, hogy közben igazán segítek az embereknek. Köszönöm FG Xpress.
Irene K
These have done more for me than thousands of dollars have done in medications. Share them and you get paid for getting well.
Többet segítettek rajtam mint ezer dollárnyi gyógyszer. Népszerűsítsd és még kereshetsz is vele.
Colleen C
PowerStrips tapasztalatok angol nyelven a
2013 Januári megjelenés óta.
“Our Power Strips arrived on Thursday and I applied a PowerStrip on my upper right shoulder before bedtime. For over a year I have had pain in my right shoulder and a limited range of motion, much like a “frozen shoulder”. Within a couple of hours – while in bed-I noticed my pain was completely gone and I was able to sleep on my stomach comfortably throughout the night, something I had not been able to do in a year due to not being able to position my right arm in a comfortable position. I slept SO SOUND in comparison to my normal tossing and turning from side to side to find a comfortable sleeping position and woke up more rested than I have in a long time.
On Day 3 I raked leaves and debris for over 3 hours and not only did my shoulder not hurt during the yard work, hours later I have no stiffness or pain. My limited range of motion remains FULL RANGE and I love the Power Strips! While raking I did feel some heat or energy emanating from where the PowerStrip was placed. I can’t wait to see how it works on all the people I have given samples to. The Power Strips are truly an amazing product to use and to share with those you care about.”Joy E. / Vermont-USA
Approx. 4 times a year I experience throbbing pain in my right foot- right ON a bunion! Because it is infrequent, I have not looked into surgery like some people resort to.
The other night I awoke in the middle of the night with such throbbing pain. Usually I use FG's essential oil (Fysical Therapy and Birch) and Tylenol, but THIS time I used a small Band-Aid size of the Power Strips. Within 10 minutes I was fast asleep. In the morning I realized how wonderful and quick that the Power Strips had worked! For anyone who has experienced throbbing / pulsing pain they will be able to relate to not being able to sleep during those times! This is a wonderful testament to this product as I didn't give it ONE thought once I had put them on....til morning.
Dave’s testimonial:
For 8 years I have had sinus issues and have used nose spray every night for 8 years. When we received our Power Strips, I cut a ¼ inch of the strip off and placed it across the bridge of my nose. I slept thru the night and in the morning my right sinus was completely clear. Within 3 days both sides were clear. I still use a small strip every couple of nights across the bridge of my nose and have not had to use any nose spray since starting with Power Strips!
One of the ingredients in the power strips is our exclusive Marine Phytoplankton contains almost everything one needs to sustain life. Therefore, it contains almost everything one needs to restore health by providing the raw materials to make new cells that function normally. This is not only for the people not feeling their best, but for the raw athlete that wants to perform at their ultimate peak performance and be able to recover quickly.Dave D.
PowerStrips = Mosquitos Be-gone!! The other day, I was walking with my cousin who didn't have a PowerStrip on...I did. When we entered the park, she was swarmed by mosquitoes, I was not. She had 20 bits yesterday, I had none!
Sarah S
I used 1/3 of a strip on Sunday.... both of my shoulders were aching from carrying 2 cameras around my neck all day on Saturday. The pain was gone after about an hour of wearing the strip.
Latitia is buying some when she gets back to Burlington (today). They worked quickly for her back and she wants to buy some for her son who is experiencing the tingling in his feet from his diabetes... and my son in law used one the other night on his back. He was injured in Iraq and is listed as 90% disabled from the army. He loved it... said his back didn't hurt all night...Cathy/VT
“Back in 2000 I injured both Achilles while running on the beach in deep sand. I heard my left actually “pop”. I wish I had the PowerStrips back then as it took YEARS to heal. This past weekend while on vacation in Portland Maine, my left ankle rolled slightly, while maneuvering on the cobblestone-brick streets. I remember thinking it may be sore later on. It was. Two days later –due to slight pain and lots of stiffness (most difficult walking downstairs first thing in the morning before limbering up!) I decided to put on ½ PowerStrip on my left Achilles area.
IMMEDIATELY it felt better and more limber- but the best thing was bounding downstairs with ease and no stiffness in the early morning. The PowerStrips has NEVER let me down.”Joy Edgerton
Great testimonial from a fellow FG X'er that shared this testimony from a client of hers!
“Ever since using Power Strips I have benefitted from increased energy, reduced stress, more calmness, less anxiety, more mental clarity and focus, less mood swings, my allergies are under control - I haven't had to take one allergy pill since using them and normally take them daily during allergy season, I have a condition called spondyloarthropy which is inflammation of the joints and have had NO JOINT PAIN since using them. I call them my feel good strips. My friends call them magic patches of healing and love. They've been truly amazing and I started putting them on my dog to see if it will help with his alopecia and his hair grow back”.
From Amie in Canada...
Here's a testimonial from one of my clients who decided she was sick and tired of "accepting" her chronic pain and the pain meds and how they were affecting her life. She decided to take charge and CHANGE IT!
"Well I don't even know where to start! Ok 15 years ago I had my first lower back surgery... then six months later I had another and the two years after that another.... I have so much nerve damage and degenerative discs problems now. On top of that two years ago I found out I have three herniated discs in my upper back and neck so I’m in pain 24/7! Not Fun!! Plus I have four children so I'm running to hockey all winter with two and baseball most of the summer and I do a lot on my own because my husband works shift work four hours away... doing it all in pain and on pain meds is a daily struggle.
I've tried everything out there- massages, chiropractors... been to Dr. after Dr. with no relief but the harsh meds that made me tired and I hated that. I was introduced to the power strips by Amie ....and it's only been a few days now and what a huge relief!!!! I wear one on my lower back and one on my neck.... and yesterday I added a half a strip to my shoulder within 15-20 min my shoulder was completely pain free.... its soooo amazing!! And when my pain in my back was always at a 9-10, now I'm at a manageable 3-4 so to me this is a HUGE relief.
And I use to get headaches all the time... and since starting with the strips I haven't had a headache! I've got so much energy it's CRAZYYY! I love working in my yard but could only do a little at a time or the next morning I couldn't hardly walk or move for that matter. I would get kids up for school then go back to lie down, because the pain was so bad. I swear most days I felt like I was 90! But yesterday I was outside when the kids got on the bus, and worked all day planting flowers and stuff and woke up this morning feeling amazing. I could walk normal, I didn't feel 90 LOL! It's an awesome feeling.
I'm hoping that with more time wearing the strips I will only get better and I’m hoping to be able to get off all pain meds that's my goal anyhow!! So thanks to Amie I'm on the way to being pain free and I'm getting my life back!!!! That's my story and I hope I have more positive stories in the future!! Thank God for FGX !! What a Great Feeling!! I can't Thank Amie enough”.Holly S.
I love these Power Strips! I have osteoarthritis in my lower back, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. I received 2 samples so I put one my one butt cheek where my sciatica pain starts before I went to bed. I had the best deep sleep and woke up in the morning without any muscle pain. I couldn't believe it. The following day I used the other one on my lower back. My chronic pain was so greatly reduced I couldn't believe it. I have only used 3 strips so far and yesterday I was walking all day and no sciatica pain!! Unbelievable!
George P.
I have had a lower back problem for over 30 years and the last few years while getting out of bed I’ve stooped. After a shower I could straighten up and getting dressed always hurt. I put on my Power Strip and within 2 minutes I felt a relaxing of the area. I then went on my daily bicycle ride 20km and NO pain just power. I put one on the next day, and with just 2 power strips the pain I’ve suffered for 30 years has GONE, WOW WOW THANKS!
Adriane C
Yay! Got my Power Strips and cut 1 into 6 pieces to do trial on sore spots. Right ankle, lower back, right hip, right upper chest/pectorals, left shoulder. Huge relief in lower back, right hip and chest (only on for 4 hours)-one on my back got a little hot during workout. The other 3 I put a waterproof dressing on and they are still on and I feel great. Oh btw I'm at work today & have a 500 pound patient plus my other total care patients so today is a great test day. I'm giving samples out to the other nurses today. Woohoo!
Brenda C
I had begun to work with the Power Strips for about two weeks or so on my stomach, and it was staying on for 48 hours even after showering. I suffer from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and a very arthritic knee, so it was noticeable when I was able to downhill ski 3 consecutive days, and the 4th day we hiked through the bush with the dogs… and I was NOT suffering!! THIS was impressive!! But the most amazing response I experienced with the FG Xpress Power Strip was the healing quality of it, when I decided to experiment with applying it to a very nasty wound from a severe, deep cat scratch. I took a photo of the wound after 2 weeks of it not healing, and it is obvious the wound is still open, with a flap of skin unattached. The wound is surrounded by inflammation and very red and irritated skin from me scratching in my sleep due to the unbearable itchiness around it. Being a Registered Nurse, I do not have to remind you that cat scratches are most often treated with repeated days of Intravenous Antibiotics, which I did not pursue, nor did I go to the Doctor. It suddenly came to me that since the Power Strip had healing qualities; I should experiment and apply it to my wound on my forearm. I first noticed that I felt “heat” from under the strip. I then noticed the itchiness disappeared. Being cautious because this was an open wound, I snuck a peek under the strip after 12 hours. There was a noticeable decrease in the redness of the wound and surrounding tissue. I was meeting with Dee the following day, so I decided to leave the Power Strip intact and conclude the experiment and unveil it with Dee. When I cautiously removed the strip, I was SHOCKED to see that the wound was basically sealed, the once loose flap of skin had healed shut, and the inflammation in and surrounding the wound was drastically reduced! I had struggled with this wound for 2 weeks with no healing before applying the Power Strip. In less than 48 hours, it had mostly healed. I left the strip on, and when I removed it this morning, it is hard to believe that I only have a small scab where the flap was and only slight redness in the surrounding tissue. *** In comparison… I left one of 2 of the puncture wounds exposed, and NOT under the Power Strip as a comparison.
They are still very inflamed, sore, itchy and a long way from being healed! SEEING IS BELIEVING for me, and I AM a BELIEVER that FG Xpress Power Strips, have the potential for many different Healing Qualities. I am delighted to share my personal experience with the Power Strips, so others to can benefit from their Healing Qualities. Thank you!Wes D.
We love our PowerStrips, we just started using them, and set two all American standards, and personal bests in the 60m dash, and the long jump. We had not trained or done anything different, and have been competing for two years. YAY! (Energy!)
Italo E.
I had a hip replaced two months ago. The narcotic pain medications that I was taking had many undesirable side effects, including lethargy, nausea, and a general absence of my normal, enthusiastic self. Four weeks after the surgery, I was starting to cut back on the prescription and take some over-the-counter pain medications. Those did help, but the pain was not controlled as well, plus the side effects were still there, to a lesser degree. A good friend of mine told me about PowerStrips, and I could hardly wait for my order to arrive. From the very first day of using the PowerStrips, I was able to completely stop the narcotics, and within a couple more days, I found that the over-the-counter medications were not necessary. More importantly, my energy, enthusiasm, and general love of life has returned – even more than I felt before the surgery. I am so grateful to have Power Strips – they have truly given me my life back.
Francine B
"POWERSTRIPS ARE IT!! My experience with the PowerStrips has definitely been a huge success in many areas! Over two years ago, I developed a frozen shoulder with elbow tendinitis in my right arm from prolonged poor computer mouse usage at a kitchen table. I could barely use my right arm for months due to pain and weakness. The aching woke me up at night and I had to hold my arm really close to my body and not use it. I cried from the pain while trying to wash my hair. The physiotherapist said I may need surgery to scrape some bone and I thought to myself ‘there’s no way I’m going down that road!’ I started using the PowerStrips on Feb 13 directly on the shoulder muscles. I kept the strips on that area for 2 days in a row. The aching persisted and was even a little worse. I was also noticing feeling tired and fatigued with no energy. I’m sharing this because I heard someone else say that not everyone will have instant results. I didn’t want to give up on the strips though so I decided to try ½ strip on a different part of my body. To my surprise, my shoulder started improving considerably. Four days later, I noticed that the pain had decreased by 80% and my range of motion had increased by 60%. Six days later, I was playing with my nephew who is four and I found myself able to lift him and catch him jumping off a trampoline. I was so happy because I haven’t had that kind of strength in my arm for over 2 years. I suspected that the strips were creating a healing response, which was causing the fatigue and low energy. Again, I didn’t want to give up though because I was seeing amazing results with my shoulder. I contacted the person who introduced me to the PowerStrips. She advised me to put the PowerStrips on larger muscles for more gradual absorption. That made a big difference and I can now easily use a full strip. After a few more days, my body felt stronger and I’ve been able to put the strips anywhere without any fatigue. I feel that I’m rebuilding my body on many levels. My shoulder keeps getting better and stronger even though the strips are on a different part of my body. At first, it was little things like being able to wash my hair, lift a heavy pot or pull a sweater over my head with both arms without shooting pain in that shoulder.
That made my day! It’s not just my shoulder that’s rebuilding though. I also feel as though I’m rebuilding/replenishing my whole body. I have great difficulty sleeping through the night. I typically wake up between 2 and 4 a.m. and stay awake for a few hours. This really disrupts my life. With the PowerStrips I can sleep straight through the night and wake up feeling refreshed and rested. Last week, I woke up with a sore throat, which is a sure sign that I’m starting a cold that usually puts me out for 2 weeks. By the afternoon, I was definitely feeling the typical flu symptoms coming on – fever and feeling really tired and run down. I even cancelled an appointment with the physiotherapist for the next day figuring I would be out of commission. I remembered that I had forgotten to put a PowerStrip on that day so I put one on. Within 2 hours, my energy was back and other than a mild sore throat that disappeared the next day, I was symptom free. I was blown away. Truly amazing! Continued usage of the PowerStrips pays off in a big way in a very short period of time. I’m sure I’ll be seeing other miracles over time, but these experiences are enough to convince me that Power Strips are It!
P. M.
Last week I was dealing with intense (often debilitating) pain that I get every month during my monthly cycle. The first few days I’m pretty much homebound because it’s so uncomfortable. On Day #1 a friend offered me a PowerStrip, which I applied to my lower back. Not only did the pain in my lower back disappear, but the pain and discomfort in my abdomen did too, and....it NEVER returned during the rest of my cycle after I removed it! I HAVE to share my experience because I’m so excited about the results. Think about it...from homebound to pain free. I can only imagine how my life will change now that I can use PowerStrips every month to have pain relief that is natural and has continued healing effects.
So I can't 100% say that the patch got RID of the pain I was having in my ankle this week from jumping too hard on it from the loading dock. But it sure did take the edge off, and I can definitely say I haven't woken up with this much energy before. 9 times out of 10 on a workday morning I have a bad mentality and don't usually get anything done.
Robert C.
I have had back problems for quite some time now. It just so happens that I had a really bad episode that started a few days before Thanksgiving. I couldn’t sit comfortably; standing was what was most comfy. I couldn’t even hold me 7 mo. Old niece. I was in the ER to get pain shots that temporarily worked and I’m not a fan of pain pills so I didn’t take them. A couple weeks later I received PowerStrips. By day two I felt remarkably better! Still skeptical I waited to place my order. The pain didn't come back and I could sit comfortably and bend down to tie my own shoes. After day three I had ran out, so I ordered more for just in case reasons and for periodic use to keep the inflammation down. I now have a full time desk job, and the patches are ready to go for anytime I start to feel like I am in pain.
Jenn S
Cathy J
I'm really in love with these PowerStrips. I've recently had surgery and have had to hop around using a walker. By day two, my shoulders and my good leg were really in pain due to the extra work to move around. Now, I'm the biggest skeptic I know. That evening I put a PowerStrip on my good leg and had ZERO pain the next day. I am a believer in these. P.S. no more pain pills! You have to give yourself this gift if you suffer any pain daily.Cathy J.
I have used Power Strips every day and I love them. Nobody can see them but I can feel the effects! I had water retention (edema) - too personal for details - gone! Really good sleeps too! Today - about 20 minutes ago I ran upstairs to change my shirt - had my glasses on - pulled a muscle on my left side of the neck trying to save my glasses, I was wearing a strip already but it really hurt. I took a strip out of the package - yellow paper still on - placed it on my sore neck - paper on - rubbed the spot -pain gone - no pain -now - called my husband - amazing result!!! He is a believer too!
Rubina K.
Because of my back pain I was sick for over a year in the night, and I could not turn in bed. I put on a PowerStrip and the next morning, I turned, and no pain. My activity returned to rolling, like a squirrel in a wheel back and forth. My husband was scared of my mobility. But since I felt no pain I DO NOT hurt anything! It's a miracle - the product has worked in just one day! Now, Power Strips will accompany me everywhere and always. I wish you, too, the same wonderful results because it really works! –
I have been using the Power Strips on my stomach for my gallbladder spasms. I wanted to see if I was just having a few pain free days or if it was the strip?? After my second Power Strip was finished I didn't put one on the next day. I had pain the whole day. Today I put it on again and the pain is gone. Not to mention that my muscles haven't ached from doing weights at the gym. Did you order me some yet?? I have one left, and I am stressing!!! How fast can I get them?? They really do work!! Thanks
Colleen C.
I have had extreme difficulty with my left eye. Treatment has included drops that burned my eye, with resultant scarring. I have been blind in that eye for five months now, and in constant pain, requiring Oxycontin, and sleeping pills, just to get some rest. After the doctor assessed me, I applied a strip that evening; the doctor looked into my eye, and said “your eye is looking better”. His colleague also said that my eye was considerably better. The only thing that I had done was to apply a PowerStrip. I have not needed pain pills since I began using the PowerStrips. PowerStrips are amazing. I am glad I will have them for the corneal transplant surgery. Now, I am certain I will see again! Aren’t they amazing? I thank God for the discovery of them. Think of all the people they can help. If I had my old dog still I’d be sticking one her too.
Laurel F.
During a basketball game in 1999, I fell on the floor and hit my right hip. X-Ray results showed that I had "forward displacement". My doctor had me on physical therapy treatment twice a week for 4 months. I resigned from my work as a security guard in 2006 because the pain aggravated. My body felt heaviness, coldness, stinging and pinching sensations. I cannot walk normally. I took medicines and used patches for pain relief, but the pain kept recurring. Last September, I consulted the doctor, who advised me to go for physical therapy twice a week. I did not go through it because I did not have enough money. Last February 9, I attached a Power Strip on my right hip. I felt the Power Strip sucked cold air from my hip through my skin. The stinging and pinching sensations were gone. I can walk normally again. I regained my life. I can now look for a job. I'm amazed and wonder how these happened so fast. With deep gratitude, I thank everyone for Power Strips! –
Jerry B./ Philippines
I’ve had fibromyalgia since 1991 and have had to deal with a lot of pain. I started using the PowerStrips and within 10 minutes I can feel the pain leave my body, it is amazing. Then I got the flu and it works wonders on that as well as old age setting in. Amazing! I have a clear head and the PowerStrip just keeps working. I, like Ron, our CEO of ForeverGreen, wear mine every day as it also perks me up and I have a great day just wearing it. It is an amazing product and I recommend it to everyone and the best part of this is that it is natural and controls all kinds of pain and it’s done herbally, without side effects. I think it is great!
Joy S.
I am loving these strips! I have osteoarthritis in my lower back, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. I received 2 samples so; I put one my one butt cheek where my sciatica pain starts before I went to bed. I had the best deep sleep and woke up in the morning without any muscle pain. I couldn't believe it. The following day I used the other one on my lower back. My chronic pain was so greatly reduced I couldn't believe it. I have only used 3 strips so far and yesterday I was walking all day and no sciatica pain!! Unbelievable!
Thanks Mary-Lou for the samples - I have now ordered my own and will always have these on hand.Holly Reine-Skinner
I have been in excruciating pain for more than 12 years. Everyone was "it can’t be that bad", or "get over it" or "stop your whining". Anyone else get these comments from friends, family AND doctors?
I don't know how many times I was thinking "if I could give you my pain just for a week....let’s see who whines more". "Let’s just see how much I'm faking".
Well I have, like so many others with chronic pain, tried practically everything on the market with little or no help.
My wonderful friend and neighbour, Sheryl, gave this PowerStrip to try out. She said it worked for her, so I decided to try it out. I was very skeptical that this item could do anything except make you itchy at the site like most patches do lol.
Anyway, long story short, THEY WORK, THEY REALLY WORK, oh and did I mention, THEY WORK!!!!!. My hips joints and deltoid joints had so much heat in them that I could feel the heat through my clothes!!!!!
Within approximately 24 hours after using just half of a patch, all the heat was out of my deltoid joints, and most of the heat in my hips joints had gone after about 48 hrs. I can do ALL my chores one after another!!!!!!! Haven't been able to do that for a very long time. I was shocked that my chores only took me about an hour instead of 3-4 hours because the pain would slow me down considerably.
You owe it to yourself to at least try these patches out. They will help you feel what it’s like to pain free!!!!! Novel idea? If you are interested in trying them out please inbox me with details!!!! Don't wait!!! Peace of mind and body has finally arrived!!!!Tammy Carveth
My name is Mary Siew Ping Yap I love the PowerStrips. I had a car accident 5 years ago. My knee, back and shoulders are always painful even I went through all chiropractors, massages, acupunctures. Since I have been using my PowerStrips. My pain rated l0 painful down to 2. It’s had help me through a yoga class ...Yeah,,, feeling relaxed and feeling free. I love my body again.
Mary Siew Ping Yap
My name is Kyle I'm nearly 16 years old. I've been a heart patient since I was born. I wear a pacemaker, and recently underwent surgery again. A lead from my pacemaker to my heart broke. The surgeon, (Dr. Lagerstrom ) had to open a new incision on the left lower right side of my chest. Dr. Lagerstrom had to separate my ribs to insert the new lead. The pain I felt after surgery was unbearable. The pain meds didn't work for me. My dad offered me a PowerStrip which my mom placed on the back of my right shoulder. The PowerStrip not only helped relieve my pain it also helped reduce my fever of 100.5 I love the Power Strip and highly recommend it.
Kyle H.
"I have an old IT band injury that has never gone away from a marathon I did in 2000 (chiro, physio etc. didn't help). I participated in the Scotiabank Half Marathon on June 23rd to personally raise funds for the West Coast Cocker Rescue (I raised ~ $3,200 for them thanks to the donations from my friends and family!), and even after walking it and talking it easy on the 21 km route, about 10 km in it flared up baaaaad. I didn't have any Power Strips on me (duh how dumb of me was that?!?? Lol) but I was in such agony at the end- I thought I was going to have to go straight to the ER, but decided to come home and collect myself, zen out for a minute, and put a Power Strip on. I'm happy to report the pain and inflammation drastically IMPROVED within 24 hours of wearing the PowerStrips and I could actually walk the next day- didn't think I was going to be able to say the day before! Phew! Pretty powerful to me!"
I woke up this morning and my headache completely gone!! Sinuses feel clearer too.
Mary Lou R
I have had migraines since I was a child. They are a rare occurrence for me, but completely take me out for 12+ hours when they hit. I began to notice one come on as I was coming into my house one day. I immediately put a Power Strip on the back of my neck and laid down. What would normally be suffering and soon vomiting, I peacefully fell asleep. I woke up 1 hour later feeling completely fine. I use Power Strips for other minor things, but this completely blew me away!
Amanda S.
My 11 year old daughter experiences migraines due to stress (especially at school). I'm hesitant to give her Tylenol at her age so I was eager to try Power Strips on her. She called me from school having a severe migraine and I rushed down with a strip, rather than Tylenol. She was reluctant to put the strip on her forehead being at school, so I placed one in the middle of her back. Within 10 minutes, she was ready to go back to class. Seriously? These Power Strips work!
Susan J.
Everyone at work was getting sick. I started to feel little sick by feeling air go through my tear ducts and slight nasally, so I put the PowerStrip on, and felt great. No flu for me! Yea!
Denise D.
My Story is amazing to me. I've been suffering with severe back pain (about 7 months) as well as knee joint pain (3 years+) and a friend of mine who knew about these Strips kept mentioning to me how she couldn't wait to get her order of them for me to try. She was with my husband and I for Christmas dinner and saw the pain my back was causing me. I live in a townhouse and the stairs had become the Bain of my existence!
Annette F.
My physician was fairly sure I had Lupus but I had yet to go for a specific blood lab to find out 100%. All I knew was that I was in constant pain; going at least once a week to chiropractor as well as massage therapy. It was costing me a fortune as well!
Finally the PowerStrips came and I was quick to put one on. The next day there was no change.
I was disappointed and told my husband, "Well, I guess they're not going to work for me". My girlfriend encouraged me to keep the Strip on till the next day and, even then, try a second one if need be.
The next morning I sat at my desk for a while and then thought I would try something out. I decided to try and touch my toes (something unable to be done for months and months by this time). I slowly bent over - ever so careful - and to my surprise was not only able to 'touch' my toes but to 'tuck' my fingers underneath of my toes!! I did this over and over; each time with more confidence!
Next was to test my knees. I stood at the top of the stairs and took a deep breath...and ran down the full set and, without stopping, turned around and ran back up! Twice!! After two times I stopped - completely out of breath!! Thing is that that was the only complaint! I was out of breath!!! YeeHaw! My knees were great!
I phoned my husband and cried as I told him the news! I was convinced and have not gone a day without them since. Anyone who knows me is now wanting to know my secret - and I AM sharing - what a Gift!! Thank you FG Xpress - for allowing me to enjoy my days as well as my home again!!
Wow I have just introduced the PowerStrips into my clinic over the past couple of weeks and the results are outstanding. Hara began using the patches last week after stating how exhausted he was feeling, he is a stressed taxi driver. He told me today he has worn 2-3 a day and is amazed at the energy, the vitality he now has. I must say he looked so alive!
Vicki D.
Knee problem in Old Age-My wife Radhika Taneja got pain in her left knee 4-5 years back, a leading Orthopedic surgeon of Jaipur advised her total knee replacement not one but both knees. Since then she was using some pain killers as we didn't opted for replacement.
A fine morning of 5th Feb. I wished Happy Birthday to my Brazilian friend Mr.Leirisson and in return he introduced me with a great product 'Power’, I was so much convinced from his presentation that I placed an order of 30 strips online the same day that I received on 12th afternoon and immediately opened the pack and applied one strip to my wife's left leg near the knee. Next morning she could walk easily without pain. Till now she has applied 3 Strips and feeling far better in her left Knee. Thanks to my friend Letrisson and great product 'POWER STRIP.
I will like that all my friends those are suffering from Pain in any part of their body, they must try one 'POWER STRIP' for immediate relief.Sri K Ceo
I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, a really bad back, anxiety attacks and depression. Sometimes I wonder what else can go wrong! Those are usually the times that something else does happen. It has been a really hard struggle for me the past 7 years. There are days I cannot walk. I cannot do house work, even something as simple as making dinner had become an unbearable pain. Something as simple as taking a shower has to wait until I can stand that long.
I am an admin on a pain site on facebook. We help others dealing with chronic pain and let them know that they are not alone. We often get contacted by various companies asking us to try a sample of their pain relief cream, or drink, or what have you. I am what we like to call the fibro Guinea pig. And if the product works for me I will let the rest of the page know. One day I saw a message from Vince Hughes, asking if we would like to try a sample of these "Power Strips" I thought might as well, I have tried everything else. So I waited, and waited and finally the strips came. I opened up the envelope, looked at the strips and thought "ya ok" I had thrown my back out a few days before, so I put the strip on my lower back, laid down and fell asleep. When I woke up I made my coffee, let the dog out, washed my hair, and did a few other things. I was walking to the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks! I had NO pain. Nothing! I was amazed. After 4 hours of having wearing the Power Strip, my back felt great, there was no pain in my hips, my legs were not aching, I was actually moving around and doing things! I immediately messaged Vince and told him how awesome these things are!
On the second day of wearing them I noticed something else happening. My Libido was coming back. The third day all my chronic pain felt better! Even the whiplash I received on Dec 26, 2012. And the Libido was back full force. So not only has the power strips given me back my life, it had given me back a part of my life that was missing for so long!
During the time I was trying the samples, I did not have to take a single heavy duty pain killer! My mood, anxiety and depression even got better! I am simply amazed and cannot wait to see what happens when I have them on every day for a month!
Thank you FGXpress Power Strips for giving me back my life!Sheryl S.
I have fibromyalgia since 1991 and have had to deal with a lot of pain and I started using the PowerStrips and in 10 minutes you can feel the pain leave your body, it is amazing, then I got the flue and it works wonders on that to and old age setting in and it helps that to. Amazing as I have a clear head and the PowerStrip just keeps working and like Ron our CEO of ForeverGreen, I wear mine every day as it also perks me up and I have a great day just wearing it, it is an amazing product and I recommend it to everyone and the best part of this is that it is natural and controls all kinds of pain and it’s done herbally, without side effects. I think it is great!!!!! So I want to thank Debbie Ward for getting me into FG Xpress, I am so grateful to her...you just got to love people like her.
Joy S.
Judy Ritz
On the weekend with hot weather over here decided against strips in favour of dips on the pool. Thought would see what would happen. Well definitely not right move. Should at least have put one on before going to bed. Benefits of 10+ hours would have been so much better than the anti inflam Mon morning and catch-up nap before work! Have what seems to be sciatica and cannot sleep when kicks in. Have found though the strips (placed lower back) let me sleep even if restless due to current heat but at least aches and pains not there. Mmm maybe the restless sleep is mind alert with power of the PowerStrip ha!
I have had a lower back problem for over 30 years the last few years getting out of bed stooped, after my hot then cold shower I could straighten up but putting on my undies well get the left leg in but right wow it always hurt. I put on my power strip well within 2 minutes I felt a relaxing of the area then went on my daily bicycle ride 20km at the 10km mark I am in pain but I push through it, Well NO pain just power. I put one on the next day, so with just 2 power strips the pain I suffered for 30 years has GONE WOW WOW THANKS
My first experience with the PowerStrips was no benefit. I do not have chronic pain so I was putting the strip between my shoulders. I did get the heating sensation from time to time, but it was not doing anything for me. I am very healthy and active. I do get an irritated muscle here and there from overuse from time to time. Any irritated muscles were not being helped by the power strip. I decided to cut a strip off of the strip and place it directly on the affected area while putting the remainder on my back. This works for me. Putting part of the strip on a swollen bruise also works. This shows there are different ways these strips can be useful. The reason I put any remaining strip on my back is because I hold a lot of tension in my shoulders, and I am hoping this long time condition will gradually release.
Joan M. B
As I read all the testimonials flowing in, I wondered what I would be able to say, as I do not have any pain. (Make no mistake, I have had excruciating, debilitating pain, but the Oils, Puse-8 and FrequenSea dealt with that!)
Just before I received my PowerStrips, I had completed a 5-week TRUessence Essential oils protocol to eliminate a parasite. The parasite had affected the functioning of my eyes --- in that at times, particularly at night, my eyes would not focus, and I would see double --- I had learned at an oils training session a few years ago, that this could happen.
Since wearing the strip, my focus has improved dramatically! Thank goodness! It was really beginning to worry me! The cleaning property --- the Saponins ---of the PowerStrip is really working for me!
I carry a very heavy shoulder bag around with me everywhere I go and it takes a toll. I suffer from dull shoulder pain and tightness almost constantly. On top of that, I moved some furniture around Saturday and hurt my already sore shoulder. I had just received my first package of PowerStrips so I put one directly on top of my right shoulder blade. To my surprise and delight, within about 14 hours my pain level went from a 5 to about a 1. I was able to move my arm without grimacing or making "ouch" noises. Plus, the sore throat and sniffles I had started with a couple days beforehand was completely gone as well!!! TRULY REMARKABLE. I put a new PowerStrip on today. Thank you ForeverGreen for yet another marvelous product!!!
Sandi King
Be aware while using your "PowerStrips". Sometimes it is effective in ways we don't even realize. I took a trip to Fla. last Fri wearing a PowerStrip and drove 10 hours with only a few 10 min. stops to use the rest room. My driving foot hurt a little but I got through it. On the way home, however, I did not have a PowerStrip on and my sciatic nerve down to my hip & leg were in a lot of pain after about 4 hours into the trip. My sciatic nerve always hurts whenever I drive even a couple of hours. I didn't realize until days later that the whole 10 hour trip there it didn't bother me once. I say this power stip has a new group of people to benefit from it, truck drivers! Truly amazing! Also, I gave one for my niece to try who has restless leg syndrome. She said for the first time in a while she was not in pain.
LOVE PATCH give me the LOVE PATCH... The PowerStrip from FG Xpress now has the word 'Love" printed on it in every language. When you feel the heat of the strip from the trans dermal wave technology that is built in... you know it is working. Korean Red Ginseng in a proprietary blend for almost instant pain relief. Exclusive, Patented, One of a kind, Category Creator, AND Residual Income Creator. Health and Wealth if you so choose. Gosh I love my life... Creating a Team of Family Centered Integrity Driven People, Ordinary People like you and me, Leaving and enjoying a legacy with our children and grandchildren... So Blessed. You can create the life you want. Now is the time to bring this to the world... Yes truly Global Opportunity, shipping to every address on the planet day one. Anyone can do it... Have you tried your Love Patch yet... oh I mean Power Strip! What do you think Ron Williams shall we give them the nick name "Love Patch", I heard you mention something else about Love, that they can find out from the website, or better yet, by ordering some and trying them out themselves. Thank you for this amazing opportunity to create a Team of Love!
Cindy L.
Just received our PowerStrips 2 days ago and already both my husband Richard & I have noticed amazing improvements. Firstly, my husband suffers from a severe case of kidney stones. They are very large and cause him great agony at times. Treatment is pending by the end of this month but in the meantime he has to take more pain meds than he ever anticipated, is up at night because he can't get comfortable & experiences massive swelling all around his abdomen. Since using the strips which I placed right on that right kidney the first time, he did not take any pain med at all and there was no swelling. The second strip was placed on the spine between both kidneys. He has been pain free for these 2 days, no swelling and he feels much better, sleeping sounder & of course not being awakened with pain. This is amazing and we love the strips!!!
Sue C.
Loving the PowerStrips....
"I have had hip pain for years when I walk for a long period of time my hip starts hurting to the point that I'm limping it is something I have just lived with. This Saturday Morning I received my PowerStrips and knew my wife was dragging me to the mall in Miami so I put a PowerStrips on
my hip, went to the mall and after walking 5 hours I had no pain! Seems way too good to be true... can't explain it, all I can say is the PowerStrips Rock!!!!"Vince H.
“I had breast surgery over a year ago and ever since then I have had some numbness –lack of sensation- in several areas. I knew going into surgery that this was a common occurrence, due to this kind of procedure. Since placing the PowerStrips near the incision scar- I am noticing feeling returning. In addition, the scar tissue in the area of the incision seems to be smoother. I’ll keep you posted.”
I suffer from back pain and leg pain I received my FGXpress strips last Tues. I have had NO pain or any pain medications since then. I lived on pain meds. Day and night. I kept waking up the first night thinking pain? Nope none! Thank you FGXpress! Debbie
H. F.
My parents love the PowerStrips! I sent them a few samples, as my father has been suffering from very stiff shoulders lately, and my mother has had pinched nerve on her back - she's had multiple surgeries. My father used the PowerStrip on his shoulders, and it immediately started warming up and the pain melting away. My mother put it on her back on the day it was very sore and the next morning she felt much better. I'm placing their order now.
Ellie Y.
I am sleeping better. I am now able to fall asleep and stay asleep. If I wake up to go to the BR I can fall right back to sleep. This is a struggle I have had for years. I am almost afraid I might jinx myself by telling everyone but if the strips can help you sleep then go for it. They have for me. I am a nicer person and as any sleep deprived person knows this is like the best.
Dee K.
I am so relieved! The PowerStrips have allowed me to take longer walks, prune trees, bathe & brush my dogs, etc.,etc. Without having the usual discomfort in my weak lower back. Now I can benefit from the increased energy & not worry about doing the things I love. Mindful that my weak back involves caring for my kidneys...so appreciate this whole body approach. I am so thrilled that a delivery system has been created for amazing ginseng...I can taste it, so I know it is being absorbed. A remarkable breakthrough! Gratefully wearing & sharing them every day!
Leslie R.
I just wanted to share my own experience with the PowerStrips. I slipped last week (during that horrible Ice Storm) and bruised my tailbone. I have not been able to sit comfortably or had a full night sleep since. Yesterday I put on a PowerStrip and last night was my first 8 hours sleep. Such an amazing product!
Melissa B.
The PowerStrips are great. I broke my foot a few months ago and the Power Strips have taken way the pain so I can walk again. My son (big fan of FG products) is 12 and he has 'growing pains' (a big boy and a football player...) so there are always jarred muscles and pain... the Power Strips work:) Thanks!"
Robbi C
Our friend Tony sent this email today from HIM friend, re. The power strips!
Good morning Tony, I just wanted to touch base with you concerning the PowerStrip sample you gave me recently. I have an issue with pain in my upper right leg so I applied a patch to my lower back where the pain originates. I know this is gonna sound crazy but the pain subsided after 1 hour by 50%! It reduced the pain enough so I felt more comfortable stretching it out to help it even further. That was great, but not the end of my story. I also felt energized along with a feeling of clarity which was a totally unexpected but welcome benefit of this amazing product. I will be ordering more of these PowerStrips and adding them to my arsenal. One more thing, last night I slept all the way through till morning without waking up once! That by itself is a miracle!
I used the strips for a full day was amazed at the relief of pain I noticed. Having Parkinson's disease sleep doesn't come easy but that was another great experience I had a full six hours of sleep. I normally sleep two to four hours a night.
Sue S.
I have a fantastic testimonial for you all! I had an inguinal hernia surgery on the left side this last Friday, April 19th. This is a hernia on the left side of the pubic bone and if any of you have had hernia surgery you know how painful they are. I was in tremendous pain after the surgery and was kept in recovery a couple hours longer than usual. My pain was very high and my oxygen levels were very low. I received pain medicine in the IV, then 2 Hydrocodone. Waited for that to help and it didn't, so they gave me another shot of the IV medicine. I was still in a good amount of pain, but my oxygen levels got better so they released me. We then drove 3 hours home. I took 2 more Hydrocodone's when I got home, put on a power strip and went to sleep. I slept 3 hours and woke up in extreme pain, but I had to wait another hour to take more pain medicine. I waited the hour, took the pain medicine, put on a 2nd power strip and went back to sleep. I would say the pain level was an 8 when I put on the 2nd power strip. I woke up 4 hours later and had no pain! I went from pain level of 8 to 0 in 4 hours! I was so happy! I didn't have to take pain medicine for another 8 hours and had been up walking around that first morning home before I took anymore medicine. I have still been taking the pain medicine, but I would not be doing as well as I am if it weren't for the amazing power strips! I have gone 6 to 8 hours in between in taking my pain medicine! I've been able to be up and walking around, we even had Senior Prom Dinner here the night after my surgery for my daughter, her date and 2 other couples. That's crazy, but everyone had a great time, great food and lots of fun! And it's all because of the power strips!!! I knew they were going to help, but didn't know it would be this incredible! I will be calling every surgeon I can find to tell them about FG Xpress!
Just a testimonial here! I ordered these as well, I want to get busy selling them, but I had a shoulder/neck injury from Jan. 2012. NOTHING helped! I took Aleve and used Tiger Balm, volataren, traumeel and nothing helped much. Settled down spasming, but always pain. I had to give up the pushups I have done almost daily for MANY years. I put a patch on my shoulder and I felt the tingling and the pain seemed to decrease immediately. In 2 days I felt the best I had felt since Jan. So then the real test. Pushups. I did my normal 40 and the pain came back. I put on another PowerStrip and again waited 2 days and felt great and tried again. It has been about 2 months now and my pain which was always 70% and with pushups, 100% has gone to just 5% whether I do pushups or not! Meaning I feel just a slight discomfort but I can DO my pushups again without all the spasming and pain all up and down my right neck and shoulder blade area. I am beyond thrilled!! I need to get more and perhaps I can get that last 5% to go away too. I am in complete awe!
A couple of weeks ago I injured my lower back. It was an old injury and every now and then it flares up. After extensive traveling and a lot of pain, I was presented with a PowerStrip. I put on the PowerStrip in the area of the pain, and literally immediately the pain started subsiding. Anyone who has suffered from sciatica or lower back pain knows how extreme that can be. To be relieved of that pain is extraordinary. It’s truly amazing!
Marilyn Stewart
"I also have MS, I started on the PowerStrip 2 weeks ago and within 1/2 hour the burning pain in my back subsided, by the next morning, the feeling had come back into my legs which have been asleep sort of for the past 10 years from the MS. I now have most of the feeling back in my whole body, good feeling, and the pain in my back from osteoarthritis is almost gone, except when I abuse it. More energy and a number of other small things are happening. If I keep this up, I will feel like a teenager soon!!! Love it."
Fran R.
"My husband took a statin drug for his cholesterol. It helped his cholesterol but unfortunately crippled his legs. He walked like he was riding a horse for months due to the pain he had every day and the stiffness. We used the PowerStrips on him and in less than a day he was walking better. He is a new person and can do so many things he could not do before due to the strips. He is 70 years old and walking better than he did when he was 55. What a great product."
Nancy B.
Someone just received her PowerStrips in the mail and is VERY excited! I can't wait for her to experience all the health and wellness benefits of the amazing ingredients and kick that fatigue straight to the curb!!!!!!!!!
"Okay...they're here!!! My strips arrived in the mail yesterday and I began last night....I cannot tell you how excited I am to get started. For the last two weeks, I have had incredibly low energy, so as ironic as it sounds, I wanted to start them in a low state so that I could fully experience the effects. I have been reading so many amazing testimonials that I can't wait to have my own story of success and abundant health....Here I go!!! ".
Here's a testimonial from one of my clients who decided she was sick and tired of "accepting" her chronic pain and the pain meds and how they were affecting her life. She decided to take charge and CHANGE IT!
Check out more on the AMAZING, all natural, holistic, drug free, chemical free ingredients found in the PowerStrips!
"Well I don't even know where to start! Ok 15 years ago I had my first lower back surgery... then six months later I had another and the two years after that another.... I have so much nerve damage and degenerative discs problems now. On top of that two years ago I found out I have three herniated discs in my upper back and neck so I’m in pain 24/7! Not Fun!! Plus I have four children so I'm running to hockey all winter with two and baseball most of the summer and I do a lot on my own because my husband works shift work four hours away... doing it all in pain and on pain meds is a daily struggle. I've tried everything out there- massages, chiropractors... been to Dr. after Dr. with no relief but the harsh meds that made me tired and I hated that. I was introduced to the power strips by Amie....and it's only been a few days now and what a huge relief!!!! I wear one on my lower back and one on my neck.... and yesterday I added a half a strip to my shoulder within 15-20 min my shoulder was completely pain free.... it's soooo amazing!! And when my pain in my back was always at a 9-10, now I'm at a manageable 3-4 so to me this is a HUGE relief. And I use to get headaches all the time... and since starting with the strips I haven't had a headache! I've got so much energy it's CRAZYYY! I love working in my yard but could only do a little at a time or the next morning I couldn't hardly walk or move for that matter. I would get kids up for school then go back to lay down, because the pain was so bad. I swear most days I felt like I was 90! But yesterday I was outside when the kids got on the bus, and worked all day planting flowers and stuff and woke up this morning feeling amazing. I could walk normal, I didn't feel 90 LOL! It's an awesome feeling. I'm hoping that with more time wearing the strips I will only get better and I’m hoping to be able to get off all pain meds that's my goal anyhow!! So thanks to Amie I'm on the way to being pain free and I'm getting my life back!!!! That's my story and I hope I have more positive stories in the future!! Thank God for FGX !! What a Great Feeling!!
I can't Thank Amie enough”.
To say that FGX PowerStrips are ONLY for pain relief is to greatly understate their other far- reaching HOLISTIC health benefits.
Although they are AMAZING for relieving chronic pain, the synergistic blend of Korean Red Ginseng, Magnesium, Potassium, Germanium, Silver and Marine Phytoplankton that is absorbed into the body via the transdermal strip provide healing, holistic, nutritional support to the cells. This results in **better sleep, mental clarity, more energy, less tension and stress, reduced inflammation, stabilized blood sugar, strengthened immune system, detox**. It is proving to be extremely effective for pain of all kinds. (Arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, pain and more.)
Throw away the pharmaceuticals (wouldn't it be great to not have to depend on prescriptions or drugs from your doctor?) and all the bottles of vitamins! PowerStrips are YOUR future of HEALTH.
I just received my first verbal testimonial from the samples I've been handing out. A co-worker, who suffers from chronic back pain put a PowerStrip on yesterday when the pain had become unbearable. She said that within 45 min. she was able to get up and start doing things again... She was amazed! She is going to post her testimonial to FB later today...
Cathy M.
My wrist is very stiff with arthritis....Using the PowerStrips loosened my wrist up and reduced my pain by about half....much easier to work out.
Arden sent before and after pics of a huge scar she had as a result of a fall. She writes “This is my right arm which received 16 stitches when I slipped & scraped the skin on a towel rack. Photo taken after stitches removed two weeks after injury. I wore the PowerStrips, felt no pain & healed quickly. And again thank God for our PowerStrips! I healed quickly with no pain! Very grateful!!” Her pictures were substantial!!!!
Bob had pain in his left knee which was so bad that when we were walking the dogs, he had to turn around and go home. When I got back home, around 7pm I put a full PowerStrip behind his left knee. About 1/2 hour later he reported the pain had gone down significantly…and today it is GONE! Brooke
This has been an issue for quite some time, but it got so bad that he was limping… because he does not talk about what is happening with him.Brooke P.
Prior to using PowerStrips, and I was experiencing many menopausal symptoms, and had been for many years. These included moodiness, sleep disturbances, fogginess in the head from lack of sleep, and a sense of feeling overwhelmed some days. I am a Registered Nurse who knew that there were valid reasons to not seek hormonal medications. After a few bouts of quite severe flu and bronchitis, I knew that lack of sleep was likely the cause of becoming sick more often than usual. Since I have become a regular user of the PowerStrips, my sleep quality has increased phenomenally, I think clearly, and on a daily basis feel an inner calm, that allows me to tend to any situation with a feeling of power. In the last 5 months, I have not had any colds or even a sniffle. Power to the Strips!!!!!!"
"I love the PowerStrips. I had a car accident 5 years ago. My knee, upper back and shoulders are always painful even though I go to chiropractors, massages therapists and acupuncturists. Since I have been using my PowerStrips my pain has dropped from a l0 (painful) down to 2. I am now able to work out again and feel like I got my life back. The pain subsided quickly and I continue to use them daily for the many other health benefits! Yeah.. I love my body again. Give the PowerStrips a try- no matter what pain you are experiencing I am confident it will help you."
James L.
Feedback from my menopausal clients is that they love placing it on their abdomen. One of the many beauties of the Power Strips is that every single person can experiment to find their "magic spot". It is so customizable and personalization-able!
Oh. My. Goodness!! Remember my testimony about how the PowerStrips have been helping to improve my athletic performance? Well, after running 4 miles today and playing a couple of people in racquetball I just had a match (racquetball) with a guy that I usually can only get 1 point against if I'm lucky. He won the game BUT I scored 9 points against him!!! That's huge! I think he was even a bit shocked LOL Debbie N.
In response to Arden’s testimonial on how the PowerStrips helped her 16 stitch incision heal quickly and no pain…..
“Same with my shoulder replacement 7 weeks ago. No pain pills, 24 staples, no redness and today, very little sign of 6 inch incision! Amazing!!”Sally B.
Well said Joy! When I hear about people who are living with chronic pain who are OPEN to trying one more new thing to see if it will help and then GETTING RELIEF quickly it just makes this journey so much more rewarding. My ex lived with chronic pain and cluster headaches and tried all of the "western" medicine, shots of cortisone, shots of demeral, daily painkillers that just wreck your insides and leave you with no emotion or feeling. It's so so so sad. I have tried to reach out to him, but he's one of those people who has "given up" on himself because nothing has worked. I just hope that people who aren't able to enjoy a good quality of live don't give up and try the Power Strips, because when I hear someone like Bob who said within AN HOUR he was feeling no pain and could walk after years of not walking, it's truly truly a blessing to be shared. So glad I could join your call today!!
Wow, thanks for sharing Amie!!! Here's something about sugar & chip cravings going away, weight loss, energy, aches/pains............. Another heartwarming story just in from a HAPPY and EXCITED Power Strips user!! The first time she wore the PowerStrip, she reported feeling "10 years younger" the next morning AND her aching shoulder was so much better. NOW after wearing her strips faithfully for the past 4 months or so, here's what she said: "My sugar craving is GONE! I've lost 17 lbs. and have NO aches and pains anymore. I have energy and my mental state is so much better. I feel so much better than I did before and, yes, feel much younger. My husband notices a huge difference if he DOESN'T wear his and his gross, dry, rough elbows are completely cleared up! I know I will never be without my Power Strips"
Brenda D.
**MENOPAUSE** and the joyous **HOT FLASHES**
Not a fun subject to talk about, but this is a REAL LIFE HELL for most women. If we look around our circle of friends and family, we all know someone who is currently going through menopause, or is about to, or who knows of someone who is. The stories of suffering and frustration aren't pretty! The hormonal changes, shifts and chaos a woman's body, mind and soul experiences is unimagineable. I have yet to talk to a woman who is going through menopause who isn't suffering in one way or another. So many suffer and are at their wits' end because they don't know what to do, don't know where to turn and have exhausted all efforts.
See below for some testimonials on how the Power Strips have been a blessing to so many women! ..................................... "I found a solution to my HOT Flashes and it is called PowerStrips! I recall in my 40’s I actually looked forward to menopause. Why? … Because I was someone who was always cold. I remember saying at least when I go through menopause I’ll be warm. What a joke! Well, as every woman who has experienced HOT FLASHES can tell you….it is not a warm, fuzzy experience. Hot flashes come when you least expect them and is very inconvenient…and uncomfortable. Since experiencing menopause I have had to dress in layers and also sleep with a fan blowing cool area on my body.
I began using the Power Strips for shoulder pain and a ‘frozen shoulder’. I placed a PowerStrip on my right shoulder before bed and it worked immediately. How I know is because I was able to sleep ON my stomach comfortably for the first time in over a year and slept without pain. I have continued to use the PowerStrips for other benefits that they offer and just realized today, after reading of a woman’s testimonial on them working for her HOT FLASHES that MY menopause symptoms and hot flashes are almost non-existent now. WOW, this is something exciting in my life and worth sharing!"
Joy E.
“I am totally amazed at the results I’m getting! I usually have difficulty sleeping because of my back. For the past two nights now I have had the best sleep. No hot flashes waking me up. I can’t say enough.”
Celine B.
I just tried my first PowewrStrip because I couldn't sleep last night I had so much neck pain, and could barely move this morning! I'm hooked I'm a believer!
Ann R.
“I work up the other morning and had a stiff join in one of my fingers. Crazy, I began thinking it may be what people talk about when mentioning arthritis. I took a skinny “strip” of PowerStrip, the size of the smallest Band-Aid and applied it on the area. Within a couple of hours I removed the PowerStrip and the finger and was pain-free and able to bend it completely with no limitations. This is exciting for those who truly do suffer from pain in their joints.”
“I started using the PowerStrips in January for my lower back pain and had results by the 2nd PowerStrip and that was great. However it took a bit longer for me to recognize more benefits. I still work physically (by the way I am 77 years young). I do not have the aches from a longer day’s work, and I have more strength and flexibility and my wrists do not zap or ache like they did before. LOVE LOVE the PowerStrips. Thank you, Ron and FG Xpress.
Vicky K.
“I had a nagging sinus headache all day yesterday that wasn’t going away and I hate taking pain meds so last night before going to bed I thought “what the heck”. I cut a piece off of one of my PowerStrips and put it right on my forehead. Woke up this morning- headache completely gone!! Sinuses feel clearer too. I love trying different things with the PowerStrips.”
Mary Lou R.
“The medical problem I have and to which I’m applying the FG Xpress PowerStrips is an osteopenia right foot, particularly the ankle. My bone density began to decrease starting with chemotherapy treatments for breast cancer and became more pronounced after taking a drug called Arimidex, prescribed to help prevent cancer’s rude return. Unfortunately, I had a fall and injured my right foot. This injury would not heal due to the osteopenia. I was told it was now part of the disease I experience severe cramping and locking in this foot and ankle on a regular basis making it difficult to walk or apply any pressure to. Since I’ve starting applying the FG Xpress PowerStrips to my injured ankle and foot, I’ve noticed a remarkable improvement. I’m in a whole less pain. My foot isn’t cramping and locking up nearly as much and if it does a new PowerStrip takes it out rather quickly. I’ve been trudging around in a lot of snow this winter in Alberta, Canada, so I’m sure you can imagine just how happy I am to have the PowerStrips! I plan to keep using them daily and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to promote them to others in need of pain relief alone with the other health effects.”
Dara R.
“The PowerStrips are great. I broke my foot a few months ago and the PowerStrips have taken way the pain so I can walk again. My son (big fan of FG products) is 12 and he has growing pains so there are always jarred muscles and pain….the PowerStrips work!
Robbi C
“I have been on a journey of improving my health through nutrition. I am observing that the PowerStrips are taking me to a higher level than previously experienced. One of the benefits I noticed from the PowerStrips is augmented vitality as I often feel I have more energy. This is very helpful as I am now performing my tasks more efficiently at work and at home. The most important benefits I experienced are cognitive. I often feel calmer while at the same time my mental clarity has increased.”
Ken S.
My husband Richard finally had the surgery to remove the large and many kidney stones he had been suffering from for years. The PowerStrips were amazing in reducing his pain and abdominal swelling prior to the surgery and no meds were required that whole time (2 months). Well, the first thing I did when I got him back from the hospital was to put a strip on his back next to the surgical site. One week after surgery, today, no swelling, bruising gone, no redness at the site, urine cleared up (no blood in urine) inflammation gone, no pain med for the last 24 hours! I am convinced that healing would have taken much longer without the strips and wouldn’t want to know what he would have suffered prior to surgery without them! Amazing, simply Amazing!
Sue C.
I had a hip replaced two months ago. The narcotic pain medications that I was taking had many undesirable side effects, including lethargy, nausea, and a general absence of my normal, enthusiastic self. Four weeks after the surgery I was staring to cut back on the prescription and take some over-the-counter pain meds. Those did help, but the pain was not controlled as well, plus the side effects were still there, to a lesser degree. A good friend of mine told me about PowerStrips, and I could hardly wait for my order to arrive. From the very first day of using the PowerStrips, I was able to completely stop the narcotics, and within a couple more days, I found that the over-the- counter meds were not necessary. More importantly, my energy, enthusiasm, and general love of life has returned- even more than I felt before surgery. I am so grateful to have the PowerStrips-they truly have given me my life back.
Italo E.
Yesterday morning I had an accident. I could not move for more than half an hour with pain like sciatica. Finally I could move with difficulty and pain, I put one PowerStrip in an area of the pain and in a little while I felt much better. I could move slowly with less pain, and two hours after I could walk much better and I could take a taxi. I spent all the day with very little pain and I slept very well. I woke up at 6 am without pain, I took a hot shower and I put another PowerStrip in the same place, now I can go to the second floor without difficulty and make movements without pain. I’m in a very good mood and with a lot of energy…. Thanks FG Xpress what a relief! Those PowerStrips really work
Pedro A.
My husband had back surgery a year ago. I didn’t go as planned and has yet to go back to work. Within 2 weeks of wearing the PowerStrips he felt like he had lost 5 pounds of inflammation. We travel to a city 2 hours away every 2 weeks to see a myophasia therapist and he couldn’t believe the difference! The pain has been reduced dramatically and we are now foreseeing his return to work in the near future. I can’t tell you how blessed I feel that these were shared with us. As for myself the energy I feel is awesome. It’s more of just a general feeling of well-being! It’s hard to describe. I must say they have drastically changed our lives for the better! They have been an answer to prayer. I just can’t even tell you how excited I am.
Teresa B.
I have a 6 year old Bichon Shih Tzu who has had eczema like symptoms where she will chew herself raw from the itch. Jaycee has been like this for the last 5 years. I have tried everything under the sun to help her. Nothing has work3d completely until Tuesday night. I washed Jaycee and dried her off and then put a half sized PowerStrip on her where she had scratched herself raw. I wrapped her with a tensor bandage hoping that it would stay on as we were going to bed. In the morning I checked to see if it was still on and it was. Jaycee seemed very relaxed. There was no scratching all the next day and the strip remained on. This is a first. She scratched under her chin today a couple of times and that was it. She is calmer but also has a lot more energy and is more interested in playing. Once again, she is very calm and I feel the PowerStrips have helped her tremendously. I am so happy to finally have a relief for my little dog as she has been plagued all her life with this.
Joan M.
My experience with the PowerStrips has been a huge success in many areas! Over 2 yrs. ago I developed a frozen shoulder with elbow tendinitis in my right arm from a prolonged poor computer mouse usage at a kitchen table. I could barely use my right arm for months due to pain and weakness. The aching woke me up at night and I had to hold my arm really close to my body and not use it. I cried from the pain while trying to wash my hair. The physiotherapist said I may need surgery to scrape some bone and I thought to myself, there is no way I am going down that road…. I started using the PowerStrips on Feb. 13 directly on the shoulder muscles. I kept the strips on that area for 2 days in a row. The aching persisted and was even a little worse I was also noticing feeling tired and fatigued with no energy. I’m sharing this because I heard someone else say that not everyone will have instant results. I didn’t want to give up on the PowerStrips though so I decided to try ½ strip on a different part of my body. To my surprise, my shoulder started improving considerable. Four days later, I noticed that the pain had decreased by 80% and my range of motion had increased by 60%. Six days later, I was playing with my nephew who is four and I found myself able to lift him and catch him jumping off a trampoline.. I was so happy because I haven’t had that kind of strength in my arm for over 2 years. I suspected that the strips were creating a healing response, which was causing the fatigue and low energy. Again, I didn’t want to give up though because I was seeing amazing results with my shoulder.
I contacted the person who introduced me to the PowerStrips and she advised me to put the PowerStrips on larger muscles for more gradual absorption. That made a big difference and I can now easily use a full PowerStrip. After a few more days my body felt stronger and I’ve been able to put the PowerStrips anywhere without any fatigue. I feel that I’m rebuilding my body on many levels. My shoulder keeps getting better and stronger even though the PowerStrips are on a different part of my body. At first it was like little things like being able to pull a sweater over my head with both arms without shooting pain in that shoulder. That made my day! It’s not just my shoulder that’s rebuilding though. I also feel as though I’m rebuilding/replenishing my whole body. I have great difficulty sleeping through the night. I typically wake up between 2 and 4 am and stay awake for hours. This really disrupts my life. With the PowerStrips I can sleep straight through the night and wake up feeling refreshed and rested. Last week I woke up with a sore throat which is a sure sign that I am starting to get a cold that usually puts me out for 2 weeks. By the afternoon I was feeling the flu symptoms coming on. I realized I had forgot to put on a PowerStrip so I put one on and within 2 hours my energy was back and my sore throat went away. I am sure I’ll be seeing other miracles with my health over time but these experiences are enough to convince me that the PowerStrips work.Francine B.
My wife and me use PowerStrips and put one on every 3rd day for Pain relief, energy and metabolism. We both love putting on PowerStrips and feeling energetic every time.
Sri C.
During a basketball game in 1999 I fell on the floor and hit my right hip. X-ray results showed that I have “forward displacement”. My doctor had me on a physical therapy treatment twice a week for 4 months. I resigned from my work as a security guard in 2006 because the pain aggravated. My body felt heaviness, coldness, stinging and pinching sensations. I cannot normally walk normally. I took medicines and used patches for pain relief, but the pain kept recurring. Last Sept. I consulted the doctor who advised me to go for physical therapy 2 week. I did not go through it because I didn’t have enough money. Last Feb. 9th I attached a PowerStrip on my right hip. I felt the PowerStrip sucked cold air from my hip through my skin. The stinging and pinching sensations were gone. I can walk normally again. I regained my life. I can now look for a job. I’, amazed and wonder how these PowerStrips worked so fast. With deep gratitude I thank everyone for PowerStrips.
Jerry B. (Philippines)
In Feb. my 78 year old friend was confined for 4 days in the hospital, because she was suffering from severe pain in her bones, back and spinal column. She cannot sleep. The pain killer medicines prescribed by the doctor did not have any effect on her. We attached one PowerStrip on her back. In one day her condition improved significantly. We attached another PowerStrip on her second day. To our surprise, she can now run to bathroom when needed. With conviction, she now recommends the PowerStrips to her friends and relatives.
Abel C.
I have been in excruciating pain for more than 12 years. Everyone was “it can’t be that bad, or get over it! or stop whining”. I have had chronic pain for a long time and tried practically everything on the market with little or no help. My wonderful friend and neighbor gave me the PowerStrip to try out. She said it worked for her so I decided to try it. I was very skeptical that this item could do anything except make me itchy like other patches but was pleasantly surprised. They work, they really work! My hip joints and deltoid joints had so much heat in them that I could feel the heat through my clothes. Within approximately 24 hours after using just ½ PowerStrip all the heat was out of my deltoid joints, and most of the heat in my hip joints had gone after about 48 hours. I can do ALL my chores one after another! I haven’t been able to do that for a very long time. I was shocked that my chores only took me an hour rather than 3-4 hours. You owe it to yourself to try these out. They will help you feel what its like to be pain free!
Tammy C.
I love the PowerStrips. I had a car accident 5 years ago. My knee, back and shoulders are always painful even though I went to chiropractors, massage therapists, and acupuncturists. Since I have been using the PowerStrips my pain went from a painful 10 down to a 2. I am now feeling relaxed and feeling free. I love my body again and can’t wait to be completely pain free- which I believe I will be someday soon.
Mary P.
My friend put a PowerStrip on her leg near her knee to relieve her pain. It was magical, her pain went away within an hour! Magical!
Radhika T.
Is sexual arousal a common side effect of using the PowerStrips? Holy Moly, Geez Louise….. I wore them for a few days straight. They don’t heat up on me, they did diminish my shoulder pain AND they really intensifies my sexual arousal. Is it the blood flow?
I sprained my ankle and it was swollen and discolored. I applied a PowerStrip to my thigh on the same side as the sprain. Within a few minutes the pain was gone. I then went to bed. When I work in the morning I carefully rotated my ankle. There still was no pain. The discoloration and swelling were gone. My ankle was back to normal so much so that I was able to put on my dress boots again and went to work. How exciting.
Ros M.
Although I don’t have specific pain I do have general stiffness, lack of mobility and sometimes cramping in my legs and arches at night. Well, all of the above are gone! I have so much more mobility I am very impressed. I had fallen off a horse when I was 17 years old and injured my cervical vertebrae. Since then, over time my neck became more and more tense, shoulders tense, with loss of mobility in my arms. This is gone completely! I wear a PowerStrip every day and night changing every two days. I feel more energetic, more alert, and more mobile.
Sue C.
I’ve been sick in bed for the last week. You would think that all of this tossing and turning would make me feel like sore but NO WAY… I slapped a PowerStrip on my thigh and boom, I’m whole again. No wonder it says love all over it….I love these PowerStrips!
Ashley C
Did you know that our PowerStrips help relieve the pain from people with shingles??? Very exciting!
Tom C.
I want to share my results when I applied PowerStrips. In my youth I engaged in professional dancing, but stopped abruptly when small blood vessels on the thighs became visible. I received my PowerStrips and decided to see how they would work. After 2 days I removed the PowerStrip and was impressed with the result. My blood vessels are barely distinguishable. I will continue to use the PowerStrips.
Because of my back pain I was sick for over a year and could not turn in bed. I put on a PowerStrip and the next morning, I turned and NO PAIN. My activity has resumed and the product worked in just one day. I won’t be without them!
"I've had horrible allergies for years even pills don't make them go away completely, since using the Power Strips my eyes haven't been as itchy and I can breathe. I mowed the lawn the other day which is normally a death sentence for me and was only sneezing after!"
Rachael D
I feel a little uncomfortable sharing such a review. But nevertheless, I decided to do it. PowerStrips are incredible influential on impotence. I have used 5 or 6 PowerStrips and I also have more energy and sleep better but the most exciting of all is an increase in my libido and quality of “blood flow” to certain body parts.
I was in a serious car accident back in 2007 sustaining many injuries, including brain injury. My dear friend Joy recently shared the PowerStrips. They have certainly been helping with my energy level, and the pain has decreased somewhat with my knees, though it isn’t gone yet. I stick them on with additional bandages to keep them on my knees, but I’ll also try your suggestion to try them under the knees too…....
I have the occasional back ache, pulled muscles and pain. I had another pain the evening I received my PowerStrips. I put one on and I waited impatiently. With my watch in hand I started watching to see if I would feel a sensation or something. A few minutes later my family came into the room and the noise and hubbub of children distracted me. After 20 minutes I saw the clock on the table and noticed 20 min. had passed and I no longer had pain. I’ve also noticed improved sleep. It turns out that my fatigue and sleepiness is removed and I have a lot more energy. I wear PowerStrips almost every day.
I personally started wearing the PowerStrips a few weeks ago…for me I have felt literally on fire. I am able to test the results through a Bio-impedance program I use. I have reduced fat, increased my intracellular water, with a marked increase in my cellular health. Vicki
For the past two days I was in so much pain, my coworker called out sick so I had to double up on the routes. I had a hard time walking the pain was so bad! My co-worker Cathy Mangan Chamberlain gave me a FGXPRESS POWERSTRIP. She put it on for me, I went back out to finish my route in a half hour I was PAIN FREE. I stayed pain free the rest of the day….and today is day 2 and I REMAIN pain-free! Who would of thought?
Robyn M.
"The other day we had a massive workout lifting too heavy of weight. Today my arms were inflamed and in pain and I literally could not straighten my arm. I took 2 small "strips" of the PowerStrip and within 1 minute s (yes 60 seconds) I could straighten my arm! Wow, very impressive."
Dave D.
I had tremendous results on the second strips I got from Tony! My hip and wrist from surgeries were totally relieved! This really works. As you know and have been kind of enough to keep me in the loop!
John R.
I love the new Power Strips my friends introduced me to. All natural topical PowerStrip.
For me they have helped my shoulders to heal. I have been to Physical Therapy, Doctors etc. since last August. I was a bit skeptical but liked the ingredients. What a pleasant surprise when they worked to relieve the stuck muscles and resulting pain...
Within two hours I felt relief.Karen C.
"OUCH! Yesterday I did a Yoga Barre class. Today- my biceps, triceps and shoulders are KILLING ME! I love the feeling of being sore after a workout, but today I've got too much to do to be annoyed with the pain AND I want to recover quickly and have my muscles and cells regenerate, renew, rebuild and re-energize so I can do another class on Monday. So.. I've stripped up with my Power Strips and I'm ready to GO GO GO!
AND because the Power Strips are a topical strip... the amazing ingredients are delivered ALL throughout my body, 24/7. So- even though I'm wearing it up near my sore biceps, shoulders and triceps... my tight and sore quads are still getting the benefits too. Talk about ONE STOP SHOP for pain relief, hey?!?!?!? It's no wonder the Power Strips are on the FDA's Medical Device List as a Class 1 medical device useful as a pain relief product!!!!"Amie
Another great testimonial from Amie's client who has experienced SO MANY benefits from the Power Strips... including relief for her pain associated with migraines. She has suffered previously in many areas with her body and health, but NOW with the PowerStrips... she is now experiencing ALL the other Power Strips benefits, along with PAIN RELIEF!..............
I wear a PowerStrip on my lower back and one on my neck, and yesterday I added a half a strip to my shoulder. Within 15-20 min my shoulder was completely pain free... it's soooo amazing!! And my pain in my back was always at a 9-10, now I'm at a manageable 3-4 so to me this is a HUGE relief.
And I use to get headaches all the time, and since starting with the strips I haven't had a headache! I've got so much energy it's CRAZYYY! I love working in my yard but could only do a little at a time or the next morning I couldn't hardly walk or move for that matter. I would get
kids up for school then go back to lay down, because the pain was so bad. I swear most days I felt like I was 90! But yesterday I was outside when the kids got on the bus and worked all day planting flowers and stuff and woke up this morning feeling amazing! I could walk normal... I didn't feel 90 LOL! It's an awesome feeling. I'm hoping that with more time wearing the strips I will only get better and I’m hoping to be able to get off all pain meds that's my goal anyhow!! So thanks to Amie, I'm on the way to being pain free and I'm getting my life back!!! Thank God for FGX!! What a great feeling!! I can't thank Amie enough."Ami’s client
“I have been feeling better since using the PowerStrips. I only had to use them a few times when I first came on board. I shared more than I used. My body is stronger and I got busy doing heavy cleaning yesterday which felt great when I was doing it but Then...Of course the pain came on later in the evening. Really hard pain with burning.
The same symptoms that usually happen when I do this overwork syndrome arose: Severe neck pain on spine, Mid=back muscle pain near and on spine. I experienced low back pain as well.
Normally I would use a cream or take a pill when it gets this bad but it would be three days to a week for this to settle...
I am sure you all know what’s coming next:
I placed a PowerStrip on my spine at neck, on left side of spine where it always gets irritated/painful, and on my low back right on spine. This was around 11:00 p.m. last night. Within about an hour I felt comfortable to go to bed and rest. Still had pain but not as bad. When I woke up today there is no pain at all and I feel great. Energized and I did more work around here today... Not as hard but this is really the best I have had so far for the issue my body had after several accidents/injuries... Thanks FG press... I feel like I can actually get my life back after many years of ups and downs with pain, cramps and other symptoms from this condition...
My Pain In The Neck is gone 1 hour after the PowerStrip. A year ago I fell and it took 5 months of weekly Chiropractor and Acupuncture for it to go away. Plus with all the recent stress I have been having sleeping, last night after the PowerStrip I slept soundly all night.”
WOW! I just LOVE having deep sleeps, and not even remembering falling asleep. Being able to drift off into a peaceful, deep sleep and waking up feeling calm, happy and rested is something I am personally very grateful for. When you've experienced the other side of the coin and then this amazing side of the coin, you'll never want to go back. THANK YOU, Power Strips!
"I cannot wait for my second order of PowerStrips to come Joy ! They have helped me to sleep better, lower back pain and my " Mrs. Monthly Personality ;)!!" my hot flashes are gone ....but are now back ....as I have been out of the strips for three weeks ....! cannot wait to get them ! Thank you for sharing this gift with me! I look forward to sharing with others ...and meeting you
!"Audrey K.
Angela P.:"HAD to share. So my favourite place to wear my strips each day is on my lower abdomen. I was recently a surrogate for a local couple. I had twin boys at really good sizes and carried them to term. This left many stretch marks on my belly and lower abdomen. I discovered yesterday that the spot where I have been consistently wearing my strip is smoother and you can barely see any marks. It is quite distinct. I tried to take pictures but it is difficult to see the difference on camera so you'll just have to take my word for it. I am now moving it around each day so I can tackle the rest of them. Amazing!"
We see time and time again, the Power Strips have so many health and wellness benefits and healing properties... they are loved for so much more than just pain relief!
"During my entire run this morning my shins were hurting terribly. By the time I got home I was practically in tears from the pain. I put half a PowerStrip on each shin and within half an hour the pain was completely gone. Note to self - DO NOT run again without my PowerStrips!!"
Debbie N.
Testimonial from a friend I passed some samples to: She has fibromyalgia- the PowerStrips are totally working. For the first time in over 10 years my deltoids and hop joints are not full of heat. It took less than 24 hours to start feeling much better. Last night my nightly chores took less than 2 hours to complete. Usually teaks me 4 or more hours because I do a little bit and then have to sit to allow some of my pains to subside so I can move. It’s like a miracle cure. It’s the first time in almost 12 years that I can move freely and actually live my life.
Sheryl S.
I have had back problems for quite some time now. It just so happens that I had a really bad episode that started a few days before Thanksgiving. I couldn’t even hold my 7 month old niece. I was in the ER I get pain shots that temporarily work and I’m not a fan of pain pills so I didn’t take them.
A couple of weeks later I received samples of the PowerStrips. By day 2 I felt remarkably better! Still skeptical I waited to place my order. The pain didn’t come back and I could sit comfortably and bend down to tie my own shoes. After day 3 I had run out so I ordered the
PowerStrips to keep any inflammation down. I now have a full time desk job and the PowerStrips are with me at all times in case I ever have pain.Jenn S.
As you can tell by the picture on Face Book, I've been spending quite a bit of time hiking and backpacking this summer. That has led to some plantar fascia strain and pain. I started using the PowerStrips and thinking my feet were just getting better due to rest, I stopped using them for a few days and boy did my feet hurt. I immediately started using the PowerStrips again and realized that the pain relief was from the PowerStrips and I am thankful! I think my feet will need a little more time to heal so I will be using the power strips constantly for a little while. I have also found some relief to my hot flashes. So glad for that as well!
Jeanette H.
“PowerStrips work even placed right on the bones! My mother in Japan sent a few samples to her friend who has had back surgery, a spinal cord that may need a surgery and sciatic pain on her legs. The pain in her legs kept her up at night/ She cut the PowerStrip in half and put them just below her knees (on the bones, not on muscles), and her legs didn’t hurt that night. She told my mother it was like MAGIC!”
Ellie Y.
My story is amazing to me. I’ve suffered with severe back pain about 7 months) as well as knee joint pain (3 years+) and a friend who knew of my pain shared the PowerStrips with me. I was going to a chiropractor as well as massage therapy at least once a week and it was costing a lot of money. I placed my first PowerStrip on and after day 1 there was no change… but she encouraged me to keep it on until the next day and try a second one if needed. The next morning I sat at my desk for a while and then thought I would try something out. I slowly bent over and ever so careful to touch my toes- something I had not been able to do for many months. Not only could I touch my toes but I could “tuck” my fingers under my toes. I did this over and over- each time with more confidence. Next was to test my knees. I stood at the top of the stairs and took a deep breath, and ran down the full set of stairs and without stopping ran UP the stairs as well. My knees were great! I phoned my husband and cried as I told him the news! I was convinced and have not gone a day with them since. Anyone who knows me is now wanting to know my secret and I am sharing- what a gift!
Annette F.
I have what seems to be sciatica and cannot sleep with it acts up. I have found that the PowerStrips, when placed on the lower back, let me sleep even if I am restless due to the current hot weather. But at least my aches and pains are not there. I am very healthy and active. I do get an irritated muscle here and there from overuse from time to time. I decided to cut a PowerStrip and place it directly on the affected area while putting the remainder on my back. This works for me. I also have put a PowerStrip on a swollen bruise and it works. This shows it has multiple purposes. I even put the remaining strip on my back for tension in my shoulders and found that helped.
“I have Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and really bad back pain- coupled with anxiety attacks and depression. I have struggled the past 7 years. There are days I cannot walk. I cannot do house work and even something as simple as making dinner had become very painful to do. A friend who knew of my pain shared PowerStrips with me and the timing was good as I had recently pulled a muscle in my lower back. I put on the PowerStrip on my lower back, laid down and took a nap. When I got up I made coffee, let the dog out, washed my hair and the list goes on and on. I was walking to the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks! I had NO PAIN! Nothing! I was amazed. After 4 hours of wearing the PowerStrip my back felt great and there was no pain in my legs, hips or back. On the 2nd day I noticed something else happening. My Libido was coming back. The 3rd day all my chronic pain felt better! Even the whiplash I received…and my Libido was back full force. So not only has the PowerStrips given me back my life, it has given me back a part of my life that was missing for so long! I am simply amazed and cannot wait to see what happens as time goes on.”
I’ve been dealing with my legs tiring while doing chores around the house or yard. I’ve used the PowerStrips on my thighs above the knees for a week, and it is truly amazing how much easier it is to walk and stay on task without my legs causing me to have to stop and rest every 15 minutes. I did ¾ mile on the treadmill today at 2 miles per hour without having to stop and rest. My wife had her right knee replaced in June 2011 and has been still dealing with a great amount of pain in the evening and early morning. She has relied on 2-3 pain pills to control her pain but now the PowerStrips are doing the trick. We are both elderly senior citizens and love the PowerStrips.
Paul W.
I’m really in love with these PowerStrips. I’ve recently had surgery and have had to hop around using a walker. By day 2 my shoulders and my good leg were really in pain to the extra work to move around. I am a skeptic but I did put on a PowerStrip on my good leg and had ZERO pain the next day. I am a believer in these. PS no more pain pills! You have to give yourself a gift if you suffer any pain daily. The PowerStrips work.
Cathy J.
I took a trip to Florida last week wearing a PowerStrip and drove 10 hours with only a few 10- minute stops to use the rest room. Generally my sciatic nerve always hurts whenever U drive even a couple of hours. I didn’t realize until days later that the whole 10-hour trip didn’t bother me once. I say this PowerStrip has a new group of people to benefit….truck drivers! Truly amazing! Also I gave one to my niece to try who has restless leg syndrome and she said for the first time in a while she was not in pain. No restless leg! WOW!
Joanne N.
Speaking of feet, I have a Morton's Neuroma in my left foot and I just realized that through all that backpacking, it never flared up or bothered me at all and that's what usually hurts! Hmmm could it be those power strips on the bottom of my feet directed at the plantar fascia helped keep my Neuroma under control as well? :) !!
Jeanette H.
Everyone at work was getting sick. I started to feel a little sick by feeling air go through my tear ducts and slight nasally, s I put the PowerStrip on and felt great. No flu for me. Yeah!
Denise D.
I crashed while snowboarding this winter and smashed both my tail bone and my knee on the ice. I’m working with my essential oils and my PowerStrips. I’ve created a custom blend to apply to my knee and tail bone area. I am happy to have the tools for pain relief!
Kori G.
I am so relieved! The PowerStrips have allowed me to take longer walks, prune trees, bathe and brush my dogs, etc. without having the usual discomfort in my weak lower back. Now I can benefit from the increased energy and not worry about doing the things I love. I am mindful that my weak back involves caring for my kidneys- so appreciate this whole body approach. I am so thrilled that a delivery system has been created for amazing ginseng, I can taste if, so I know it is being absorbed A remarkable breakthrough! Gratefully wearing and sharing them every day.
Lesley R.
My mother who is 87 years old had TB when she was young. She had to have her spine fused, a technique not very well known back in the 1940’s. She has lived a very active life but this past winter has been brutal and she suffered tremendously from constant back pain. Her skeletal system is very twisted so the pain can be excruciating. I placed a PowerStrip on her lower spine where the fusion is. She felt so much heat, tingling, itching it actually kept her awake. Two days later she placed another strip in the middle of her back and felt noting. She thought is wasn’t working….but today she noticed that she has no pain in either her lower back or between her shoulders. She is very impressed.
Sue C.
I was excited to receive my PowerStrips because I have a very painful finger. I had surgery on the finger and the surgeon found a near-ruptured tendon. In his works, “it was very bad”. The day of the surgery I took 2 RX pain pills. The next day after I showered I applied a PowerStrip. NO PAIN! Not even surgical pain. I use the PowerStrips daily.
Annette S.
My husband has suffered from shoulder pain for years and occasionally resorted to a cortisone shot. I put a PowerStrip on him and we were both surprised with his results. The first day he said his shoulder didn’t bother him at all, in other worlds NO PAIN and he had a lot more energy as well. He has also noticed the arthritic swelling and pain in his hand and knuckles has gone down and no longer bothers him. As well, he suffered from a painful raised and bubbled varicose vein that went from his mid-thigh down to his calf. After a few days of using the PowerStrips he noticed that this vein was diminishing and a few days later had almost disappeared. No wonder he says he is feeling good!
Iona Z.
My right arm has been sore since July. I have been unable to put my arm into a sleeve of my jacket without some sharp pains. I gingerly put the right arm in first and then the left are. I’m not able to use my arm freely and without pain. I was able to sleep on my right side last night for the first time in many months without sharp pains! I deliberately slept on my right side to see if I could do it without pain and it worked! What has changed? I put on a FG Xpress PowerStrip yesterday around 11 am. These strips are miraculous! Now I can’t wait to show it to my chiropractor, massage therapist and Physiotherapist who have all tried to help me with this difficult pain!
Linda W.
I have been using the PowerStrips on my stomach for my gallbladder spasms. I wanted to see if I was just having a few pain free days or if it was the PowerStrips. After my second PowerStrip was finished I didn’t put one on the next day. I had pain the whole day. Today I put it on again and the pain is gone. Not to mention that my muscles haven’t ached from doing weights at the gym.
Colleen C.
I just wanted to share my own experience with the PowerStrips. I slipped last week and bruised my tailbone. I have not been able to sit comfortably or had a full night sleep since. Yesterday I put on a PowerStrip and last night was my first 8 hour sleep. Such an amazing product!
Melissa B.
By the afternoon of the first day using the PowerStrips my body warmed up and I had more energy than I have had in a long while. Irene K.
I had a great 8 hour sleep but woke up with an aching right arm (happens frequently) discomfort starts in the muscle next to the right shoulder blade and travels down the arm. So I put on a PowerStrip on my upper back and arm pain was literally gone within 10 minutes.
Miriam H.
I recently had the flu along with an intensive ear infection. My whole jaw ached and I could hardly open my mouth to chew. I have experienced this in the past and it would hang on for 1-2 weeks. This time it lasted about 2 ½ days from start to finish. After 2 days of suffering I put a PowerStrip on my neck hugging up to my ear before bedtime and slept soundly. The next morning I worked up totally free of discomfort at all. I also had some discomfort in my left shoulder, which has totally dissipated. At night I have had a nervous discomfort in both of my lower legs, which has kept me awake at night.
This issue has completely disappeared since I began putting on the PowerStrips.Denis L.
I’m really in love with these PowerStrips. I’ve recently had surgery and have had to hop around using a walker. By day 2 my shoulders and my good leg were really in pain to the extra work to move around. I am a skeptic but I did put on a PowerStrip on my good leg and had ZERO pain the next day. I am a believer in these. PS no more pain pills! You have to give yourself a gift if you suffer any pain daily. The PowerStrips work.
Cathy J.
My right arm has been sore since July. I have been unable to put my arm into a sleeve of my jacket without some sharp pains. I gingerly put the right arm in first and then the left are. I’m not able to use my arm freely and without pain. I was able to sleep on my right side last night for the first time in many months without sharp pains! I deliberately slept on my right side to see if I could do it without pain and it worked! What has changed? I put on a FG Xpress PowerStrip yesterday around 11 am. These strips are miraculous! Now I can’t wait to show it to my chiropractor, massage therapist and Physiotherapist who have all tried to help me with this difficult pain!
Linda W.
I have been cutting off a PowerStrip and placing on my wrist as I have repetitive strain disorder, it is without any doubt helping that. As regards the discomfort in my neck/shoulder area, it is helping a little, two of the days, I’ve been able to reduce my pain relief by 2 pills, so even a reduction like that is good. I am impressed!
Carol R.
I have had a lower back problem for over 30 years and the last few years while getting out of bed I’ve stopped. After a shower I could straighten up and getting dressed always hurt. I put on the PowerStrips and within 2 minutes I felt a relaxing of the area. I then went on my daily bicycle ride 2- km and NO pain – just power. I put one on the next day, and with just 2 PowerStrips the pain I’ve suffered for 30 years has GONE! wow- thanks.
George P.
I have had extreme difficulty with my left eye. Treatment has included drops that burned my eye, with resultant scarring. I have been blind in that eye for five months now and in constant pain, requiring Oxycontin, and sleeping pills just to get some rest. After the doctor accessed me I applied a PowerStrip that evening, the doctor looked into my eye, and said “your eye is looking better”. His colleague also said that my eye was considerable better. The only thing I had done was to apply a PowerStrip. I have not needed pain pills since I began using the PowerStrips….I am glad I will have the corneal transplant surgery. Now I am certain I will see again!
Laurel F.
Just an update on the power strips for Hot flashes. It has been 1 week and my wife (Bev) has a noticeable decrease in the frequency and severity of the hot-flashes. The other thing is the skin in the abdomen area is beginning the smooth out. Bev is very impressed with the product, as am I for the extra sleep at night.
Denis R.
"Since using the PowerStrips my stress level has definitely decreased. I have more energy and I sleep deeply at night. Perhaps because I simply FEEL better I feel like I am more in control of my life. It is a GREAT feeling. Because I have less tension and stress in my life, I rarely have the tension headaches that once plagued me. I just love the PowerStrips and won't leave home without one in my purse!"
Ade E.
You just can’t imagine how impressed my husband and I are over these PowerStrips! Richard has suffered terribly from massive amounts of kidney stones for many years and we just recently found the problem. After using the strips for a few days (10) he was virtually pain free, able to sit for longer periods of time, sleeping better and had more energy. Then we ran out! (But to our amazement the energy of the strips kept on working for 4 days! Wow. We are so happy to
have more now and tell everyone about this amazing product. We call them our Strips of Health!Richard C.
I’ve had fibromyalgia since 1991 and have had to deal with a lot of pain. I started using the PowerStrips and within 10 minutes I can feel the pain leave my body. It is amazing. Then I got the flu and it works wonders on that as well as old age setting in. Amazing! I have a clear head and the PowerStrip just keeps working. I wear mine every day as it also perks me up and I have a great day just wearing it. It is a natural product and controls all kinds of pain and it’s done herbally, without side effects. I think it is great.
Joy S.
So I am sitting here scanning Facebook from my phone as I do every morning. Only today I’m sitting up now for quite a while. The reason this is significant is because I normally can’t sit up in bed like this for more than a few minutes before my back starts screaming in pain. Coincidence OR PowerStrips?
Crystal A.
I have a problem with my shoulder after my car accident. The flexibility of my shoulder got worse and worse. At the point when I found out about PowerStrips I couldn’t lift my right arm above 90 degrees, and then the sharp pain didn’t let me do anything else. But today, I put my 2nd PowerStrip on the shoulder area and OMG!!!! I’m lifting up my right arm like my healthy left arm! PowerStrips work!!!! And I definitely will use them and tell everyone about this amazing product. Thanks, FG Xpress!
Olga T.
I have a 3 month old athletic injury from basketball. The pain –after using the PowerStrips has gone from a 9 to a 2 and I have more movement in the area as well as more flexibility.
Joe V.
My husband went horseback riding, and he had one foot on the ground and one in the stirrup when the horse started to go. He hurt his hip and could hardly walk. He came home that night and used a PowerStrip and felt great the next morning.
Leslie A.
78 years young! PowerStrips keep me pain free and provide me with unbelievable endurance.
James H.
I have been an elite athlete most of my life. I hold the Australian Record for scoring 6 goals in one game in National Soccer League. I deliberately pushed my body to the extreme in an Indoor Soccer Match, trying to product an ache/pain somewhere so I could test the PowerStrips. During the match I actually got a very nice muscle tear which I ended up limping off. I was quite upset with myself, as I didn’t want something that serious, something now that would normally take 3-7 days to heal. So I had a quick shower and put PowerStrip over the exact region on back of my leg. I still can’t believe what has happened. Literally- 24 hours later and absolutely no pain and no injury to that region, 100% completely gone.
I could feel waves of blood and warmth every 2 hours or so, just a fantastic healing sensation, but never in my wildest dreams would I have believe d it could work that fast. Now I’m not advocating this will happen as quickly for everyone but I’m 100% sure that the power of the ingredients and delivery technology into the blood stream will bring so many wonderful benefits to anyone that allows a full 30 day supply. With so many people in pain, we truly are bringing something remarkable to share. Cheers!Patrick B.
Prior to using Power strips, and I was experiencing many menopausal symptoms, and had been for many years. These included moodiness, sleep disturbances, fogginess in the head from lack of sleep, and a sense of feeling overwhelmed some days. I am a Registered Nurse who knew that there were valid reasons to not seek hormonal medications. After a few bouts of quite severe flu and bronchitis, I knew that lack of sleep was likely the cause of becoming sick more often than usual. Since I have become a regular user of the Power Strips, my sleep quality has increased phenomenally, I think clearly, and on a daily basis feel an inner calm, that allows me to tend to any situation with a feeling of power. In the last 5 months, I have not had any colds or even a sniffle. Power to the Strips!!!!!!"
I am so pumped up about the PowerStrips. Easy to use, no fuss no muss, just peel and apply. It is that easy! I am using my PowerStrips on my upper back where I have been stiff and sore for months. In just 5 days I am limber and pain free. Thanks FG Xpress!
Tyler C
I’ve been suffering with numbness down the left leg and my friend gave me a few PowerStrips to try. I placed one PowerStrip on my thigh and felt something going on…it was amazing how I got a surge of energy and went for a long walk. To my surprise my legs numbness almost disappeared and I couldn’t believe the walk I took was almost 6 miles. I feel great!
Dave H.
Twenty four years ago I accidentally fell and hit my left knee hard on the ground. My doctor said I needed surgery to put steel into my left leg. I didn’t have enough money. All these 24 years I kept my pain level down with pain relievers. I can’t bend my left knee and had difficulty walking, especially climbing stairs. My friend gave me a PowerStrip which I attached that night to my left knee calf. The next day I was able to bend my knee and walk normally and fast. That is so magical- it’s a miracle! For those who suffer pain like mine, try the PowerStrips!
Virginia C.
ANKLE PAIN/Attitude shift…..So I can’t say 100% that the PowerStrips got RID of the pain I was having in my ankle this week from jumping too hared on it from the loading dock…but it sure did teake the edge off! What is really remarkable is I can definitely say I haven’t woke up with this much energy before! 9 our of 10 on a work day morning I have a bad metality and don’t usually get anything done. The PowerStrips have changed this.
Robert C.
Even though I didn’t have any actual PAIN at the time I first started using the PowerStrips. I did notice I slept like a baby and work up feeling energized upon opening my eyes in the morning.
Pete A.
I have just experienced my first PowerStrip in addition to my commitment to healthy living and exercise. I suffer from migraines and arthritis. My biggest challenge has been the perils of aging. My anke and hands are most affected so I was anxious to see what would happen. 24 hour later, in addition to incredible energy and “feeling good” my ankle and hands aer 100% imporoved….. I will continue to use this amazing product and share my story.
Barbara F.
The PowerStrips helped my husband’s shoulder. He couldn’t sleep for the pain. Now he sleeps through the night. Shirley K.
PowerStriips aer the most amazing painkillers!
Mesu U.
I have just recently started using the PowerStrips and am amazed with my results! I am a nail tech and sit fr 12-14 hours a day. Needless to say I’m in pain all over. My back, knees, neck, thumbs, etc. I have more enrgy and very minimal back pain…am sleeping through the night and am looking forward to cumulative results! I am sharing this with all my clients and everyone I know.
Susan B.
An associate and long time friend of mine (who happens to be a PHD Psychologist) has a client who is an elderly female and in excruciating pain due to spinal stenosis. He and I had recently talked about the PowerStrips and what hopes we had for their success with those with chronic pain. We gave 5 PowerStrips to this woman to try…. And she claims her pain level at that time has been unbearable and she has been house bound. On the scale of 1-10 her pain was what she called a 12! After 5 days she said her pain was a 6, with a smile on her face. She also was able to do some yard work. Now, after time, her pain had continued to diminish and she loves her PowerStrips!
Susan M.
I work with a young man with a young man who has scoliosis and ADHA. He has constant back pain and his ADHD prevents him from getting a good night’s sleep. This combination of issues causes him to resort to taking some fairly potent drugs so he can sleep. These drugs make him so drowsy and dopey that he precipitated an accident resulting in fatalities. As he continues to deal with the results of his inattentive driving, I spoke to him about using our PowerStrips instead of doctor prescribed drugs. He exercises to help strengthen his back but it inevitably leaves him experiencing stress and spasm in his lower back. Yesterday I put a PowerStrip on his back at the site of pain and he went about his daily business. This morning he came into work and told me he completely forgot he had the PowerStrip on until this morning when he took a shower. However, he said his experience with the PowerStrip was immediate relief of the tightness associated with his exercise and within ½ hour had NO pain whatsoever. He also went to bed without any medication last night and arrived at work alert and refreshed.Mary W.
Energy & Workouts:
I have more energy, the ability to lift heavier weights, I recover quicker from my work outs and trainings and according to the Bio-impediance machine, my body fat level has decreased. Hmmm, could it be these wonderful PowerStrips by FG Xpress? Bora
I have been living in pain for most of my life. Many, many decades, beginnings with hip
surgeries as a child, back injury at work, whiplash after car accident, failed back surgery, broken ribes, shoulder injury, pretty much the whole left side of my body. I am booked for a totalk hip replacement. I have been incredibly careful about choosing high-end nutrition as well as physical activity but I a still living with PAIN! I am so gratful for the PowerStrip- in the 10 days since I have had the PowerStrips on my body I have noticed significant pain relief! I have 2 PowerStrips on my body since my hour long, mobility, aqua fit class at the pool this ;morning. I put one PowerStrip on my quadriceps to address hip pain and one mid back for whiplash, neck, ribs and shoulder pain. I have not had to use oral pain mediation or ice since I got hom which is unusual. I usually take a pain pill the minute I get home and I would normally have been sitting on ice by now too. I feel so relaxed and nt my usual “edgy with pain” self. These PowerStrips are amazing.Iris R.
My daughter had her braces adjusted. Two days later her jaw pain was a 7 out of a 10. I had just received my PowerStrips and put one on her upper back. Two hours later her jaw pain was a 1 out of 10 and her headache had gone down to a 3 out of 10. By night time both jaw and head pain were gone. She went out and shot some baskets with her father and got all sweaty and the PowerStrip came off. She did not tell me because she was afraid I would be angry. The next morning she was cranky as a bear. I put another PowerStrip on her in a different space where it would adhere better and within 10 minutes her pain was gone and she was her normal sweet self again.
Dee K.
I suffer from back pain and leg pain. I put on a PowerStrip when they arrived and have NO pain and have not taken any pain medications since then. I lived on pain meds day and night. I kept waking up the first tink thinking pain??? Nope-none! Thank you FGXpress.
Debbie F.
I suffer from feelings of low energy, stamina and fatigue. Every day on PowerStrips it gets better and better!
Andrea J.
My meds owned me. Thanks to PowerStrips I’m managing successfully without toxic medication. I’m back! An Answer to many prayers!
Norman R.
I have been waking up with stiff feet for some time now. Last night I put two small strips on the tops of my feet; after one night there was 50-60% improvement. I intend to keep repeating the process.
Jennifer H.
PowerStrips are amazing. I hurt my back so severely that I had to go get a cortizone shot 2 weeks ago. Over the last few weeks, through stretching and yoga the pain reduced to about a 5 or 6 with 10 being severe. As a yoga instructor, It was still hurting every day. A friend gave me 3 PowerStrips to try. I used one overnight, it went on easily and by the next day my pain was down to a 3 or 4, much better than yesterday. But more than that almost immediately after putting on the PowerStrip I “felt good”. The heat from the strip was wonderful and it had a great calming effect on me.
Michelle G.
“I had back surgery a year ago and have residual pain in lower back. Within less than a day my mobility increase greatly and the pain is mostly gone when wearing the power strips. My stamina when exercising in improved and recovery time after exercise is immediate, no time at all. My cardio vascular capacity is increased.
Customer- used PS and posture improved and hemorrhoids 75% healed in one week.
Tick bite pain gone in 1 1/2 hours and swelling down 75% 1/2 PowerStrip right on the bite felt like fire but worked and the other half on the hand.
"I was diagnosed with RA March of 2012. Over 9 months ago I was injected in both knees to relieve me of pain. My left knee is ok however my right knee has been a bit painful. When I went to try to bend it -it hurts. I have a wellness coach who gave me a PowerStrip to put below my right knee. While sitting down I put the PowerStrip on and was just talking. Suddenly I looked down at my leg. I was bending my right knee! I hadn’t been able to completely bend my knee for a little over a month. I was totally amazed. I went over to her parallel bar and began doing squats. Wow! I had the PowerStrip on for approximately 60 minutes. What a relief"…
Cynthia T.
I have had hip pain for years. When I walk for a long period of time my hip starts hurting to the point that I’m limping. It is something I have just learned to live with. This past week I received my PowerStrips and knew my wife was dragging me to the mall in Miami so I put on a PowerStrip on my hip. After walking 5 hours I had no pain! Seems way too good to be true- I can’t explain it, all I can say is the PowerStrips ROCK!
Vince H.
"As I read all the testimonials coming in I wondered what benefits I may have since I don’t have any pain. Since wearing the PowerStrip my focus has improved dramatically! Thank goodness…it was really beginning to worry me! The “cleaning” property- the Saponins- of the PowerStrip is really working for me!"
Una F
I have been with FEG for some time so just called and placed my order of the PowerStrips – I love them as I have bad, bad back issues –they work and they are just plain amazing! I am going to share with my daughter over the weekend.
I have endured chronic pain in my upper and lower back for over 30 years. I have tried every pill, treatment etc. to treat my back pain. I was a bit skeptical of the PowerStrip product BUT I felt relief within minutes and noticed walking up and down stairs was no longer painful.
Steve S.
I had my PowerStrip on for about 14 hours. Well, it didn’t heat up for me like many are reporting, but my sore throat is completely GONE! Also my shoulder pain went from about a 5 to a 1. TRULY REMARKABLE!
Sandy K.
My back pain went from an 8 to a 2 within 6 weeks. I’m off pain meds and maintaining my PowerStrips daily! Complete changed my life!
Ron W.
Last week I was dealing with intense (often debilitating) pain that I get every month during my cycle. The first few days I’m pretty much homebound because it is so uncomfortable. On Day #1 a friend offered me a PowerStrip, which I applied to my lower back. Not only did the pain in
my lower back disappear but the pain and discomfort in my abdomen did too, and …it NEVER returned during the rest of my cycle! Think about it…from housebound to pain free. WOW!Patricia M.
I recently had knee surgery and have difficulty in the mornings walking. I put on a PowerStrip and within 15 minutes was walking smoothly!
Marney S.
I had a neck injury in college and had a herniated disc in my C6 & C7 area. Occasionally it flares up if I carry too much in my back pack or sleep wrong. The other night I woke up with pain in the base of my neck and shoulders. Pete put a PowerStrip across my shoulder blades and I forgot about it. I can’t tell you how long it took to take effect but it was pretty quick. I didn’t feel anything. What I mean is I had zero pain, Zero!!! I forgot that I had woken up with pain. I told Pete that my neck felt like a super well -oiled -machine, so flexible and clearly less inflammation. LOVE THEM!
Kim A.
I have had severe tendonitis for approximately 2 months - on my left elbow. In less than an hour I experienced a reduction in pain and an increase in mobility of my arm. I assumed that there must be a placebo effect, it just seemed too fast. I wanted to put it to the test. I have not been able to weight lift during these 2 months and had to limit body weight exercises. I headed to the gym the next moring and did a ful range of weight lifting and body weight exercises, no problem, no pain. I have been wearing the PowerStrips continually and have been amazed at how “miraculous” the results have been for me.
I had worn my PowerStrips for about 3 days without noticing a huge difference, but on the fourth morning I woke up with a stiff neck. It felt like it was running up from my shoulder, so I placed a PowerStrip across the trapezius muscle. Within 15 minutes the pain was GONE! Later in that afternoon I felt the PowerStrip heating up, and then noticed a “tingling” in the opposite hip. I smiled to myself knowing that it was creating an energetic balancing of my skeletal system. Thank you FG Xpress and PowerStrips.
Keli A.
I am not sure exactly what I did but I tweaked my sciatic nerve just after the first of the year. I had shooting pain up my left leg into my lower back. It wasn’t a constant pain, but when it hit, it would stop me in my tracks. One night it was really bad. I put a PowerStrip on about 8 PM that night and by 9:30 PM my pain level had gone from an 8 to a 1 or 2. It heated up so much t felt like I had a heating pad on my back. In the morning I was more flexible, no pain and felt great. t felt like I had gone to the Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and got a massage all rolled into one little strip! I’ve had one every day since. These things are like magic.
Keith O.
I have an old IT band injury that has never gone away from a marathon I did in 2000 (chiro, physio etc didn't help). I participated in the Scotiabank Half Marathon on June 23rd to personally raise funds for the West Coast Cocker Rescue (I raised ~ $3,200 for them thanks to the donations from my friends and family!), and even after walking it and talking it easy on the 21 km route, about 10 km in it flared up baaaaad. I didn't have any Power Strips on me (duh how dumb of me was that?!?? Lol) but I was in such agony at the end- I thought I was going to have to go straight to the ER, but decided to come home and collect myself, zen out for a minute, and put a Power Strip on. I'm happy to report the pain and inflammation drastically IMPROVED within 24 hours of wearing the Power Strips and I could actually walk the next day- didn't think I was going to be able to say the day before! Phew! Pretty powerful to me!
**Power Strips = Mosquitoes Be Gone AND Mosquito Bite Relief!!** ALL NATURAL, HOLISTIC and CHEMICAL FREE!
I've heard so many testimonials this past week about how the PowerStrips are bringing a safe, effective, all-natural, chemical free option and alternative to those pesky, annoying and dangerous mosquitoes!
The Power Strips are totally personalizable and customizable... if you do suffer a bite or if your kids do, just cut up the strips into little pieces and put them over the bites! The Power Strips help with inflammation and swelling and the Silver Ions in the Power Strips destroy toxins and bacteria!Amie
"The other day, I was walking with my cousin who didn't have a PowerStrip on...I did. When we entered the park, she was swarmed by mosquitoes, I was not. She had 20 bits yesterday, I had none!"
Sarah S.A.
"My daughter and I went for a walk and were attached by mosquitoes... I had strips on and had NO bites, she did not have strips on and ended up with 23 bites!"
Marilyn S.
There have been some amazing SKIN-TASTIC results with using the Power Strips! Myself included! Check out my story and what it has done for others and how excited they are about the SKIN results they have experienced! It really shows that there is so much more to Power Strips than JUST pain relief!
"Just wanted to share this with you! I suffer from WHO KNOWS WHAT IT IS CALLED on my (skin) chest. I call it "disgusting red welts". I've been to doctors who don't know what it is, they prescribe all different sorts of expensive creams and antibiotics (which I don't want to take and don't want to put on my skin), and nothing works. It's embarrassing... I don't want to wear a turtleneck 365 days a year! There is no rhyme or reason when it shows up, but the most recent was a week before my trip to AZ in May. Once again, the doctor gave me a $75 cream, it did nothing. By the time the night before my trip rolled around, I was panicking and upset. WHO wants to wear a bikini and cute tops and dresses with THAT rash on the chest? I was desperate AND I know all the other areas the PowerStrips have helped me with, so I put one on my chest. I had less than 24 hours of wearing the strip on my chest before I had to take it off and get into my bikini. Please see the before and after pictures. MAGIC! LOVE! THANK YOU POWER STRIPS! YOU SAVED MY VACATION!"
As a wrestler my body takes a beating on a regular basis. You just get used to it. I had forgotten what it is like NOT to be sore. I messed up my leg in a tournament so my mom put a PowerStrip on the back of my thigh before I went to bed. I didn’t’ know what to think but when I work up my leg felt fine and I also felt less overall soreness. I asked for another PowerStrip to put on my shoulder and I got the same results. My specific pain went away as well as more of the overall soreness. I feel great. I’m very impressed! I will be adding the PowerStrip to my regular routing and I’ll definitely be telling other wrestlers and my friends. Thanks so much!
Alex K.
Wow, what a day! I walked into work today after very little sleep, and my back started to hurt. I placed my PowerStrip on my upper back and not only got rid of the pain but my bad attitude! Amazing how lack of energy due to low sleep and body pain can start the day in a bad direction. I love my PowerStrips.
Denise D.
I am loving the PowerStrips. I have a long standing injury at the base of my neck. I put the PowerStrip right over the permenent “knot” and within 20 minutes, the dull ache began to subside. I stayed pain free for 6 days with one PowerStip. And as an added bonus, the UTI I was dealing with also healed. I have more energy –more clarity, which means a happier and creative outlook on life!
Carol S.
As far as chronic pain issues go, my arthritis is usually well managed by 1 or 2 Inspirin each day. But I put the 4th PowerStrip on this morning and have to say I feel BRIGHT! I don’t know any other word to explain it, not the “I’m super-smart” sort of bright, but energized and focused!. Anyway, this is awesome for me! On any given day I might be a 6 or 7 with 10 being the best. But right now, I’m at least an 8.5- I just feel so “alive”. I’m almost 60 so this is really awesome for me! And I’m really looking forward to the longer-term effects. Seriously the only time in my life I remember feeling this healthy and this great was the second trimester of each time I was pregnant- and my three “babies” are all over 30!!!! It’s like the feeling you get when you go out on a really cold day and everything is so crisp that you can see almost forever!
Dottie M.
“I have been using a SKIN CARE/ANTI-AGING NIGHT CREAM product called NeriumAD for almost a full year. It’s an amazing product and has really helped with the health of my skin as well as appearance and texture. I stopped using the NeriumAD a month ago because I wanted to test if just using the PowerStrips on a daily basis could have any effect on my SKIN. (I heard it does!) To my pleasant surprise, the skin on my face remains smooth and hydrated….and zero wrinkles have reappeared. This is usually not the case when you STOP using a skin care or cosmetic product…so I am thrilled! In addition, the area of a 30+ year old C-Section Scar has dimished by 50% by simply applying ½ PowerStrip ON the old scar below my belly button. It’s powerful that the FDA has now listed the PowerStrips as a Class 1 Medical Device for Pain Relief and Discomfort- AND that it also has been shown to help with the SKIN. The look and feel of MY skin has improved and it has for others I have spoken to as well. One product that does so much….and a month supply cost LESS than a spa’s hour massage, facial or even trip to the doctor!”
Joy E.
Here is a brief update from my friend, Barbara, who is well known in our community of Burlington Vermont for helping seniors remain or GET healthy and fit. She is in her senior years and is very well known at the University and in the community. You mention senior citizen fitness most people come up with one name…Barbara. She just returned from an event in Kansas and here is what she wrote:
“I took First in the 100m, triple jump, and 4x100m relay, second in the 200m and long jump, and third in the high jump. Body felt good, had my power strip on.” Barbara J. OMG, I want to be like Barbara!!!!! She also mentioned she was not sore like she usually is after a competition.
Hi Joy,
I burned my foot on a lawn mower last week and it began to blister... I called Dave to ask what he thought about using a power strip & he suggested that I put it near the burn. I cut a 2 inch strip and put it on the top of my foot (the burn was on the side & bottom) and within a half hour, it didn't even hurt! it looked like it was a day old within an hour (the burn was beginning to harden). It was so strange, because I applied ice & aloe to it for the first 1/2 hr. but as soon as I would take the ice off, it was throbbing in pain, so I was so happy to have it heal so quickly after I used the PowerStrip!
Thank you!Laura
GREAT list of What Robyn has tried for her pain. (Things I’ve done for my pain)
1) Ibuprofen, Excedrin back and body, and many more over the counter meds
2) Physical therapy
3) Two surgeries
4) Percocet’s
5) Pain management
6) Tens machine
7) Ice/heat
8) Insoles for my shoes
9) Many pairs of new shoes
10) New memory foam mattress
11) Pain blockers shots
12) Chiropractor for yrs.
13) Pain pads
14) Ben Gay/ icy hot
15) Massage chair
16) Acupuncture
17) Meditation, I’ve been I Percocet’s since 2008
18) The pain would ease up a bit but was never lower than a 5 on a pain scale of 1 to 10.
19) July 2013- POWERSTRIPS BY FGXPRESS. My pain was totally gone it lasted 72 hrs. I haven’t been pain free in over 8 years.
20) My energy level was amazing I usually take a nap every day after work. Not those days I didn’t feel I needed one.
I can't wait for my order to arrive!!R. Miller
Days later: my order came in yesterday, I was so happy ,I put one on, back pain totally gone and so was my headache, I had a great night sleep, I went to bed at 11pm and I woke up before my alarm went off at 5;30 all rested and ready to go, my alarm is set for 6am . I love these power strips!!!!
I took a couple PowerStrips over to a friend last night, who had broken her leg just above her ankle. She had been in a lot of pain. Within 15 minutes she felt herself relaxing. Within an hour she felt more comfortable and able to go to sleep. This morning, she said that not all the pain had disappeared but enough to let her get some much needed sleep that she had been missing. She is pretty pleased. Yay, PowerStrips!
My 17 yr. old daughter received relief from menstrual cramps today in 15 minutes! And she was very skeptical beforehand. Ha!
Jeanette H.
Was just sharing Tamara's results with someone and thought I would share them with you as well. Tamara knows PAIN all too well so please share with someone you care about who does too! She shared for 3 days last week what the PowerStrips are doing for her so far....
"I live with chronic pain and have been diagnosed with CFS/Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism, GERD, IBS, and Osteoarthritis in the spine, knees and thumb joints to name a few. I know about pain let me assure you. When something comes along that can help and do it in an all-natural way with no contraindications you better believe I'm on board with that.
In less than 24 hours with my PowerStrip I have increased energy and mental clarity as well as flexibility. I also have reduced pain! (and I have ALOT of pain issues). I have CFS/Fibro and hypothyroidism plus many other issues. To find something that actually helps is such a blessing!!!
No nap in 2 days and my energy is way up!!! I would love to tell you what these all natural non -pharmaceutical FDA class 1 medical devices are doing for me and so many more! this is a TRULY all natural way to relieve pain!!
Okay day 3 on PowerStrips- I almost ALWAYS have to have a nap. Usually by 1 or 2pm I am so exhausted and hurt so badly (even with the pain medications) that I have too lay down. THIS IS DAY 3 FOR ME WITHOUT A NAP!!!!!!! that's HUGE for me! I also have reduced pain, my eyes have more moisture (another big deal!)--I haven't noticed my foot pain at all (incredible!) and much, much more."
PS. it keeps getting better and better for me too! I usually have severe PMS that lasts for almost 2 weeks. It begins with dramatic mood swings and even more fatigue a week to 10 days beforehand. Then once my cycle begins I have cramps that will usually confine me to bed for the first couple of days. However- on the PowerStrips- my cycle snuck up on me!! I have also only had a couple of minor cramps but am so amazed that I am up and moving around. If this is after one week- I can't wait until after 30 days.......
My quick "story": Coming from a healthy active alternative meditation lifestyle (well perhaps not my early years....but fun :) 2006 age 56, within a month went from active to bed ridden with severe rheumatoid arthritis in all my joints. Live alone, friends came to basically feed and once in a while to shower....holding toothbrush not possible. I wanted to take care of this naturally....yet was pretty much in bed crying and hard to take care of myself. For last 4 years really felt I needed to go to a nursing home....Did do regular visits to rheumatologist and was put on predinisone and methotrexate (a chemo drug) Did help a little but had to get off of methotrexate after a few months due to potential liver damage. Sent me home with 3 new drugs to get on. Actually, when doc told me I would die if I didn't take the drugs.....I was sooo relieved...I thought I was going to have to live with this! Googled the drugs and cried "I can't do this to my body" If not in bed, used walker with raisers for my arms because my wrists and fingers too painful to use. Family and friends helped as much as possible....actually we're so freaked out and scared......as I was.
Spent all my money and savings on staying alive, keeping my home, taking supplements, healers, physics....you name it, to get well. Last 2 yrs. have had both hips replaced, and now shoulder....with other one needing replaced. Perhaps at the beginning I would have saved myself from so much pain and joint deterioration by taking the drugs.....and working towards natural healing. Who knows............. So basically been homebound all these years.
2 years back, I started seeing (and feeling) some light. l yr. back actually (with help) would go out a little and blood tests coming back better. Started driving again and my outings were for healing treatments. Then prayer brought be the power strips 2 months back right before shoulder surgery.
Doing lots of juicing, massage, laughing again, power strips and just recently Laminine.......... and grace..I AM glowing, bright eyes, beautiful, silly, blessed and yes, have a ways to go to get to abundant health and need to rest and continue to focus on my healing. People are shocked, amazed, say it's a miracle, etc. to see me now. Even after having major surgery again, I'd say the last 2 months have been my best health wise, happy wise, beauty wise and attitude wise.
For many reason besides wanting to make sure I have enough money to always do natural alternative things for my body (right now live on small SS) after my results from the power strips from surgery and having less pain in other areas, and sticking them on some friends in pain from the comfort of my front porch........the main reason I am slowly beginning to build a future (business) again for myself is: BECAUSE I PHYSICALLY MENTALLY EMOTIONALLY CAN!! So yea, I know physical pain and have become so much more compassionate and aware of people living and dealing with pain. Your life is basically taken from you. It was never my intention to live with RA. My full intention was to live without it!
Ok, so that wasn’t very quick.....and yes, we all have our "stories". And a new world is in the making where suffering and disease will not exist....and we have a lot of work to do here on this planet. I'M READY.....IT'S TIME!
That's about all the typing these hands can do for right now, so will send email later on with replies to what you have sent. Life is Good, God is GraciousSally
So here is the crazy thing. 32+ years ago my son was born ....15 months later my daughter was born....both by C-Section. I have had a scar all these years- barely visible....but I can always FEEL the scar and energetics of it.... (vertical not bikini) Several weeks ago I learned that the PowerStrips are not only good for PAIN Relief and discomfort (FDA lists the PowerStrips as Class 1 Medical Device)but for SKIN texture and "look". I have been putting a 1/2 PowerStrip below my belly) and honest to God, the texture is so smooth and feels almost non-existent and I can barely see it any more.... AMAZING. if you know anyone with a scar that is new/old (whatever) please share the PowerStrips. I have before and after pics of scars from injuries and surgery that are profound....but this is MY experience. pic below is NEW C Section scar (in process) and the other is me at age 30 with 5 year old scar heard it is also helping some women with stretch mark scars.
Joy Edgerton
"After hitting my shin, I put on a PowerStrip and in less than a minute the pain was gone. I left the strip on overnight and noticed the next day that there was hardly any bruising. (The bruising came later after I stopped wearing the power strip.)"
"My daughter reported to me that she was quite surprised to find that the PowerStrip helped her with severe anxiety. She was able to relax and slept all night! What a nice surprise!'Sue C.
Increased Recovery Time From Training:
"I decided to give the FG Xpress PowerStrips a try due to the fact that they are holistic, natural, and a solution to improve overall health & performance. In all honesty…I was rather skeptical of how well they would work… After just a day with the first PowerStrip I noticed a huge increase in post workout recovery from my training. This is huge as it will help me reach higher levels of fitness and health. I’m excited to share this with my friends and colleagues at the gym".Kyle R.
“My husband had sinus issues for 8+ years. Day 1 he used just a small strip of the PowerStrip at night and his sinus cleared on one side. 3 nights later his other sinus cleared. As a result he no longer has to use nose spray and does not snore. I haven’t used our Sound Machine in over 3 months. Fabulous!
Deb E
My friend told me about the PowerStrips and how they helped him for sinus issues. I did try this and to my amazement, it worked. I can breathe freely- and also my allergies have cleared up. What freedom this has given me!!!”
Debbie B.
“I have recently started working out again with weights….thanks to the PowerStrips! For over a year both my wife and I had pain in one area or another….shoulder/knees/elbow etc. Although we are 56 yrs. young we began to feel old this past year and this did NOT make us feel good. The PowerStrips have helped in so many areas- and here is the thing. NOW that we are back working out we are experiencing some soreness due to inactivity. We actually have been experiencing with the PowerStrips with cutting them and placing ONE PowerStrip in several different areas. Chest/pecs….back….quads etc. We know muscle has memory but having something to help with muscle soreness is an added bonus. I now feel we can get back in shape with little or no pain!”
Lou D.
1) What was the Problem?
What was your issue? Where did it hurt? How long have you had this?
How did living like this make you feel?
I have had fibromyalgia symptoms, complete with pain and chronic fatigue, and complicated by allergies and other conditions for as long as I can remember. It has always affected my career. In recent years, the pain and fatigue escalated to a level that forced me to leave my job. As I watched my savings decline, I found I simply did not have the physical ability to deal with the litigation and paperwork that were required to secure the benefits I had always expected to support my family in the event of a long term illness. Each day, my efforts to manage stress so that I could recover were threatened by my frustration with the healthcare system and my fear that I would soon be unable to provide for my family.
2) Where did you apply the Power Strips?
Daily, I choose the point where my pain is most severe. This may be my low back, my feet, my thighs, my neck... Sometimes I cut the strips and put them in different places.
3) Your Result?
I felt warmth and a change in energy within minutes of applying my first patch. Pain diminished overnight. Within days, my energy level was restored sufficiently that I no longer nap during the day, I am exercising more, and I working full time once again (this time at a fulfilling, home based business that gives me total control of my work hours). I still have pain, but it is greatly reduced. After a year of severe, largely homebound illness, I was approved for disability only weeks before learning of FGXpress. The benefits I received are not sufficient to raise my children and treat my disease. Thanks to FGXpress, I am reversing my illness in many ways. I now have a realistic goal of getting OFF disability and providing a secure future for my family.Mary L.
“I sat back when the PowerStrips first became available. I read testimony after testimony on how they were helping people many who I knew- and after 4 months I finally ordered them! I can’t believe I watched from the sidelines when I could have been pain-free from shoulder pain all those months! Mid-April I place ONE FULL PowerStrip on my right shoulder- went to bed and woke up with ZERO pain and I could put my arm over my head- something I hadn’t been able to do for a year. I slept soundly….because I had no discomfort and finally, after a year- was sleeping in my favorite position- on my stomach….because I could. If you know anyone with pain or discomfort- please share the PowerStrips with them. They have and are changing lives daily!”
Joy E.
NEW testimony from my Mom who has been wearing the PowerStrips for 2 weeks now! I witnessed her having some relief pretty quickly after I put the first strip on the top of her foot the first night (pic below). She called me the next day saying she walked 4 miles and her foot felt normal. Got a little achy at the end but that's to be expected...she was really shocked though! And, she has only been wearing 1/4 strip on the top of both feet since then!
"As my daughter can attest, I tend to be a pretty stubborn skeptic and not easily convinced about “claims” by products. She usually starts me out with a product introduction by saying “now don’t roll your eyes Mom, but……”. Here’s introducing the Power Strips to relieve pain and so much more! I have a particularly bothersome left foot that always aches very badly and by bedtime will be throbbing. I’ve also been exercising by power walking each day even though each step is painful. And putting weight on the foot in the mornings, well, not good. So hey, what do I have to lose? I’ll give the Power Strips a try. Okay wow! What a difference they have made. The constant pain and stiffness I’ve had for a long time is nearly gone. At night I’m finally free of a throbbing foot and in the morning I get out of bed and into motion pain free. I had to do a little experiment with the strips… for validation. I removed the strip after my shower on a Friday night and did not replace it, then went without the strip for all of Saturday into Sunday. That night my foot was throbbing and stiff, and like so many mornings before the strips, it hurt to walk and I limped around like usual. Sunday I put a strip on my foot. The pain eased up, no pain that night and felt great in the morning. With a Power Strip adhered, I do the power walking now and my foot doesn’t hurt at all while or after I walk. I’ve also noticed that my horrible bout with hot flashes (2 to 4 an hour average) have eased up to the point where I can’t tell you how often I’ll have one. The skeptical side of me will say that maybe my body is just finally regulating itself, but I must say all the hot flash relief happened right after I started with the Power Strips. I’m convinced. This is a remarkable product. Now I wonder if they work with Migraines? I haven’t had one in a while since………wait………Hummmm."Stephanie’s mom
"Just started the patches last night & am already beginning to notice some positive changes.
First, I slept thru the night w/o any pain in my body. That almost NEVER happens. Also, my body didn't feel "stiff" this morning when I woke up & I actually still feel pretty darned good! (I have fibro, as well as other health issues.) My 88 year mom split the patch & put part of it on her back, the other 2 parts on her feet. She usually has a lot of pain in her feet & back even when she sleeps (Neuropathy/RA), but she slept the whole night w/o any pain in her feet/legs & in fact didn't wake up until I called her @ 8:00 this morning!
Neither of us like the effects of pain meds, so this may just be our "Manna from heaven". Can't wait to get my husband on it too! I'll keep ya posted, cause I know I'm going to see a lot more changes in the weeks to come!
Thank you Stephanie Wilding for turning me onto this "miracle"!!"Karen G.
Athletic performance! I had a great meet - Gold in the 50m and 100m, Silver in the 200m and high jump, and Bronze in the long jump and triple jump. Flo had a good meet as well. Weather was great and the Meet was well run. I had the power strips on, my back and hips held up in the jumps so something was working.
Barbara J.
"Today we went to the beach. We put on a potent natural sunscreen (50 SPF) all over our bodies before the beach. I could not reach my back and totally forgot to put it on the upper back area....til 4 hours later. Yikes, my back got SO sunburned! When I got home I put a full PowerStrip on my upper back and the FIRE of the SUNBURN went away immediately. I slept sound with no pain!!! I never go anywhere without my PowerStrips!"
Joy E.
“Last night- in the middle of the night- it was so dark and I miscalculated the stairs when going down steep loft stairs at my brother’s house. My right knee cap smashed into the bottom wood step and my top of my foot also got smashed. I found the PowerStrips, cut two small pieces and put them on my knee cap and top of foot. (size of small Band-Aid) I went back to bed and this morning NO bruises or pain. Amazing!!!”
So my husband was meeting a new doctor yesterday (my doctor), and she was doing a quick check up and medical history. When he lifted his shirt, she noticed the power strip on his back and asked what it was.
Gord - "Oh, it's an herbal pain relief strip." Dr. - "Does it work?"
Gord - "It seems to."
Dr. - "Do you have chronic back pain?"
Gord - "No, I just put one on when I need it." Dr. - "How much do they cost?"
Gord - "I'm not sure, my wife sells them."
Dr - "Oh, well ask her to bring me some information. I may have people who could use them."
After the appointment we left the office, and started walking away. Gord said "Oh, do you have any strips or info with you? The doctor said she would be interested in taking a look."
Needless to say, I ripped open a sample I had in an envelope in my purse to mail to someone and took it directly back to the doctor. She asked if I made them myself (don't I wish!), and I said no it was through a direct sales company. She said she would give them a try and if she had anyone interested, would refer them to me!
Just goes to show, you don't have to make a high pressure "sales pitch", the product literally does sell itself!
And I am so thrilled to have a medical doctor open to alternative medicine"Debbie
"Having bunion problems and pain in my calf from it. Put a small strip on my calf and the pain went away in 5 minutes. Bunion still hurt, put a small strip on it and 90% of pain is gone."
“My friend Brooke knew I was in back pain and couldn’t get out of bed so she drove 50 miles to give me a PowerStrip. I placed the PowerStrip on my “tailbone” which in just a few minutes totally relieved the worst Sciatica pain, ever!”
Sharri Louise
“I have a patient with Chron’s Disease who came in today for 5 patches. He said the PowerStrips are the only thing to stop his pain. This physician was very excited about the results. The PowerStrips were placed on the Upper and Lower Quadrants of the abdomen.”
Dr. friend of Craig’s
From Amie this morning!! Who do you know that suffers from pain with arthritic knees? "Just had a very nice surprise phone call! Great way to start the morning!
About 3 weeks ago, a very caring lady contacted me about the Power Strips for her mother-in- law who has a very bad arthritic knee. The daughter-in-law was sick of seeing her MIL suffer and be in pain and on painkillers, and wants to see a better quality of life for her. So she took the caring steps forward to purchase a pack for her MIL. I told her I would send her MIL a few samples to get her started on while she waited for her order to arrive.
The MIL just called me, ecstatic! She said she has used 3 PowerStrips and is amazed at the results! The pain in her knee has dramatically reduced and she usually takes up to 6 pain meds a day- she hasn't had to take any. She was so happy and so excited and couldn't wait to place another order, even though her first pack hadn't arrived yet, she never wants to run out and she's looking forward to sharing her 8 Pack with her husband, who also suffers from arthritis in his knee."Amie
Hangover Relief:
"You are going to pee your pants LOL! I just talked to my great niece tonight. Here is a testimonial for you that will make you howl!!! I had my power strips at the graduation party i went to for my great niece. Gave one to someone who was having severe back pain it helped her, she has not called me. Put one on a girl who was having a bad headache, it took it away. My niece was drinking the night of her party and the next morning she had a terrible hangover. She said she was so very sick and the girl with the headache said here try one of those power strips your aunt gave me. She put one on, laid down for a half an hour and when she got up her exact words were I felt like a princess :). No more headache, no more sick to my stomach and I felt like I could run a marathon LOL!! Sooooo PowerStrips cure hangovers LOL !! How about that one :)."
"My neck went out again (too many car accidents) and I was in a lot of pain. One of my good friends , Janet Appel gave me these strips you stick on the sore part of your body. Honestly I didn't think they would make a difference but to my surprise I was able to move my head from side to side and the pain subsided within an hour. I am definitely going to buy a ton of these!!! I highly suggest!!”
I gave some PowerStrips to my brother who has numb feet from diabetes. After the first day he said his feet felt swollen, although they weren't. (My mom thought perhaps the blood vessels were expanding.) After a couple days he said it's really weird to have feeling coming back into his feet. Yesterday, he said he likes how his feet feel and how much improvement he's received. So awesome!
Jeannette H.
Just spoke to Ken, he put a strip on shoulder at 11 am yesterday and took it OFF at 8 pm, out of pain, I said you could have left it on a day more...he said he will put one on his back now and nose for his sinuses........... great start. Janet A. Just spoke to Ken, he put a strip on shoulder at 11 am yesterday and took it OFF at 8 pm, out of pain, I said you could have left it on a day more…he said he will put one on his back now and nose for his sinuses...........
"I spent all day in the sun without lip protector and could feel the tingling of a cold sore/fever blister coming on. UGH! I placed a thin strip of a PowerStrip under my lip and the pain went away immediately - and it stopped the development of what could have been a very large and painful blister. Once again, thank GOD for PowerStrips."
Lou J.
"Friends of mine shared a sample of the PowerStrips. They helped with my knee pain but BOY I am most excited with the ENERGY! I immediately cleaned the HOUSE and then Power-Washed my deck.....and then went for a bike ride. Needless to say, I placed my order for more".
"I’ve been on the PowerStrips for 6 weeks now, I have had FIBROMYALGIA since I was 19, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis since i was 30.
My brain woke up around week 3, I have had fibro-fog for many years, I have not been able to think or speak like this since my late teens, (I'm 63). I could not find the right words, they were surrounded by neon lights in the back of my head but I couldn't say them, I had to use many words to prompt my brain to give up that one from the lights. A fork ended up being a pokey sticky thing, now a family joke. My mental clarity now is amazing, I'm doing things I havn't done for years and new things like editing videos and building websites. Now my grandkids can't get me by saying but Nana i told you that already, because i now I can actually remember they didn't.
I have lost weight, bulk and belly, I now have NO pain. YAAY
My frozen hips are moving again, I'm pretty sure I could do the hula. Now my rear end sways side to side just like everyone else's when I walk.
It sure is great to be able to walk DOWN stairs normally again too, my feet no longer flexed at the ankle properly and now they do, I still keep catching myself going down stairs one at a time sideways, getting halfway down the flight and remembering I'm normal now and tripping lightly down the rest. I don’t need my cane any more, I don't have to lean on grocery carts to get around stores either. I can actually run again too, not fast yet, but after I've shuffled along for years and this is wonderful. Every day I'm getting better and better.
BIG PLUS, I'm a chocoholic, sometimes I would be outside at 5 am trying to find some under the driver's seat in my van 'cos I heard it calling to me. My grandson has had a chocolate Easter bunny sitting in the fridge since Easter, you see it every time you open the fridge and I have never touched it, I have no interest in it. Someone offered me chocolate today and I said no thanks.
I can't believe how well I feel, I have so much more energy. I used to go to bed exhausted at 8 or 9pm but now I'm up till midnight (if I want to be), sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed at 7 am. I have a whole new outlook on life. I have more strength too. I lifted a 35 lb bag of dog food off the floor at Costco and put it in my cart and then lifted it out of the cart and into my van with no big effort, I used to have to wait ages for help.
I went to the beach this weekend and walked for almost a kilometer with no help, I have not been able to do this since 2004. Now I’m ready to Rock 'N' Roll, Big Yaay for Power Strips."Jan S, BC. Canada
Pain relief after a quading accident:
"I had a bit of a quading accident ouch ouch ouch! I told Amie about it she said to me... put patches on! So I did! I had some that my girlfriend had given me to try. Well I managed to get into bed that night and it hurt a lot. I could not turn over or move because of the pain! I thought to myself "Oh my God if it feels like this now there's no way I'm getting out of bed in the morning". Well, lo and behold, the next morning I rolled out of bed and I felt 100% better. Don't get me wrong, it didn't magically heal me but that night as I slept it must've done something because I could move and get around the next morning- so amazing! Thanks Amie ".Joanne
"I have suffered from a frozen shoulder for years. I'm a Registered Nurse at a Cancer Clinic and I'm very active and love to be outdoors and exercise, so this painful frozen shoulder was affecting my professional live as well as my personal life. I didn't want to be on pain med's and didn't want to undergo surgery, as my Doctor was pushing me to. I tried physio, RMT, chiro and acupuncture- nothing worked. So, I decided my only choice was to live with the frozen shoulder and its limited range of motion and pain. Until a friend gave me a couple Power Strips samples to try. I have to admit- I was skeptical- if all the mainstream practitioners couldn't fix it and provide relief, how would a strip that is all natural and holistic and doesn't have any drugs or chemicals in it? Boy was I surprised! Within 4 days, the pain had dramatically decreased and I almost had full range of motion back. Hard to believe, isn't it?!?!? Each day wearing the Power Strips, it gets even better and better. Plus- I've noticed other benefits too- menopausal hot flashes have improved which in turn means my sleep is better, my mental clarity is clear, I have more energy, and my immune system is certainly boosted- I haven't been sick in months, and previous to wearing the strips I was constantly battling bouts of bronchitis. The power of the Power Strips is
"Everyone keeps asking for a sample. These things are marvelous. I gave one to my daughter. She drove back to Baltimore yesterday. she called me and said Mom these things work. She wanted it for energy. She said she did not have to stop for coffee to continue her drive home!"
"Last night I attempted to move a very large oversized chair down our stairway-alone. I got it half way down and it got STUCK! Dave was on the phone so couldn't pull away and I wanted to get down the stairs so I crawled on TOP of this chair and had to JUMP approx. 6 feet down onto the stairway landing. I didn't land gracefully and the bottom "pads" of both feet screamed with pain. I immediately opened up our handy pack of PowerStrips and applied 1/4 of a strip on the bottom of each feet (on the pads!). My pain went away immediately and when I woke up today it didn't hurt to walk on them at all! Truly- every household should have PowerStrips on hand!"Joy
7:27pm Aug 2
Improve the health of your blood cells with PowerStrips!! These really do work at a cellular level....
PowerStrips by FG Xpress are a breakthrough technology providing pain relief, energy & much more.
Now these are not your regular pain reduction patches.
Unlike some of these warming patches on the market, or other pain relief products. PowerStrips do help many get relief from pain, but they do so much more. If you treat them like a Tylenol and use them only when pain occurs you are missing out on so much the potential health benefits relate to using PowerStrips.
The transdermal strips deliver nutrition to the cells of the body. First of all the promote detoxification of the cells. So it’s like a 24/7 gentle cleanse.
The silver in the strips help to improve the immune system. The Marine phytoplankton provide 72 minerals into the body.
They help improve your energy, mental clarity, athletic performance, endurance, stamina, sexual function (erectile dysfunction in men)
I could go on and on of all the benefits one could experience from using Powerstrips regularly, you can see from the list above that it does so much more than just act as a pain reliever.
Below is a short youtube video showing how it improved the blood cell after 24hrs of use. ENJOY!!
I Woke up this morning and my headache completely gone!! Sinuses feel clearer too.
Mary Lou R
I have had migraines since I was a child. They are a rare occurrence for me, but completely take me out for 12+ hours when they hit. I began to notice one come on as I was coming into my house one day. I immediately put a PowerStrip on the back of my neck and laid down. What would normally be suffering and soon vomiting, I peacefully fell asleep. I woke up 1 hour later feeling completely fine. I use PowerStrips for other minor things, but this completely blew me away!
Amanda S.
My 11 year old daughter experiences migraines due to stress (especially at school). I'm hesitant to give her Tylenol at her age so I was eager to try Power Strips on her. She called me from school having a severe migraine and I rushed down with a strip, rather than Tylenol. She was reluctant to put the strip on her forehead being at school, so I placed one in the middle of her back. Within 10 minutes, she was ready to go back to class. Seriously? These Power Strips work!
Susan J.
I have a testimonial using one small piece for fibrocystic breasts. I wish I had the PowerStrips when I had mastitis with my first child! Wanting to try the PowerStrips on something when they first arrived, I didn't have much for symptoms except an extreme fibrocystic breast condition that had been bothering me for about two weeks. At bedtime I applied a small piece (1/2" X 1") to my breast and by morning there was no trace of the extensive lumps and sore nipples that had been present. I kept the piece on for 48 hours anyways, but have not had any more issue at all. This was a big shift for which I had been using homeopathy for with only moderate success.
Wow. I just put one on my back because I was in so much pain and Mom kept one (she isnt having pain today) and HOLY COW the pain was gone in 10 min!!!! So excited to get my pack in the mail!!!!!
“I heard a testimonial from a friend who relayed the story about a woman who shared the PowerStrips with her father in law who has Parkinson’s. Within days, using just 1 PowerStrip on his back, his speech and coordination improved tremendously. I do not know this person but I’d love to hear the longer term benefits…….
So….we immediately took 2 PowerStrips to our friend, Sue, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s several years ago and who lives local. She said she slept better and more than 2.5x as long the first night she used the PowerStrip. Usually she only sleeps 2 hours or so a night. As we all know, with deeper and sounder sleep- our health improves. She was thrilled!Joy.
Ok, Jeanette Heeb, I have to give a testimonial on Power Strips. The last couple of weeks I have been waking up with headaches. A brisk walk usually takes care of it. This morning it was especially bad, probably due to being in a little fender bender yesterday. I used a narcotic pain killer and ice pack and slept some more. When the narcotic wore off, the pain was bad again and I was nauseated. Instead of another pill, I used a power strip on my upper back and had instant relief. The pain didn't completely go away, but it was much better.
Just got these messages from a friend who just received her PowerStrips today!!
5:14pm "Trying out the first power strip!! They came just in time because I currently have a migraine"
5:52pm "Headache gone!" I asked her if it usually takes a lot for those to go away. Her response: "Usually it takes all day, a nap, and some ibuprofen Or a visit to the chiropractor"
She's going through a lot of stress right now, so not having to deal with a migraine on top of it sure is a good thing!!posted by Stephanie
Last week I was at a conference, and discovered my friend, Dr. Allen was speaking.
We had lunch, and she asked me what the strip was on my neck. I told her, and of course, I had another strip in my purse, and she was very excited. When she touched it, she said it contained 5500 voltage energy, and was one of the highest possible elements she had ever touched.
We went back into the room, and there was a man in a wheelchair. She touched his back, saying his spine was out of energy. She placed half of the strip on the top of his spine, and the rest on his lower back. HIS ENERGY SHOT UP. He even got up from his wheelchair for a little time.Brooke
Miracles do happen every day! I am so thankful for how these have helped my very painful back which the pain goes down my legs to my knees! Need to order more!
I saw your post on FB requesting our personal testimonials. Well with me, as you know I was diagnosed with DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). I had a blood clot on my lower right leg that caused my leg to swell up A LOT and it was extremely painful regardless of whether I was standing, sitting or trying to walk. Anyway, I put the power strip on my right calf below my knee and within 2 days my swelling went away and my leg looked normal again. My leg still hurt but after a few more days of use (about 5 total) and no oxycodone, the pain was gone.
My 12yr old son fell and somehow hurt both heels. He was walking funny and complaining about the pain. I cut a power strip in half and put one on the back of each leg above the ankle. Within 5 minutes he complained that it felt weird and 15 minutes later he was jumping up and down and saying, "Mom, look those strip things worked! Look at me I'm walking normal and I don't feel any pain!" Thanks!!Liz
"Okay- my hubby is a 'man's man'. He doesn't ask for directions and he's reluctant about using anything for 'healing'. He would prefer to let things just run their course. His throat has been sore for 2 days and he's had a killer headache but today it got worse. His lymph nodes were swelling and he was feeling cranky and run down as well. For 2 days I've been telling him to put a Power Strip on but he refused- well today, out of desperation he listened.
20 minutes later when I checked on him he cheerfully said 'wow, who would have thought this thing was really going to work this well?' his sore throat and headache were gone and he was up out of bed feeling joyful! GO POWER STRIPS!!!"Tamara
My friend, a fit Les Mills Body Pump gal, contacted me regarding a sore “top of knee and quad and wanted to know where she should put her PowerStrip. I suggested ½ on the quad and ½ under the knee. A couple of hours later I got a text saying it felt instantly better. I just love it!
Text from Zynnia
My feet are very bad, and they are needed when I walk. I put 1/4th strip on top and bottom of each feet. IT WORKS!
Amazing how one little PAIN can change your outlook on life AND also stop you from being able to do simple things. Yesterday I had a foot pain (came out of nowhere) while with my granddaughters. I had to hobble all day - looked like I sprained my ankle. When I got home I put 1/4 PowerStrip on the bottom of that foot, and went to bed. Today NO PAIN and I slept well with no throbbing. Now when people talk about foot pain, I can relate to how it slows you down......
“I wore my Power Strip before my P90X plus workout today and wow!!!! I was not even sore afterward!!! It even got a little warm which felt great on my muscles!"
[6:38:17 PM] Dave DeBerardinis: [6:36 PM] Craig Klawuhn:
<<< And this is what it is all about ! PowerStrip Update
Patient had severe spinal injury for 11 years, diagnoses with acute spondylolysis, constant pain for years. Patient applied the patch and in one day, amazing pain relief. The pain also triggered severe headaches, which has also subsided.
These are the kind of results that physicians are looking for, that will enable us to endorse products that work. This physician is pleased.
Dr. K - West Pam Beach— Craig Klawuhn, Today 6:36 PM[6:36 PM] Craig Klawuhn:
<<< And this is what it is all about! PowerStrip Update:
Patient had severe spinal injury for 11 years, diagnoses with acute spondylolysis, constant pain for years. Patient applied the patch and in one day, amazing pain relief. The pain also triggered severe headaches, which has also subsided.
These are the kind of results that physicians are looking for, that will enable us to endorse products that work. This physician is pleased.Dr. K - West Pam Beach—
"I'm so pleased with the results I have with the power strips I just want other people to know they can be pain FREE , I really thought I'd have to live with back pain the rest of my life, My life has change I"M LIVING AGAIN!!!!!" No More Back Pain.
"Helping people is a privilege and a blessing and this text tonight brought tears to my eyes! It is so rewarding to give relief to someone who has suffered with pain for so long. Dennis Smith said "It's been a good day not to struggle with pain constantly dragging me down."
Robyn has been able to decrease her pain medication usage from 6 tabs per day to 1/2 tab by using the herbal Power Strips!!!!!! She sent the following answer to me in a message when I asked her how she liked the Power Strips....." Yes I had two lower back operations and ever since then my upper back hasn't been right I've been on pain meds for at least 5 yrs but the pain was never totally gone! With these power strips I can honestly say the pain is gone after 1/2 hr of applying the strip!"
She has also stated, "I'm so pleased with the results I have with the Power Strips I just want other people to know they can be pain free. I really thought I would have to live with back pain the rest of my life. My life has changed. I'M LIVING AGAIN!!"
I AM LOVING THE POWER STRIPS…just shared them with a nurse…she also loved them. I was at a fire walk, and seemed to burn my feet…put on a strip, and had no pain nor blisters in the morning.
June (very first use of strips)
Pain and healing of broken leg and mashed/fractured ligaments, tendons, cartilage & little bones on foot and knee improved drastically. I could walk better and stopped limping (along with some other health benefits).
July (did not have any strips)
Pain did not return in foot. (June application of strips apparently healed the foot). But pain returned in knee area during exercising and limp came back.
Hiking/walking partner (and I) were amazed that I was unable to walk without limping when I did not have the strips - after the limping had really gone away. My upper leg and knee area was too weak.
August (started back on strips)
On my first hike/walk I applied 1/3rd strip applied on back of knee and 1/3rd strip applied on front . 1/4 strip by itself was not enough but two 1/3rd strips did the trick. A major difference on that hike. (I use a simple cotton headband doubled over to keep the strips adhered to the knee during all that walking.) Using strips for a month, and then without strips for a month, and then back on them helped me see it was NOT just a coincidence that i did so much better (it is clear that my leg would NOT have healed that quickly anyway). The strips are obviously what make the difference..
I am NOT exaggerating here. It just can't be more obvious how much the strips help.Carolyn
I am having a big sciatica problem and the strips are doing wonders for the pain.
"My granddaughter is an addict and went home to try to get off the drugs. She used the last two patches and it helped immensely with the pain and, she had good energy and didn't sleep her days away. Today, my daughter called because she slept wrong and can't move her right arm. Can I just order some patches from you or do I have to do something special to get more? Thanks."
My Mom is so funny. She has a great testimony!! She has been wearing her Power Strip for 8 DAYS and has not had any pain at all!!! They are supposed to be changed every 2 days. LOL She usually has abdominal pain on a daily basis but said she was feeling so good that she didn't think she needed a new one!!!
If you know anything about Fermented Red Korean Ginseng then you know it acts as an antihistamine. If you or someone you know suffers from allergies, then tell them about the Power Strips! Regarding this, Dawn says, "Since using the Power Strips I haven't had to take an allergy pill every single day! This is the first time in 22 years that I haven't had to take allergy pills during allergy season - truly amazing!! No allergy symptoms whatsoever this year and apparently it's been a bad one! So glad I discovered the strips!"
"I have had a knee problem for four months and only last night put the patch on it and woke up so happy and told my father that it was the first day I can walk normal. I still have it on. Thank you FG express Really works."
Personally, I have haven't had intense pain problems lately, so I have not verified the PowerStrips ability to relieve pain in myself, although when I've tried them with small pains, they've worked perfectly. But what really motivates me to use them right now is the other effects I clearly perceive, which are not recognized by FDA, namely, I have much more energy all day long, I sleep much better, I feel it soothes out my nervous system, like turning down a constant unperceived background noise, and I find myself in a much more pleasant mood. Besides, I am seeing better. I'm now able to read without wearing glasses (with some difficulty) things that were usually just a blurred strip of gray to me. Quite impressive list of feats for one product that's just supposed to relieve pain, don't you think?
Jose’ Luis
"Fabulous experience today with the PowerStrips! I got out of bed and my shins were VERY stiff with pain. This had been going on for 2 days- since a long walk and starting my 30 day "Squat program". Duh...Why hadn't I tried the PowerStrips yet? So this morning I cut them in half and put them on the top of my shins. I kid you not, the PAIN went away in 5 minutes! I just LOVE the PowerStrips. There is NO reason to ever have pain!!!!
"Another great text to wake up to! This lady has painful Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms and placed the strip under her naval to help with systemic pain. Such a rewarding job when you help someone feel good!!!!!" MESSAGE: “Yes it helped….I am usually so stiff in the morning- crazy!”
Two months ago Laura's husband fell off a ladder so she called to buy a couple of packs of the PowerStrips. David got immediate relief- and has been using them every day prior to his shoulder surgery and now after his surgery. Since they had plenty of PowerStrips on hand she decided to try one for her hip pain. Here is what happened..... Laura called the next day and told us it did help her hip a little- but what really excited her was that her the pain in her wrists and fingers were GONE. I had no idea she had wrist and finger pain but being in her mid-40's her career as a massage therapist was coming to an end due to pain. WOW....very exciting! Needless to say- she and David are both believers!
One more thing with Laura She called Dave saying she had burned her foot on the lawnmower and wondered if the PowerStrips would help her with the pain. We said, why not try them....they DO help with pain. She cut 1/2 a PowerStrip and placed 1/4 on each side of the burn and the pain went away within minutes!
Hi Joy, I just needed to write and let you know I put a power strip on Friday morning, I took it off Saturday morning at 6am drove to New Hampshire for some shopping with my sister, Well I was pain free so we headed to York Maine and just enjoyed walking around and taking in the sites the key word was WALKING! I got back to VT at 11:30, Still pain free, Power strips gave me my life back! I'm loving life again...." (no more back pain!)
And yet another message from a friend!!!! 5 DAYS OF RELIEF!!!
"Hi Amy - sorry for the delayed response. Just not had time to get on line the past few days. My pain went away for about 5 days and I'm still feeling better even now. For these to have helped me they had to be good since I was hurting so bad in my knees, legs and shoulder. Nothing else I've ever used had any effect. I'm going to get signed up soon - "
I have been waking up every morning SO sore from the workouts we've been doing. Some days I feel like I need a few hours to get going. I prefer to give my strips out to people who have true pain but just as an experiment I put one under my naval last night to see if I would wake up feeling any better. Well after 2 rigorous workouts yesterday and only 5 1/2 hours of sleep, I have TONS of energy this morning and have NO pain at all!
My 13 year old son started playing football this past week and yesterday developed painful shin splints and was limping. He asked for a power strip before bed and this morning when he woke up he had full mobility of both legs with zero pain!!!Amy
SPEAKING of the PowerStrips for ENERGY......Our friend Rhonda, a fit gal who trains/ fights MMA- won't train or fight without her PowerStrips. Course you also heard of our friend, Barbara competes in the Sr. Olympics-(lives in Vermont 77 years young) She took many 1st places at the Kansas and Ohio track meets and last week she brought her trainer here (exercise physiologist) who is also a sr. and very well known. Bill is so impressed with her performance and recovery - and that she can now train like she used to and compete in all events since using the PowerStrips (some she could not before due to back pain) that HE just decided to share/endorse the PowerStrips...and they will do the business together- NOT so much for the income but for sharing with those who can benefit. very cool. He was the exercise physiologist for UVM for years and back when I was a freshman at UVM he was the conditioning coach for one of my classes. :)
My Mom and I loaded this 12' truck from a 2-story home all on our own Friday afternoon into the evening. My Dad and I unloaded it Saturday morning. I am finding it very strange this morning to realize that I am not sore or stiff at all. My muscles and joints actually feel great. I just texted mom to ask if she has been sore at all and she said, "yep, not really sore either. Not bad huh?". My mom even walked 3-1/2 miles Friday morning and had energy all day...on 5 hours of sleep too! And, she is out doing a long brisk walk in her neighborhood as we speak!
I will have to say that there is definitely something to these PowerStrips. They continue to amaze me...I am shocked!!
“We did receive our Power Strips and I must tell you I'm pretty excited!
For the first time in years my back pain is gone and my right shoulder pain is a lot better. I have Irene tape the edges of the PowerStrips on so they last me for the two days and nights”.Mort
“In my lower back around the sciatic nerve….I’ve had it for 10 years! But today I didn’t have to roll out of bed- which was really something for me (lol) and laundry was noticeably easier. These may not sound like big deals but they really are to me. I was in state law enforcement which I got the injury to my nerve and the frustration over not being able to do simple things was almost as bad as the pain was painful! So I’m very happy to have the results I have so far. Thank you Amy!”
“I was getting a sore throat and cold and I put a ½ PowerStrip on my throat before bed and woke up without a sore throat. The next day my husband Brian started to get a sore throat and I told him to try the PowerStrip, which he had never tried. It worked for him too. We were getting low on our supply of PowerStrips which we don’t want to do so I just placed an order for a double pack. We LOVE the PowerStrips….and they are also helping me a lot with the pain in my wrists and hands. Thanks”.
Brookes B.
I cut half a strip and put them on the rough heels before going to bed, now they are soft as a baby's butt!
Thank you Dave! I'm excited and happy. A while ago I put two strips of something like a third of a patch (I don't have many left) on the back of my friend who's a piano tuner and technician, and came to tune my piano. He's very excited to try the PowerStrips.
Jose’ Luis
Here's another good use; for the past 3 days Dominique has been experiencing a really bad tooth ache that was knocking him out...and it takes a lot to keep this man down. I cut a 1 inch wide strip and put it over his cheek and bone where the pain was and he was not woken up last night in pain needing to take a pain killer; he felt really much better this morning, with swelling down. Of course he's going to have to get it checked, but in the meantime, the strips helped a LOT!!
Linda F.
I've been using the PowerStrips for three months and have had ongoing benefits since Day One:
increased spinal flexibility and physical mobility
dramatically reduced inflammation and pain in back, neck, shoulders, kidneys
Increased physical energy, with more endurance and stamina increased mental focus and positivity
better sleep
greater cardiovascular capacity, deeper breath
Most recently, I've been placing a 1/3 of a PowerStrip over my heart area and it has been fantastic for eliminating anxiety, stress, tension, and staying very centered, calm, and balanced. I
feel smooth, clear, and agile all day.
LOVE the PowerStrips!EB
My father recently shared that he had a growth on his skin which had become a concern. It had developed a red ring around it, and his local physician was concerned. He scheduled a specialist appointment to have it checked for cancer. Of course, he had several weeks to wait for the appointment, since the doctor was booked up.
I suggested he keep a piece of PowerStrip on it.
Yesterday, my father told me the growth was gone. He cancelled his appointment.Mary
I have lost most of the skin tags I have all over just anther benefit. Stared using PowerStrip this June lots more good thing have happen all good. If you would like a sample let me know via PM I will get back to you!
A great story tonight of a 12 year old gymnast with back pain who had relief with the Power Strips and said she felt better!
My job is Rewarding with a capital R.....!!!
I myself only had 2 hours of sleep last night and yet I never felt sluggish today thanks to my strip! They help with ENERGY and SLEEP and ANXIETY!
So many uses and all natural with HEALING properties! Love these Power Strips!Amy
Mom bought a pizzelle machine and she makes about 2 dozen of these cookies every other day and brings them up for all of us. We are addicted to them!!! Anyhow yesterday she was walking funny and holding her lower back and finally confessed that she had been having lower back pain "for several days" and did not have any more strips, so I gave her one. Well last night she sent a text saying "I will trade you 1 strip for 2 dozen pizzelles." LOL Then this morning she called and said "It's a miracle! I woke up with absolutely no back pain and I slept so good! I just can't believe that little strip can do what it does. It is unbelievable!"
Believe it! They work!!!!Amy
I am so thrilled, I just have to tell someone, so I am telling YOU, yes YOU!! Last night I slept from 10:30 p.m. until 8:55 a.m. Now to YOU, that may not sound like anything special....BUT for me, it is unbelievable.... The only time I have been able to sleep that long is when I am sick..... I am not sick, I don't feel sick, I don't look sick....but I am surely well rested!!! If sleep is elusive to you, I do not have a secret, I am willing to share.
“I had a massive headache in the middle of the night. because I had way too much white wine. It finally dawned on me to try a PowerStrip so I cut a piece, slapped it on my forehead and 20 minutes or so later I fell asleep. So now I know they work for hangover headaches!”
I have suffered from problems sleeping for years. I either can’t get to sleep and lay there awake all night tossing and turning or I manage to fall asleep but wake up suddenly for no reason after a couple of hours and can’t go back to sleep. Being a busy full time working Mum I end up exhausted and run down with a weakened immune system. That is until I started using POWER STRIPS. First night I used the Power Strips I had put the strip on two hours before bed. As soon as I lay down in bed I realized I was a lot more relaxed and less anxious and I fell asleep soon after, for the first time I can remember in years I slept for a solid seven hours. The next night I had another solid sleep without waking up during the night. Finally I know what it is not to get up in the morning dragging my feet exhausted. Three days on I am a new person. "
I went to bed last night with a slight sore throat and woke up in the middle of the night and could hardly swallow. I immediately took a strip of a PowerStrip off another part of my body and put it over my throat area. Within minutes I could swallow again and it was not sore. AMAZING!!!!! I may not have thought of this except a couple of weeks ago a friend told me this worked for her. ONE great reason to share your testimonials on how the PowerStrips are working for YOU!
Ditto--Sounds like we had the same night. PowerStrip worked well with the sore throat but had to readjust for headache pain--from forehead to nape of neck and then I was good. PowerStrips are a great tool to have in the tool box!
Manny came home from football practice today asking if he could buy a few strips from me! LOL He said he didn't want me to lose any money and he figures he will need 1 every day for the next 3 weeks. LOL
Marco had been complaining of heel pain for 2 days and I put a small strip on his heel last night and didn't hear a peep out of him today!
So first they get hooked on the Vi shakes, then the Nerium for any scars or cuts etc. and now the Power Strips!!! At least they are willing to listen and try! I love it!!!Amy
"Yesterday, my right eye started to become itchy & painful, just underneath. This morning, I woke up and it was so puffed up, red, and painful. Puffiness has subsided after Massaging it, but I got tired of the pain, so I cut a tiny piece of a Power Strip & applied it to the area. I am so happy to report that I could feel it warm up, almost immediately (which they've never done on my hip or feet). After 5 minutes, I applied pressure & I can't feel a drop of pain!!! I usually wear them to manage my sacroiliac joint pain & inflammation, plus they help IMMENSELY with my "woman" cramps & flow".
I just love hearing new uses for the Power Strips! Last night I had tiny pieces cut up over my face on acne spots/breakouts! I'm happy to report they are half the size this morning! Glad to see others are using them on their face too!
"FGXpress PowerStrips are so amazing. Last month I was diagnosed with DVT. My right leg was very swollen. I put a PowerStrip on and within 2 days my swelling was gone!!
Last Friday I woke up with lower back pain. Not sure why but I put on a PowerStrip on my back and the pain was gone within minutes.”Liz
The PowerStrips are doing lots of great healing for my back and neck pain! Pretty powerful stuff in those little things.
Thank you everyone!!!!! She's actually not in very much pain thank god!!! I also used about a quarter of a power strip on her arm. She woke up saying her wrist was hurting and her elbow so I put one on her upper arm above the splint. She didn't complain once that her arm was hurting all day. I took the strip off her around 9pmish, because they also promote energy (she was a little wound lol). Well about 15-20 mins. after I took it off she said her arm was hurting again!! So I put it back on and today all day she didn't complain of any pain. Now it's amazing that's she's not in pain but, she's wanting to dance and play around like she didn't just fracture her radius.
So, since I have had chronic pain for 10 years now I thought I'd give these PowerStrips a try. They work great! I am glad to have been able to give them a try and I suggest anyone with chronic pain do the same. Just having pain relief helped my energy levels…and ability levels. Even the small things make a HUGE difference.
The feedback keeps coming!!!! Judy actually ordered strips for her husband who injured his foot and not only did they help him, but Judy said, "I put a little strip on the back of my neck. I had a bad sinus headache. And it went away... usually I can’t get rid of it."
Michele’s husband had knee surgery 3 weeks ago and he had "almost instant relief!" with a Power Strip across his knee!
You've gotta try these!!! They make a HUGE difference in how I feel in the morning and throughout the Insanity workouts too!Amy
From too many curls and pull ups, my right elbow developed what the physical therapist called Tennis Elbow. Man was that painful. He’d give me a few exercises that never helped. I bought a band that I would tighten on my fore arm to work out. It worked OK, but the pain was still there. Sometimes it hurt just to have my arm hanging down by my side. I couldn't quite straighten it out… Was unable to work out like I wanted for 6 months. I put a PowerStrip, about a Band-aid size, on my forearm, just in front of the elbow. Less than 24 hours I was able to return to the gym and workout performing curls and pull ups without ANY pain.
Tamara’s blog
Increased energy- this is a big one! At this point I am noticing that I am having more and more periods of productivity in my day. I still have to stop and rest often- I still have to pace myself but my pace has increased. I am able to get more done in a day without ‘paying for it’ later. If you have CFS or Fibro then you know what that means.
Mental clarity/Mood- is way up. I am more focused, better able to concentrate and calmer. I feel like I am starting to balance out more emotionally. I am on anti-depressants for major depressive order as well as chronic PTSD but they have never seemed to work much. I can’t say if it is just the Power Strips, or the Power Strips in conjunction with the medication but whatever it is- for me it is finally working!
Pain- I am still having the pain but I am down now to a 4 for today. I am used to hanging out at a 7 or an 8 so a 4 is wonderful! I am still having bouts of intense pain but I am also more active than normal so that could be it as well. I think it’s important to journal your way through your pain cycles so you can learn about when you are having pain and what it is that you are doing differently. For instance, I thought initially that the powerstrips weren’t working but my husband pointed out that I had been doing projects all morning. That is unusual behaviour for me- I can usually only go about an hour at a time before I have to rest from the pain.
I’ve also been pretty active today- cleaning house and scrapping a lot this morning. I was able to stay mobile a great deal of the day today which is very rare for me. I am still having shooting pains, joint pains, and headaches but they are scaled down considerably. If I have to live at a 4 for the rest of my life- I’ll take that compared to what an 8 feels like! I am still taking all my medications at this point and do hope that one day I can be medication free, but for right now that’s not realistic for where I am.
PMS- this is a wonderful side effect- and it has happened twice now. I’ll let you know if this is on- going but I really do pray that it is! I am almost always couch-bound during my period from cramps and headaches and for the week prior to my period I am extremely moody and lethargic. The PowerStrips seem to have regulated that ! I have not had any crazy mood swings for 2 periods now and I also have been able to do light cleaning and shopping while on my period. Pure Bliss!
Weight Loss- this one is most unexpected but I am losing weight! I have noticed that I am much less bloated and that my clothes are fitting better. I am also eating less and more interested in eating healthy options. I am attributing that to the marine phytoplanktons feeding my body at a cellular level. My stomach is noticeably smaller and it just feels great! I hope the weight loss trend continues because for me it has been nearly impossible to lose weight. I am hypothyroid as well- and if I have found something that helps regulate my metabolism I will bend over backwards to continue using it! What a blessing!
Sleep- I am sleeping better and waking up feeling more refreshed than ever. I am still wrestling with inability to fall asleep but once I am asleep it seems that I am actually staying asleep. Hopefully the insomnia will just completely dwindle away…..
So you can see the positive effects that the Power Strips are having in my daily life. This is two weeks in, I can’t wait to see what one month is like!
I do have a plea for help though at this point- I signed up to become a distributor because I tried the product, I LOVE the product, and I believe in the product. I would like to continue using the Power Strips and am hoping that you all will help me do that by spreading the word.
Who do you know that is in pain and would like real relief- and all natural relief that is good for you? Who would be willing to spend less than the cost of a one hour massage to begin experiencing this kind of pain relief? If you could bless someone with this product who would it be? Let me assure you, this would be a serious blessing to someone in chronic pain. The Power Strips are a life changer!
If you have been reading my blog and are curious- please let now be the moment you decide to take the risk and try these amazing Power Strips. I would love to build a strong local team of people dedicated to helping others experience pain relief.
Someday, I would love to just be able to bless people with this product- imagine walking into a nursing home or a hospice center and handing these out? If you would like to be a part of something that can really benefit people in pain please drop me a line, give me a call or a shout on my Facebook page. I think the quote below from the creator of the Power Strips really sums it all up about what our society needs right now: Tamara’s blog(thanks for sharing, Tamara!)
Carpal tunnel syndrome anyone?? One of my co-workers, who has experienced relief from back pain using the PowerStrips (FDA listed Class 1 Medical Device used for the relief of pain & discomfort) came to me this morning to tell me that last night she was awakened by pain in her wrists... Just for the heck of it she cut up a PowerStrip and put them on her wrists (see photo) . She said before she knew it she was back to sleep and pain free...
I was offered a PowerStrip by Julie for my pain. I have had back pain for 20 years and my pain increased more after my cancer surgery. (I also have fibromyalgia and R A) . I am normally very skeptic but I was willing to give this a try. Normally after a day’ work my back feels like it is breaking in 3 parts but with the use of the PowerStrip the pain was pretty much gone. Anybody with any kind of pain need to try this product.
"PowerStrips have been amazing during my pregnancy and contributed to my overall health in many ways! I wondered why I was NOT feeling any back pain or discomfort at all...and most pregnant women do. One day, I forgot to put a PS on (the one and only day I didn't) and realized the tension and pressure on my lower back. I put a PS back on and within 30 minutes all the discomfort was gone! I am 35 weeks and still working out, no back tension, and feeling wonderful! Love PowerStrips!"
“We face the question of how we live healthier and more meaningful lives, rather than just living longer.”
- Dr.Minsu Kim
Woke up this morning with a low grade fever, body aches and a sore throat. I decided to push myself and sweat out the virus with an Insanity workout. I put a bandaid size Power Strip on the sole of each foot and half of a strip on my back close to where I typically have a subluxation. It was incredible!!!! I had MORE energy than usual and even went further with each interval! Now I know why the bodybuilders love these things!
Happy Labor Day to my American Friends - so nice to wake up to this message from a Dear Friend of mine who is a colonic therapist:
The best result is when I put 1/2 strip on my 96 year old mother. Her hip has been hurting for 30+ years and impairs mobility. She grinned from ear to ear as soon as I put it on. She said, " I felt it ease up as soon as you put it on me!"
2 clients also think it is amazing. One came for a session but was hurting when she took a breath as she cracked her sternum while on vacation. I put 1/4 strip on the center of her chest. When she came and got on the table she said "It feels so good to take a full breath without hurting!"
Then the other client came early in the am after very little sleep with a neck aching and a headache. I put 1/8 strip each on each side of her head and her neck. Within 5 minutes she was saying " It feels so good to be pain free!" Great results.From Craig
"The Strips are making big waves over here in Kenya!!! People are trying them and loving them! They are great!". Liz is single handedly founding and running the first and only MS Society of Kenya and she has personally had great results with the strips and wants to help others. I am so grateful to have been a part of that influence. It feels so good to do good. Xoxoxo
Update from Liz…..Today, again, I noticed much reduced fatigue! I haven't had to nap at all today yet I have been driving all day! I also noticed that I am much calmer with the crazy driving here! I gave way to everyone today. The strips really do clam me down! (It's amazing considering I had to use spiritual CDs to tame my road rage). I would like to order more. More to come!"
“Those strips are great! I have some type of cyst on the bottom of my foot that periodically fills up with fluid and makes it painful to run. I put a small strip over it last night and have no pain today and was able to run and I never even felt it! Thank you for sharing with me Amy!”
My older son came over yesterday with a burning itching rash that has been spreading-looks like eczema, and was so bad that he bruising his skin with the scratching or banging, when it's burning, but the primary care mds (2 of them) couldn't make it less burning and itching, next step was going to be derm. biopsy and stronger cortisone, and it spread from one eyelid to the second, and then his wrist and down his hand. Yesterday I asked him if i could wrap his wrist with a power strip for curiosity as people are behaving like it's god.
Within 30 minutes the burning and itching went away. His text today, about 18 hrs. later: "I don't want to be overly enthusiastic but i just removed the bandage and then skin that had direct contact is completely better."
The skin looks and feels completely normal after a year, and it's exactly where the tape was.
My first big wow! so I wanted to share with everyone....
The other is a psychiatrist who has had a wrist problem, using a brace and said for 7 months.
MDs recommending surgery. 1/8 power strip wrapped under brace started to help right away. 2 weeks later, she has no more and said's and is starting to have brace free days.Debbie
May 15th I had a total reverse shoulder replacement.
The day after surgery, I started using the Power Strips. I continuously would keep a whole strip on top of my surgery shoulder. I did not/or have not taken any pain pills (aspirin once in a while) because I am a long time meditator and have developed mind control...........NOT!!
I didn't take any pain pills because (drum roll)..........I DIDN'T NEED THEM! Surgeon, doctors, nurse, Physical therapist continue to be amazed on how fast I am healing, have more range of motion than most people have at 3 months post-surgery, no scar tissue lumps, smooth soft firm skin (the surgery arm looks much better/stronger/firmer than my other good arm...that also needs replaced :(.....or maybe not??? I put 1/2 strip on that shoulder). Today the PT was able (with his help) put my arm in 2 positions where I was at full range of motion 180 degrees. (Ouch) When he came 3 days back, he got it to 168 degrees. He said the exercises he gave me are really making a difference to see such improvement in 3 days. Actually, I didn't do any arm exercises these last few days :)......but I sure keep a Power Strip on!
Most of the time I would have a whole strip above the incision, and 1/2 below the incision. Mainly those were the pain areas. I have not put Power Strips direct on the incision....yet it is almost unnoticeable. There is an ink mark at top and bottom of incision so you can see the length of the incision. Now I am just needing 1/2 Power Strip on my shoulder, and sometimes below. So yes, it's nice not to have a huge gash on my arm for years to come.............but the healing of the cut muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc. from the surgery....and the range of motion I'm getting back in such a short time (not had much use of this shoulder/arm for 3 or so years) is what is important to me. Starting to get my life back.............Humbling.
I must admit, i was completely hesitant about getting these "PowerStrips" for pain for my feet and thought i was throwing away money.. but im starting to think that i was wrong in doubting... feeling some relief in my feet for the first time in FOREVER is so amazing i want to cry! standing up after sitting down for 15 minutes without falling on my face in tears is the best feeling in the world. Haven’t put them to the ultimate test yet (going to work while wearing them to see if the help relieve some pain) but I’m pretty positive about it at this moment in time THANK YOU SOO MUCH Stephanie Wilding !!!"
"I play indoor netball every week. I play in the position of centre and spend the game sprinting up and down the court at speed with the aim of intercepting the ball in play. The game is fast and can be quite rough. With all the throwing, running, jumping and twisting I often end up with sore muscles in my back, legs and arms and the next morning suffer a lot of stiffness that can take a few days to subside. I played yesterday it was a great game but I played hard. My back was very sore afterwards so I cut a Power Strip in half lengthways and placed it each sides of my spine on my lower back where my muscles were sore and inflamed. I woke up this morning not only with no muscle soreness and stiffness in my back but no soreness in my legs or arms either. So pleased to have such a quick recovery!"
"I suffer from TMJ Disorder. The muscles around my jaw hinge (temporomandibular - TMJ) are constantly tight and sore. Along with jaw pain I also suffer pain around my face, neck and shoulders and headaches. When I am under stress I tend to clench my jaw which adds to the pain and discomfort.
“I came home after a stressful day and the muscles at the TMJ were extremely tight and sore, a sore neck and headache was starting. Usually I would take pain meds to ease the discomfort and help me to sleep with the pain but now instead of pain medication I use POWER STRIPS I cut a small piece off the end of a POWER STRIP then cut that in half and placed a piece on the TMJ on either side of my jaw I left them on overnight. The discomfort and pain started easing and I went to sleep and woke in the morning rested, no headache, no neck pain and a massive improvement in the pain in my jaw."
So... My husband is pretty gung-ho and wants us to do the business. He loves the strips and has prolonged his knee surgery which was supposed to happen on the 28th of this month, but has been cancelled. He is wondering if we can chat sometime with you to talk more about the comp plan. :) Can we set up a time to do that?
OMG these Strips are amazing!!!!! My bunion pain was gone in seconds and it hasn’t returned in 3 days!!!! I am so glad I ordered then- thanks Amy for telling me about them!
After I got out of work at b.e.d I came home mowed the lawn did yard work then i realized I had to get to my evening jobs so i kept my work boots on, well by my third job my legs where killing me so i cut a power strip in half put one on each leg,,, within 10 minutes my pain is gone....... thank you Cathy Chamberlain for telling me about the power strips you changed my life........ Robyn (This is amazing as it was only months ago that Robyn had to resort to pain killers to keep her back pain somewhat manageable- and had limited activities that she could perform due to pain and pain killer side effects!
"Prior to using Power strips, and I was experiencing many menopausal symptoms, and had been for many years. These included moodiness, sleep disturbances, fogginess in the head from lack of sleep, and a sense of feeling overwhelmed some days. I am a Registered Nurse who knew that there were valid reasons to not seek hormonal medications. After a few bouts of quite severe flu and bronchitis, I knew that lack of sleep was likely the cause of becoming sick more often than usual. Since I have become a regular user of the Power Strips, my sleep quality has increased phenomenally, I think clearly, and on a daily basis feel an inner calm, that allows me to tend to any situation with a feeling of power. In the last 5 months, I have not had any colds or even a sniffle. Power to the Strips!!!!!!"
“I am not normally accident prone but you wouldn’t know it yesterday! I was putting up a baby gate and pinched my ring finger in the latch. It hurt so much and immediately within less than a minute I had a blood blister come to the surface. Dave cut a small strip of the PowerStrips and placed it over the finger and the throbbing pain went away on contact. Then…..10 min. later when leaving with my granddaughters I shut my right index finger in the door. I couldn’t believe it!!! It swelled up, and bruised immediately. With tears in my eyes from pain from both fingers I applied one more PowerStrip “strip” over that finger and once again, within less than a minute the pain went away. In the morning I could “see” the spots on both fingers but I had to look closely and the pain never returned. This makes me truly think that everyone should have PowerStrips on hand- for both adults and children!”
I did what Barbara did for sciatica and hip and leg pain yesterday and I remember wondering if I should put it on my back instead, but an hour later it was gone after bothering me for 2 days and hasn't returned today.... So… my suggestion for pain in those areas is to put the PowerStrips on the butt!
Hi Joy...a testimonial for you...
“I drove to Maine and back recently' 8 1/2 hours each way. I usually have terrible sciatica back pain after a couple of hours in the car. So I put PowerStrips on each buttock and upper thigh, and was literally PAIN FREE. And I wasn't at all stiff when I arrived. I bounced out of the car and felt great. It was awesome!”Katie
Insanity fit test, Insanity cardio abs and Insanity pure cardio....3 workouts all in 1 day?!?!? Thank you POWER STRIPS!!!!! All natural energy and pain relief doesn't get any better than this! I am forever grateful to Joy Edgerton for sharing these with me. Please message me if you know someone who is suffering from ANY kind of pain. I can help! — feeling awesome.
Wow ... These Pain Relief & so much more Power Strips really work & fast!! Bruised my palm/thumb bad ... Thought I might need x- rays .. Kept bumping it in the last 2 days ... 1 night of a strip and pain and swelling gone.
My aunt sent this to me…pain for a few mos....she said even the swelling came right down...she is blown away as I just got off the phone with her cause I called her after I read this.
Remember, I told you that I was having trouble with my foot. I soaked it in vinegar and esalt, rubbed it with bio freeze and other things and nothing seemed to help. Last night it was hurting so bad and I couldn't sleep so I cut up a PowerStrip and put across my foot and voila, felt relief in around an hour. I slept like a baby. I just got up and it's not hurting so we will see what the day brings.Wendy
"I had to share this. I fell in the shower yesterday morning (Saturday, Sept 7th) and bashed my head against the wall, splitting it a bit (1 inch cut) and raising a big lump the size of a mandarin orange. I also had a little whip lash starting in my neck so put 1/2 power strip on there. I could feel the pain in my head and neck disappearing - a sort of warmth spreading over the pain. Went to emergency just to make sure it was not serious.
I am okay............good job it was the hardest part of me that got whacked. Last night I was starting to feel the other bruises and strains so I cut another strip up and placed bits here and there and in minutes was PAIN FREE! I noticed this morning that the bump on my head is about the size of a cherry now and that the bump on my ankle has disappeared, just a bruise remains and NO PAIN! WOW!"Kathy
HAD to share. So my favourite place to wear my strip each day is on my lower abdomen. I was recently a surrogate for a local couple. I had twin boys at really good sizes and carried them to term. This left many stretch marks on my belly and lower abdomen. I discovered yesterday that the spot where I have been consistently wearing my strip is smoother and you can barely see any marks. It is quite distinct. I tried to take pictures but it is difficult to see the difference on camera so you'll just have to take my word for it. I am now moving it around each day so I can tackle the rest of them. Amazing!"
"I currently use the strips to help boost my pomeranian's immune system. He suffers from post clipping alopecia and lost his hair 2 years ago. I started using the Power Strips on him in July and in 2 short months we have seen a huge improvement in his health, agility and hair growth! After 2 years of being bald, he is starting to look like a fluffy dog again. I will post some progress pictures soon and will keep updating and following his journey!
I've spoken with other Power Strips users that use the strips for pain relief on their pets after major injuries or surgeries."Dawn
Goodbye stretch marks too - bonus! Mine are going away since I've been wearing strips on my belly.
Mary Lou
"A personal Power Strip Testimonial from me::::: I woke up with a migraine headache this morning. I cut a small piece of a power strip and put it on the back of my neck and the migraine was GONE within 5 minutes. I will NEVER be without my power strips! They are AWESOME and they definitely DO WORK :)."
“I was amazed this AM when I applied the PowerStrips to my shoulder and upper back area. I was feeling aches and pains down my arm and within 5 minutes, the pain was gone.
Now after a hour, I feel a nice warmth throughout the area as if a secondary benefit has set in.
Massage Therapist/Yoga Instructor
I am seeing results with the pain strips. I wasn't sure where to put the initial strip for maximum benefit because of the severity of my nerve pain. . . but I cut off a small piece and placed it over the colon reflexology point on both feet and placed the larger strip on my lower back over the acupuncture point GV4. I put the strips on at 11:02 A.M.
Prior to putting the strips on, both my feet were throbbing, and the area of the colon reflexology point felt hard, almost like I had a stone embedded in each foot. I also had leg cramps, especially in my left leg (usually it's the right that cramps). My feet were also ice cold.
By 12:55 P.M. I felt noticeably calmer; my legs felt more energized and the bottom of both feet quit hurting.
By 2:09 P.M.my lower back felt considerably looser, and it almost felt as if the stiffness was being pushed up my back. I also noticed that my feet felt much warmer inside, although they still felt cool to the touch on the outside. I continued to feel calmer and obviously happier, because I have been searching for so long for an effective natural pain reliever.
By 2:19 P.M. the cramping was totally gone from both legs.
I have had almost constant pain in my right side (have had for years), and by 3:49 P.M. it had quit hurting.
I currently have an infection, abscesses, and another tumour in the perineum area. . . I've had several come and go depending on my emotional state over the past year. I'm using the oregano oil for the abscesses, fistulas, and infection, but because of the nerve exposure, every time I used the oregano oil I would lose control of my arms and legs (previously I was having full blown seizures from the pain). I am delighted to tell you that since using the strips I have been able to apply the oregano oil without losing control of my arms and legs. I could feel discomfort from head to foot along the nerves, but my arms didn't even shake.
I have an area on my left thigh above the knee (about 5" X 3") that has been numb for over five years. I cut another strip and placed on that area and left it on overnight. By morning the area had softened to the point where it almost felt like my other leg, and I had noticeable feeling in it.
I know I will need to continue using the strips to regain complete feeling, but this is also a relief because I had tried exercise, chiropractic, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to deal with any possible emotional issues, all to no avail. I could get some relief by using a T.E.N.S. machine for long periods of time.
I also have two old injuries to my right foot, one from a fall over 30 years ago and the second from 2001, in which I broke my leg, shattered my ankle, and tore all the ligaments. Both injuries still hurt fairly regularly, although I have also cleared any emotional issues that I can find. Yesterday I also placed a small strip on the top of my right foot and one on the bottom of my leg just above the ankle and received relief in both areas.
Second email three hours later:
I want to add that I have almost no pain in the area of the tumour and fistula, and, in fact, the area over the tumour has opened up and started to drain. Anne in Canada
"Things are still going great for me, no back pain at all and we just completed the second leg of our cross country trip. Since the 8th of September we have driven over 2 thousand miles. I use a bandaid size piece of the strip on either side of my lower back near the tail bone....only problem I seem to have is it come off, I suppose from sitting in the van. I've taken some medical tape to secure the ends and then it's fine. I'm still impressed with it :-)"Linda
I am no fan of over the counter medication for pain. For those that have chronic pain, the reality is, pain killers are no solution for a long term problem. Many addictions start with something innocent and may be a quick fix for pain, but can cause so many other problems (i.e. gastric, liver, etc.) aside from the addiction. Plus you have to always be taking more to get the same pain relief. With the chronic pain my husband Jeremy Green has between his knees/arthritis/torn ACL, plantar fascitis (major pain on his feet), tennis elbow, and a myriad of other things... I have not been impressed with doctors constantly prescribing pain killers as a solution and have found that it has been a terrible problem for his stomach because of it. I have been on the hunt for an alternative solution and have found something that works for him!
I too have received benefits from sciatica wit in an hour from putting the strip on! One strip may not be enough to alleviate everything completely, but I promise that one strip will be enough to make a noticeable difference from what I've heard and seen so far. Please ask me about them and how you can make a difference in your own life. It doesn't hurt to try!Tara
Jeremy wrote: "I will concur Dave's testimonial. I too, have sinus problems and the PowerStrips helps me out with my sinuses."
"Here is a surprise...I wore the strip on my ankle for 3 days and took it off. Still no pain after 2 weeks...so in my case they had lasting results."
Bruce H. in California
I had a very unexpected surprise in the middle of the night the other night , i woke up to itching and scratching my belly and arms ......... initially i thought it was Poison Ivy as i had been weeding the Garden that day.
But no, it was worse than that - Hives around my belly, butt and arms . Intense . I had overdosed on "burn your mouth salsa" which spicy foods triggers the Hives in me.
So , that AM , after i showered i thought , should I or should i not put the Power Strip on my Hives ???
My thinking was the Korean Ginseng may heat me up even more and then worse symptoms ! But,.... i decided what the heck, go for it. And now 24 hours later, low and behold, Hives 80% gone, slept through the night with no itching feeling.
Putting another Power strip on to knock out the Hives completely this AM. And that My Friends is the Amazing Truth.
PS I think Korean Ginseng is Bi-Directional, in other words will stimulate or calm things, in this case calming.Craig K Asheville NC
I was in Denver not even five minutes, when I fell and spent the night in the VA hospital. What a way to spend my birthday! It took five months of pain med, Chiropractor and Acupuncture therapy to reduce the pain level from 10 to 2.
A year later when the pain was going back up the scale, a friend told me about PowerStrips. When I first fell, it took five months of therapy to get relief, so I decided to give it a try. Two Hours later, the pain went back down the scale to ZERO. Two hours to relief is a lot better than five months and cheaper too. $2 a day is better than $60 to $120 a week. As told by Tom
For my birthday my son Wayne Miller and his family came down and brought me cupcakes that Lisa made, so good. And they gave me money to buy some FX power strips for my pain, My son said it was my 14 year old grandsons idea, because he knows how great they work for me!!!! I'm so happy" Robyn, whose quality of life has improved dramatically thanks to the PowerStrips.
No more back pain and no more pain killers!
I have had insomnia since childhood, but I sleep like a baby with PowerStrips!
Attention Runners.....
There is a Natural solution for Shin Splints....called PowerStrips. They have worked GREAT for me.Debbie
Here is my PowerStrips update: Back at the beginning of August, we had a service project to do shoveling and raking dirt. That morning I awoke with back pain that hurt so much when I took more than a shallow breath. So I had my husband put a PowerStrip on my back and in 20 minutes I was out there raking dirt and feeling fine. This month I started lifting weights again and was afraid I had reinjured my shoulder but really it must have been the knot in my muscle that was pulling and causing pain. I put a power strip on the knot just behind my shoulder and one on the front where it was causing pain. The pain eased right away and was gone the next day. Today, my friend called me because her knee had been hurting from restarting her running program and I gave her a PowerStrip to give some relief. She was amazed! From debilitating pain to relief in such a short time!
I’ve had fibromyalgia since 1991 and have had to deal with a lot of pain. I started using the PowerStrips and within 10 minutes I can feel the pain leave my body. It is amazing. Then I got the flu and it works wonders on that as well as old age setting in. Amazing! I have a clear head and the PowerStrip just keeps working. I wear mine every day as it also perks me up and I have a great day just wearing it. It is a natural product and controls all kinds of pain and it’s done herbally, without side effects. I think it is great.
Joy S.
I am using a small power strip on my nose at night when I sleep. I notice I am more open with breathing even before I go to bed, and sleep seems to be deeper. When I wear my hearing aids to bed, my snoring awakens me. I have not noticed being awakened by snoring when I use the strips.
Also, last night, I felt as if I was coming down with something--muscle aches, headache nose dripping, throat scratchy. Put strips all over me and when to bed. Slept 9 to 10 hours and feel wonderful this am.
I have a confession....I have been an Afrin abuser on and off for several years. It's only at night but my nose gets plugged and It makes me so anxious and I wake up and can't get back to sleep. Yes I know all about the rebound effect but anyone who has ever suffered from severe allergies knows that when you're desperate to breathe, you're desperate! I tried a small PowerStrip across the bridge of my nose and it didn't help at all. So the second night I tried one over the orbital bone on only one side of my face to see if there was a difference. I woke up in the middle of the night again but was only congested on the side WITHOUT the strip!!! I only needed Afrin for one side!! So last night I put a small piece under each eye and this was the first night in 3 or 4 months that I did not have to use any Afrin at all!!!
I am a skeptic....trust me. That's why I tried it various ways to prove myself wrong. I was pretty confident it wouldn't work. But this works for allergies and congestion friends! Hands down IT WORKS!!!!! I'm free of that horrible rebound effect and excessive sneezing that follows the next morning.Yay!!!
I absolutely have to share these awesome patches called PowerStrips!! A friend sent me these to sample knowing my history of fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and insomnia. I am going on my second months worth and have had not even a quarter of my normal stress and pain on top of sleeping through the night EVERY night for a month now waking refreshed!! You can learn more about them at www.powerstripsbyfgx.com and best thing about them is they are natural, non-narcotic! I even used a portion of the strip on my forehead when dealing with horrible headaches!! You can try them out for 2- $10.00 or 3-$15.00 if interested!! Believe me I have tried tons of things for my issues and haven't had this type of relief in over 10 years!!"
From Shirley V.
"I contacted Mary-Lou several months ago about trying some Power Strips after wearing my arm and neck out from throwing retrieves for our 9 Labrador Retrievers. I was not able to move my neck or arm for over a week...and after one strip was well on my way to becoming pain free. The first noticeable change was being able to sleep through the night...first time in my life. I have always had an active mind and it would shut down long enough to fall asleep...never to stay asleep.
Second of course was after two days...no neck or arm pain. I am back to chucking that retrieve 90 times a day...pain free.
Third noticeable change was relief from Fibrocystic Breasts. I was having trouble keeping the strips on...so Mary-Lou said to find a sweet spot. I figured I would put it on along my bra line to hold it in place. I was alternating sides every two days...but now with improved breast health...I cut a strip in half and put one on each side. Extra benefit...hold on ladies...the GIRLS are perkier...yes they are!!!!
Now...along came some discomforts in life.
My kennel was broken into with an attempted theft on one of my male Labs. Our 20 year old neighbour passed away from a rare form of cancer. My mother-in-law passed away suddenly with 58 family members gathering for almost a week. A tornado ripped through our yard a week later while we were gone...taking the cattle shed and having a hay day with my trees...but the house/kennel and shop were untouched. Thank goodness.
Two days later...the male lab that had the attempted theft was playing retrieving games with my husband when he went into a shrub to get the ball and came out with a broken branch shoved down his throat. He had a punctured esophagus. 9 days in hospital. 4 surgeries. Died on the operating table once...but came back to us.
Home for 2 weeks with a feeding tube in his stomach....needing to be fed every 2 hours and the tube kept plugging so would take an hour to unplug first.
$10,000 later...
And we have a happy...healthy...beautiful boy Parson...totally healed.
They gave us a 25% that he would make it...he is the miracle wonder dog.
I never gave up on him...stayed with him constantly...and was his advocate with the surgeons. Why do I tell you all this.
Power Strips....
I slept through the night...each and every night.
I stayed clear and focused and was never intimidated by the surgeons but called the shots. Normally...under stress I will bust a blood vessel in my right eye, get shooting pains down my face, through my jaw and into my arm...following that nerve down to my lower back. My bladder has been sliced open 3 times in the past from emergency surgeries...so tends to get mock bladder infection pain from stress.
I have always been warned about the face pain...Belpassi runs in my grandmothers side of the family.
I had no pain...anywhere. At one highly stressful point I had spasms in my lower back...put a power strip on and the pain was gone. Normally I would be in bed. My husband...who has farmed and pour concrete for over 35 years...has a bad back. Refuses to have surgery. He is pain free...sleeps awesome...and continues to pour and finish cement...and won't go a day without the Power Strips.
This is just a touch of trying to explain without going into lengthy details what our life has been like this summer.
We have been pain free...clear thinkers...good night sleepers...and perky breasters... Thanks Power Strips.
Extra...I tried the strips on my Parson.
They wouldn't stay...and to bandage them on when he already had so much bandaging that was to come off...I just let him smell them instead. A Lab...can smell a teaspoon of bleach in an Olympic size swimming pool. The breed is being used to sniff out cancer in humans. Their smelling capacity has no match on the planet. Man can't create something as powerful.
I thought of doing this when I was at the hospital. As I paced...or sat on the floor outside the OR...I could smell the Power Strips. The scent brought me close to nature and the earth that I love. It gave me peace and comfort. Just the smell of them.
When I put one on...my doggies come and smell where they are. They lick their lips...a calming signal that pack and herd animals give each other and us humans if we only would listen.
Even the smell...of nature...of earth...brings peace and healing. John and I will not live...without the power strips. Thanks Mary-Lou for introducing us."
"A personal Power Strip Testimonial from me::::: I woke up with a migraine headache this morning. I cut a small piece of a power strip and put it on the back of my neck and the migraine was GONE within 5 minutes. I will NEVER be without my power strips! They are AWESOME and they definitely DO WORK :)."
Judy D.
"I had a pounding headache. .. 35 minutes later ... headache gone."
Gordon H.
"I Woke up this morning and my headache completely gone!! Sinuses feel clearer too."
Mary Lou R
"I have had migraines since I was a child. They are a rare occurrence for me, but completely take me out for 12+ hours when they hit. I began to notice one come on as I was coming into my house one day. I immediately put a Power Strip on the back of my neck and laid down. What would normally be suffering and soon vomiting, I peacefully fell asleep. I woke up 1 hour later feeling completely fine. I use Power Strips for other minor things, but this completely blew me away!"
Amanda S.
"My 11 year old daughter experiences migraines due to stress (especially at school). I'm hesitant to give her Tylenol at her age so I was eager to try Power Strips on her. She called me from school having a severe migraine and I rushed down with a strip, rather than Tylenol. She was reluctant to put the strip on her forehead being at school, so I placed one in the middle of her back. Within 10 minutes, she was ready to go back to class. Seriously? These Power Strips work!"
Susan J.
"For me the power strips help me sleep, normally I am up and down all night. I just can't relax and get my brain to shut down. I have been wearing the power strips on my shoulders and when I go to bed, I actually sleep. No more up and down nights thanks to the power strips and I don't get the migraines anymore either."
"I got a call this morning from my mom. We are very close so we talk often. She had an incredible experience a few days ago with the PowerStrips. She got up early that morning with an excruciating heading....the kind that feels like your head will explode! Because of this she felt was unable to function, the pain and pressure was so intense.... So she reached for her FGXpress Power Strips. She took 2. Cut them into pieces. Placed one piece directly on her forehead, one piece on the back of her neck and one on her upper back. After one hour of wearing the Powerstrips the PAIN was gone. What a relief! She was able to get on with her day and enjoy it."
"I use to get headaches all the time... and since starting with the strips I haven't had a headache! I've got so much energy it's CRAZYYY! I love working in my yard but could only do a little at a time or the next morning I couldn't hardly walk or move for that matter. I would get kids up for school then go back to lie down, because the pain was so bad. I swear most days I felt like I was 90! But yesterday I was outside when the kids got on the bus, and worked all day planting flowers and stuff and woke up this morning feeling amazing. I could walk normal, I didn't feel 90 LOL! It's an awesome feeling. I'm hoping that with more time wearing the strips I will only get better and I’m hoping to be able to get off all pain meds that's my goal anyhow!! So thanks to Amie I'm on the way to being pain free and I'm getting my life back!!!! That's my story and I hope I have more positive stories in the future!! Thank God for FGX !! What a Great Feeling!! I can't Thank Amie enough."
"Then the other client came early in the am after very little sleep with a neck aching and a headache. I put 1/8 strip each on each side of her head and her neck. Within 5 minutes she was saying " It feels so good to be pain free!"
Colonic Therapist
*****I asked a group of friends if they experienced pain relief from headache/migraine & where they placed a strip. Below were the responses.*****
"On the back of my neck... I used a 1/2 a strip and it was gone within 30-40 minutes."
Breanna C.
"1/4 strip on forehead"
Brandy G.
"I have a friend/colleague who suffers from headaches and migraines. I gave her a strip to use when she came down with a migraine in our office, she had the pain in her head and it was going downthe back of her neck and into shoulders. I cut strip in half and put half a strip the back her neck starting just below the hair line. She experienced relief quickly."
Carolyn J.
Getting quite a few sinus/allergy testimonials with the PowerStrips lately!!! Carolyn in New Zealand just shared this! Know anyone that suffers? Please share!
"I suffer terrible sinus/allergy problems as do my mother and daughter. We have all been using the Power Strips in the same way and have had amazing results. Before the Power Strips I constantly suffered sinus infections and was on antibiotics every six weeks which took its toll on my body was on allergy meds every day and had the sinus spray. I have had my sinuses etc xray from every angle possible in three different countries and no physical reason can be found for the constant problems I have. Since using the Power Strips I haven't had a hint of a sinus problem. I wear a Power Strip every day now on my lower abdomen."
I had a painful sore behind my right ear - hurt when I wore my glasses - applied a small cut piece of a Power Strip behind my ear yesterday - completely gone and wearing my glasses. - no pain at all - what a relief!! When I read your Post Joy I realized the pain was gone!! We need to try and observe the difference that Power Strips make in our lives.
As a health care provider, I only want to recommend products that work. FG Xpress PowerStrips™ took me by surprise. I didn’t expect so many testimonials. I honestly didn’t expect them to work so well. I didn’t expect them to work for so many things. They work for pain relief and the improvement of skin. This means they help with find lines, wrinkles and other anti-aging issues. It’s amazing how well they work to give energy yet improve sleep. PowerStrips have stopped my restless leg that I’ve lived with for over 30 years!
Debra/ Acupuncturist
Received my product yesterday. Tried a patch in my low back and it reduced the pain and woke up with sinus headache. Patch on the forehead. It is helping also. Pain not gone all the way but getting there.
“You take aspirin for the headache caused by the Zyrtec that you take for allergies that you got from the Relenza for the uneasy stomach from the Ritalin that you take for short attention span caused by the Scopederm TTS that you take for the motion sickness you got from the Lomotil you take for the diarrhea caused by the Zenikal for the uncontrolled weight gain from the Paxil you take for anxiety from Zocor you take for high cholesterol because exercise, a good diet, chiropractic care and the PowerStrips are just too much trouble???? Really!!!!!"
For every DOLLAR spent on nonselective NSAIDS, $0.66 was spent on the side effects.
There are better options. Choose to numb yourself, or heal yourself.
You have a disease name or a wellness deficiency. Live well!"
With all the testimonials we have on the PowerStrips helping for headache pain…feel confident in sharing them with those people who can benefit!!
Jerica is an RN and was suffering from fibromyalgia and staying home much of the time, missing her children's activities, and out of touch with the family. In June, she was taking 25 prescription drugs!!! Ann got her going on the PowerStrips. Today she is on 7 prescription drugs, and plans to continue getting off of them.
Jerica's uncle was also at Ann's today. He had a stroke a few years ago, and has 3 herniated discs. He has been taking heavy pain and other medications for some time. Jerica introduced him to the strips, and now he is getting off medication, and is entirely pain free!
I was 15 years old the first time I heard adults expressing their concerns that elderly people on medication were dying from the side effects of the drugs they were on. In the decades since, I've seen more and more adults taking more and more pills. Isn't it exciting to be part of something that can help to reverse this trend?Mary L.
In regard to a brief video I shared on SLEEP DEPRIVATION…..This is an informative 3 min. video by Dr. Brian Clement, director of HHI. It ties into one the great benefits of the PowerStrips.... IMPROVED SLEEP! I have known many people who have been insomniacs now speak of a peaceful and normal night sleep since using the PowerStrips. Part of certainly could be that when someone is not in pain any longer (me- with shoulder pain) that they can then sleep better.
"I am so glad to found a new product I am very excited about. Pain relief! Of course in my practice of massage therapy, I see people very often who are in pain. A little of my story many may not know. I suffered with terrible pain in low back for 25 years after the birth of my first child. I could not sit for more than 15 minutes at a time. No relief found until I was offered a massage and then told of a great Chiropractor, Dr. Angela Draughon Preston. Lining things up and releasing muscle spasms were 2 things I used then. During all those years of pain I wondered why I had to suffer so much. Now I see that God put a great desire in my heart to help people, and especially those with pain. I understood that all too well. Now I think I have come across a new product that has recently been rated a class 1 medical device for pain from the FDA. I have been having great results with headache pain, low back tension, and knee pain. I'm mailing out packs tomorrow and please message me if you would like to try one. First watch these 2 short clips that can explain better than I can how they work and the 5 products in them that make them so unique. http://www.powerstripsbyfgx.com/technology-in-the-power-strips/ "
Kay W. LMT
Pet Testimonial. Loki has been wearing a quarter sized strip every few days since July. He is a 5 year old Pomeranian. He was shaved 2 years ago (2011) and developed post clipping alopecia (common among this breed). The vet figures he had an existing condition but did not show symptoms until 'the incident'. She said they have sent blood samples for other dogs with this condition and it varies from dog to dog what is the particular 'missing' chromosome/element/mineral/immune function etc. etc. and that there is no real way to cure this condition.
After speaking with a holistic pet healer who recommended green algae supplements, I decided to give the Power Strips a try - since they contain the algae Marine Phytoplankton. In the 3 months that he has been wearing them his hair has grown back about 2 inches (both coats) compared to 2 years of NO GROWTH without the strips. He is more agile, thinner/healthier, his skin texture and appearance is healthier (used to be all patchy and black) now it's pink and supple and his hair is softer and growing back!! I will continue using the strips until all of his hair has returned!
After speaking with a holistic pet healer who recommended green algae supplements, I decided to give the Power Strips a try - since they contain the algae Marine Phytoplankton. In the 3 months that he has been wearing them his hair has grown back about 2 inches (both coats) compared to 2 years of NO GROWTH without the strips. He is more agile, thinner/healthier, his skin texture and appearance is healthier (used to be all patchy and black) now it's pink and supple and his hair is softer and growing back!! I will continue using the strips until all of his hair has returned!
I’ve had amazing changes with my skin with the PowerStrips.....I LOVE them.....varicose veins are almost all gone on my inner knees, a scar on my ankle is disappearing from a bike accident 7 years ago.....etc., etc.
My friend John had a super-stiff (virtually frozen) neck for 11 days in all directions, with a dull aching pain that had migrated from upper shoulder area to lower shoulder blade. Within 15 minutes of application of 2 power strips covering the entire area of present and past pain, he said the dull aching pain was diminished somewhat but still had zero mobility. He left the strips on overnight and the next morning he had 90% improvement in his neck mobility with no pain.
I was driving and about 5 minutes from home and I started to notice a shimmering/vibration in the lower left quadrant of my left eye. I wasn't sure what was happening and as I drove home I started to panic thinking I might be having a stroke of some kind. By the time I got home the distorted vision had intensified. When I told my wife what was going on and that I might have to go to the hospital she said to put a Power strip right next to my left eye. I did not think there was a chance it would help but did it anyway. Within 10 seconds my vision was normal.
Today I had to get up at 6am to attend a workshop. I only was able to sleep about 3 hours last night and knew this was going to be a long and tiring day physically and emotionally, because the workshop required total focus and some physical activity. Before I left the house I placed 1/2 Power Strip on the stomach 36 meridian on my right leg below the kneecap as I was advised to do for maximum benefit from an accupuncturist I saw yesterday. Again being skeptical I still expected to be wiped out at the end of the workshop despite the Power Strip because even with a perfect night's sleep I am definitely tired after these workshops. Well, I had perfect energy all day physically and emotionally with laser focus. There is also something different about the way I felt today which I can't put a label on. All I really know is that it feels GOOD and I like it.
Jack and Lauren shared that Lauren is an herbalist, naturopath, RMT, she owns a private college and has a private practice and in her 35+ years of practice there has been nothing else that she has studied or knows about that have had the results of the Power Strips! They call it a portable far infrared device for the relief of pain and appearance of skin!
I want to make note that the PowerStrips are listed as a Class 1 medical device for pain….and when you give your body the appropriate raw materials, amazing things can happen as the body comes into balance.
“Jan, a 63 year old woman with 8 diseases, shared with us that she has been living with fibromyalgia, Sclero, Lupis, shingles, chronic pain, paralysis, brain fogging and no sleep since she was 19 yrs. old!!! When she spoke about how much her life has improved, that she can walk, talk, dance, sing, speak, think clearly and has had the best sleep of her life, it gave me goose bumps!! TRULY miraculous! As told by Dawn”
Danielle slipped last night on the slippery wet cement! Her butt hurt from the fall she couldn't walk! I put a half of PowerStrip on her lower back and she woke up this Am saying "Mom, the pain is gone, I can walk" I still feel it slightly but not nearly as bad as last night!!! So it works for any Age, and any Pain!
My daughter LOVES her strips!
Those of you who know me, know my integrity and you will know this is a true story. I wish I would have taken a before and after picture but yesterday Mya fell and landed on a metal car and had a small hematoma immediately develop right below her eyebrow, about the size of a dime. I contemplated taking a picture but couldn't find my phone at that moment so I went ahead and put a small strip over it. I am telling you that by the end of the day there was absolutely NO swelling or redness or bruising at all! Next time I will take a photo because it was truly amazing!!
PowerStrips are a first aid kit MUST!Amy
Had another friend message me and say she has been freed of nasal sprays too thanks to the PowerStrips!
She had such horrible sinus pressure that she said it felt like a sledgehammer was in her head. Just 3 days later, she had complete relief!
It looks like under the eye is working for so many people with allergies. Why take meds if you don't have to? The side effects are usually worse than the problem itself!! PowerStrips are an all-natural, herbal strip for so many ailments, not just pain!Amy
“This is my testimony. I had a lingering pain in my left knee that travels down my tibis. I had visited several orthopedics and chiropractors, but the pain still lingers. Recently, I was introduced to the FGExpress by Karen L. (she called it the love patch) almost instantly I felt it working, and by the next day my pain level went from 10 to about 2. I had never had anything that works so quickly. OMG! I love the love PowerStrip, that's what you called express. Thank you.”
My aunt had foot pain...she did not know where it came from...read up on gout and she really doesn’t have the so called typical gout symptoms...but terrible pain -she said it kept her up most of night… that even turning her foot at night in her sleep...it was brutal. She had the pain for about 3 mos.
I was telling her about the PowerStrips so she got them- put on her foot...a half strip on top of foot and it took away SOME of the pain...which allowed her to sleep that night. 2 days later same thing but it didn’t totally take away the pain. I was telling her how many of these people place the PowerStrips in a different areas including the bottom of her foot…BOOM that was it-it got better every day...she is pain free!!! she said she even bought a new pair of shoes...she could hardly wear her shoes without pain!! As a good side affect her sleep is great and didn’t realize til
I told her...that PowerStrips can help get good sleep!!!
Who out there multi-tasks? Most likely it is a woman who can relate to this.....
I started dinner, walked away- my cell phone rang- I got caught up on the phone and then my smoke alarm went off....whoops- forgot I started dinner. Ran to the kitchen....picked up a top to a pot without thinking it would be HOT and burned my ring finger on my right hand. bummer....hurts like heck.....
went to our stash of PowerStrips- cut a small strip- wrapped it around my finger so I could 1) cont. dinner 2) take a phone call 3) answer a instant message on fb. Whew....thankfully the PowerStrip took my pain away....and I can continue on....
Closing down for the night night....good chance the "burn" was a CEO (clear, easy and obvious) reminder for me to CHILL. It has been one heckava wonderful day!Joy
My husband never/ever gets a cold or cough and has developed a nasty one...keeping both of us awake at night. He wears a power strip daily on his lower back ...and I wondered about putting them on the affected areas for colds. We will be cutting one and doing the same as this child did.
Awesome...again thanks for sharing.
This email is from Dee. Her sister put on a PowerStrip (1/2 on hip ½ on back) at the expo. She returned an hour later saying she felt great- her hip didn’t hurt, she was able to go up and down the stairs without pain and it didn’t hurt her to stand for hours at the event. Even her aura photography picture was beautiful. Before leaving they bought a 15 pack of the PowerStrips for Stephanie.
So Dee writes last night….”Well, Steph feels great... thanks.
So I want to try the strips as well, and will sign up as a distributor. My other sister in NJ, who is also a bodyworker, may also be interested and would sign up under me”... Dee
How COOL is this? To see, first hand, a wonderful transformation….and this was one of several during the one day small event.
"I woke up with a lot of pain in my knees and arms from cleaning the mess in our basement. I had a lot more to do but it hurt with every move even though I was wearing menthol pain strips. Called my friend, Stephanie Wilding, to get some of her all natural PowerStrips for pain instead of what I was using. I am so glad I called her because the PowerStrips took away my pain and gave me energy to keep working. I love these PowerStrips! I am hoping Stephanie will post more info below in case you could use amazing natural pain relief!"
Sarah V.
My daughter had her braces adjusted. Two days later her jaw pain was a 7 out of a 10. I had just received my PowerStrips and put one on her upper back. Two hours later her jaw pain was a 1 out of 10 and her headache had gone down to a 3 out of 10. By night time both jaw and head pain were gone. She went out and shot some baskets with her father and got all sweaty and the PowerStrip came off. She did not tell me because she was afraid I would be angry. The next morning she was cranky as a bear. I put another PowerStrip on her in a different space where it would adhere better and within 10 minutes her pain was gone and she was her normal sweet self again."
Dee K.
"My sweet 16 year old is going through the same thing & asked for a PowerStrip to be placed along her jaw line because of her brace pain! I am very appreciative of having it available now to give her relief! We tried everything & now Shannon is able to sleep through the night without pain! Thanks Stephanie Wilding for sharing the PowerStrips with me & my family!"
"I must say these strips astounded me! I have been struggling with gout for about 2 to 2 1/2 months now and have tossed and turned all night with the pain in my feet and also pain in my left hip. Last night I slept like a baby! Never moved once. These strips are just short of miraculous!" Stephanie S.
And there is now more to the story. read on:
Hi Joy… I was planning on writing a testimonial to you as the power strips continued to amaze me! As I told you I had been struggling with gout for the last 2 to 2 1/2 months. Between that and the arthritis in my left hip I didn't sleep well! I would toss and turn all night! Well I went to bed Saturday night and I didn't move all night! I woke up about 6:00 am and took my morning med. I went back to bed and slept til almost 10:00 am. I was amazed! I got up well rested and feeling wonderful! I can't thank you enough and will be glad to give my testimonial anywhere, anytime! These are wonderful! Just short of miraculous!
And I can't believe I won! Wow! I never win anything!
And I'm so excited for Dee becoming a distributor! This product is amazing! Thank you again!Stephanie!
“I just wanted to let you know that the PowerStrips worked for as long as they stay on... my back felt better and my shoulder as well -although it still had some pain it DID get better range of motion... an accomplishment I would have to say yes... thanks for introducing this product to me and I will get in touch after I speak and show this product to my dr. and my PT....
“PowerStrips work even placed right on the bones! My mother in Japan sent a few samples to her friend who has had back surgery, a spinal cord that may need a surgery and sciatic pain on her legs. The pain in her legs kept her up at night/ She cut the PowerStrip in half and put them just below her knees (on the bones, not on muscles), and her legs didn’t hurt that night. She told my mother it was like MAGIC!”
Ellie Y.
I'm not sure if you heard how I got into FGXpress...About a week ago my lower back went out while giving my boy a bath...I was pounding ibuprofen until my kidneys started to hurt. It was while at work Jeremy Green and I were chatting and I was complaining about my back…he had his father in law bring me a strip to work...Honestly, by the drive home the pain was gone. I couldn’t believe it...I’m sold from my personal experience. My wife was very happy that I could once again walk erect and lift the car seat, etc. :)
I'm generally quite painless most of the time, so I'm not going to say they help with my pain that doesn't exist. But wow, can I ever sleep well now. And I'm also much more energetic and just all around a much more positive guy. Seriously, just try it...I was skeptical, as are some of you, but you really have nothing to lose.
I have the strips on for two days and for the first time since pre pregnancy I slept! My baby is nine month.
Oh My!!! Anyone suffer from Pneumonitis/Pneumonia?
Just got a message from a friend whose aunt had incredible results with a PowerStrip! Hoping to have it in writing from her Aunt soon but this is what my friend had to say after talking with her today....
"she gets sick fall and spring affects her big time in those 2 seasons last yr. the worst ever had her down for the count 3 months Drs..antibiotics...more docs more antibiotics so she hired a cleaning lady to help at home never did that before she was sooo weak finally got strength back and she said come fall....here we go again... well sure enuff it hit her...she literally can’t lie flat in bed gets up walks around...feeling just horrible...2 days ago this happen she got up...walked around....stayed in upright felt horrible.. said to herself I outta try a patch lol so she put on her neck in back as close as she could to middle of lung area... lay down and ended out falling asleep til 10 am got up felt slightly better...putzed around the house all day kept patch on still kept it on thru day and night and slept with it on too.. today she woke up and it was gone the whole pneumoniritis thing She couldnt believe it. she is one happy camper!"
Quick Testimony from my son, Caleb: “He injured his shoulder and after working out yesterday he had incredible pain in his shoulder and back to the point of getting an intense headache and was unable to turn his head from side to side. He asked for a PowerStrip. Within minutes the pain was gone and he had full range of motion when turning or tilting his head. When he woke up this morning, one of the first things he said was, "Those things (PowerStrips) really work"
This morning I received this message from a friend struggling with pain from Lyme Disease. Looking forward to see how they continue to help her!!
"My pain strips are helping! also have given a sample to my school secretary who experienced phenomenal relief and said she was totally amazed. She slept better too!"
http://recording.freeconferencecalling.com/mp3/1134206/994441/IA1205_10142013163 220893_1156767.mp3 Testimonial Recording from Oct. 14, 2013
Finally I am sharing my experience with the PowerStrips. It is hard to articulate waking up without any back pain. I just popped out of bed- no maneuvering or trying to figure out how I was going to mitigate my pain. One strip gave me two days of relief. So excited to share something holistic that has such great results! Mailing out sample packs this weekend- message me tonight and I will get them out tomorrow.Sarah
THANK YOU!!! I'm finally sleeping the night and only due to this product. I want to learn more about it. It really helps with the muscle spasms that occur on my neck and back, due to a straightening of the normal lordotic curvature and joint space narrowing. Also narrowing at L5-S1, ruptured and bulging discs and stenosis. Pain is constant and looking for relief for years. This product really takes the edge off while I am resting so that I can sleep. Lack of sleep causes anxiety, etc...., so this will eventually help with my GAD and PTSD. I am sure of it!!!
Just got word from friend Tiffany that she put a PowerStrip on her boss's head today after she tried everything for her headache and nothing worked! Within 10 Minutes Gone! She calls them miracle strips!!!! Told you!!! Tiff, I put one on Robs head last week after he had a splitting headache and was Gone in 10 minutes too! Awesome for this Migraine folks too!
I bumped my bony shoulder the other day on Joe’s bedroom door and it was so sore for 2 days could not work out! Last night I put on a Half PowerStrip and this AM I did Jillian Michaels workout lifting weights and kickboxing moves! My shoulder is Pain Free! Should have used it 2 days ago! – the PowerStrips are good to have in the medicine cabinet for a lot of uses!
I spoke to a friend last night she uses the FGX PowerStrips and it helps her with her depression. She no longer has anxiety or has to take anti-depression/anxiety meds.
PowerStrips: They have cleared my sciatica nerve problem and I have not been to a chiropractor or therapist for weeks. They have helped my granddaughter’s migraines, my daughter’s bad knee and my son's broken back. Have four friends using them know 1 back 1 hip 1 for energy 1 shoulder I will never be without them!!!
"OUCH! Yesterday I did a Yoga Barre class. Today- my biceps, triceps and shoulders are KILLING ME! I love the feeling of being sore after a workout, but today I've got too much to do to be annoyed with the pain AND I want to recover quickly and have my muscles and cells regenerate, renew, rebuild and re-energize so I can do another class on Monday. So.. I've stripped up with my Power Strips and I'm ready to GO GO GO!
AND because the Power Strips are a topical strip... the amazing ingredients are delivered ALL throughout my body, 24/7. So- even though I'm wearing it up near my sore biceps, shoulders and triceps... my tight and sore quads are still getting the benefits too. Talk about ONE STOP SHOP for pain relief, hey?!?!?!? It's no wonder the Power Strips are on the FDA's Medical Device List as a Class 1 medical device useful as a pain relief product!!!!"Amie
“My poor sleeping started while pregnant and continued until now. I thought not having a good sleep is part of being a mom and having a baby. In the meantime, we were introduced to the Power Strips. My husband used it for his back and it worked miracles so he decided to place them along my spine to relieve tension. Well, little did I know that I would have the best two days of sleep since pre-pregnancy. My baby is nine months and I will continue to use power strips to get my sleep on track.”
Nela C.
I have been in excruciating pain for more than 12 years. Everyone was "it can’t be that bad", or "get over it" or "stop your whining". Anyone else get these comments from friends, family AND doctors? I don't know how many times I was thinking "if I could give you my pain just for a week....let’s see who whines more". "Let’s just see how much I'm faking". Well I have, like so many others with chronic pain, tried practically everything on the market with little or no help.
My wonderful friend and neighbor, Sheryl, gave this PowerStrip to try out. She said it worked for her, so I decided to try it out. I was very skeptical that this item could do anything except make you itchy at the site like most patches do lol. Anyway, long story short, THEY WORK, THEY REALLY WORK, oh and did I mention, THEY WORK!!!!!. My hips joints and deltoid joints had so much heat in them that I could feel the heat through my clothes!!!!! Within approximately 24 hours after using just half of a patch, all the heat was out of my deltoid joints, and most of the heat in my hips joints had gone after about 48 hrs. I can do ALL my chores one after another!!!!!!! Haven't been able to do that for a very long time. I was shocked that my chores only took me about an hour instead of 3-4 hours because the pain would slow me down considerably.
You owe it to yourself to at least try these patches out. They will help you feel what it’s like to pain free!!!!! Novel idea? If you are interested in trying them out please inbox me with details!!!! Don't wait!!! Peace of mind and body has finally arrived!!!! Tammy
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I thought I'd provide a quick update on my experiences with the PowerStrips.
So, I cut the PowerStrips into 3 and applied them to my left calf (1/4 of strip), top of right foot (1/4 of strip) and to my lower back (1/2 strip). While I haven't noticed any real change in the pain in my left foot/toes I have noticed a relaxation/calming of the muscles around the hip region and specifically in my lower back and pelvis.
When I awoke this morning, I seemed (and continue to seem more alert) and their does seem to be a slight increase in energetic flow throughout my entire body. Interesting.Susie
“I had the best night's sleep last night...I don’t know if it was the power of suggestion but really! I had got a strip from my sister and put the whole thing on my lower back...but today I felt like I could take on the world! Great feeling. Gosh I just feel so good this morning, haven't felt this good in a LONG time.”
Below are some testimonies from people who have had different symptoms of stress that the PowerStrips has helped them with. Who do you know that is stressed and could use some help?
Vicki D.:
"Wow I have just introduced the PowerStrips into my clinic over the past couple of weeks and the results are outstanding. Hara began using the patches last week after stating how exhausted he was feeling, he is a stressed taxi driver. He told me today he has worn 2-3 a day and is amazed at the energy, the vitality he now has. I must say he looked so alive!"
Amie, Canada:
“Ever since using Power Strips I have benefitted from increased energy, reduced stress, more calmness, less anxiety, more mental clarity and focus, less mood swings, my allergies are under control - I haven't had to take one allergy pill since using them and normally take them daily during allergy season, I have a condition called spondyloarthropy which is inflammation of the joints and have had NO JOINT PAIN since using them. I call them my feel good strips. My friends call them magic patches of healing and love. They've been truly amazing and I started putting them on my dog to see if it will help with his alopecia and his hair grow back”.
Susan J.:
"My 11 year old daughter experiences migraines due to stress (especially at school). I'm hesitant to give her Tylenol at her age so I was eager to try Power Strips on her. She called me from school having a severe migraine and I rushed down with a strip, rather than Tylenol. She was reluctant to put the strip on her forehead being at school, so I placed one in the middle of her back. Within 10 minutes, she was ready to go back to class. Seriously? These Power Strips work!"
"My Pain In The Neck is gone 1 hour after the PowerStrip. A year ago I fell and it took 5 months of weekly Chiropractor and Acupuncture for it to go away. Plus with all the recent stress I have been having trouble sleeping, last night after the PowerStrip I slept soundly all night.”
Ade E.:
"Since using the PowerStrips my stress level has definitely decreased. I have more energy and I sleep deeply at night. Perhaps because I simply FEEL better I feel like I am more in control of my life. It is a GREAT feeling. Because I have less tension and stress in my life, I rarely have the tension headaches that once plagued me. I just love the PowerStrips and won't leave home without one in my purse!"
"I have had fibromyalgia symptoms, complete with pain and chronic fatigue, and complicated by allergies and other conditions for as long as I can remember. It has always affected my career. In recent years, the pain and fatigue escalated to a level that forced me to leave my job. As I watched my savings decline, I found I simply did not have the physical ability to deal with the litigation and paperwork that were required to secure the benefits I had always expected to support my family in the event of a long term illness. Each day, my efforts to manage stress so that I could recover were threatened by my frustration with the healthcare system and my fear that I would soon be unable to provide for my family."
"I've been using the PowerStrips for three months and have had ongoing benefits since Day One: increased spinal flexibility and physical mobility -dramatically reduced inflammation and pain in back, neck, shoulders, kidneys-Increased physical energy, with more endurance and stamina increased mental focus and positivity -better sleep -greater cardiovascular capacity, deeper breath -Most recently, I've been placing a 1/3 of a PowerStrip over my heart area and it has been fantastic for eliminating anxiety, stress, tension, and staying very centered, calm, and balanced. I feel smooth, clear, and agile all day. LOVE the PowerStrips!"
"I suffer from TMJ Disorder. The muscles around my jaw hinge (temporomandibular - TMJ) are constantly tight and sore. Along with jaw pain I also suffer pain around my face, neck and shoulders and headaches. When I am under stress I tend to clench my jaw which adds to the pain and discomfort. I came home after a stressful day and the muscles at the TMJ were extremely tight and sore, a sore neck and headache was starting. Usually I would take pain meds to ease the discomfort and help me to sleep with the pain but now instead of pain medication I use POWER STRIPS I cut a small piece off the end of a POWER STRIP then cut that in half and placed a piece on the TMJ on either side of my jaw I left them on overnight. The discomfort and pain started easing and I went to sleep and woke in the morning rested, no headache, no neck pain and a massive improvement in the pain in my jaw."
"I absolutely have to share these awesome patches called PowerStrips!! A friend sent me these to sample knowing my history of fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and insomnia. I am going on my second month’s worth and have had not even a quarter of my normal stress and pain on top of sleeping through the night EVERY night for a month now waking refreshed!! You can learn more about them at www.powerstripsbyfgx.com and best thing about them is they are natural, non-narcotic! I even used a portion of the strip on my forehead when dealing with horrible headaches!! You can try them out for 2- $10.00 or 3-$15.00 if interested!! Believe me I have tried tons of things for my issues and haven't had this type of relief in over 10 years!!"
Shirley V.:
"I slept through the night...each and every night. I stayed clear and focused and was never intimidated by the surgeons but called the shots. Normally...under stress I will bust a blood vessel in my right eye, get shooting pains down my face, through my jaw and into my arm...following that nerve down to my lower back. My bladder has been sliced open 3 times in the past from emergency surgeries...so tends to get mock bladder infection pain from stress. I have always been warned about the face pain...Belpassi runs in my grandmothers side of the family. I had no pain...anywhere. At one highly stressful point I had spasms in my lower back...put a power strip on and the pain was gone. Normally I would be in bed. My husband...who has farmed and pour concrete for over 35 years...has a bad back. Refuses to have surgery. He is pain free...sleeps awesome...and continues to pour and finish cement...and won't go a day without the Power Strips."
Thanks Stephanie, for putting these all together!
The question isn’t what HAS the PowerStrips™ done for me, the question is what HASN’T the PowerStrips™ done for me and my family. My testimonial of this product reaches far from JUST pain relief. My husband and I are both having deeper sleep which is so important with our 3 boys (ages 4, 3 and 1). My husband has major anxiety and I notice a dramatic decrease in his anxiousness when he started wearing them. We have used it as a cleanse and detox when sick… and if you don’t believe me, just drink some extra water and put a patch on your stomach and see what happens. My husband has had sinus surgery and still has major problems with his sinuses every morning but after putting a couple of small pieces over his sinuses at night, he never has the blockage he used to when he wakes up in the morning. It takes my snoring away which is especially helpful if I’m sick, because that is when it’s the worst; not to mention my husband sleeps better when I wear them at night. As far as pain relief goes, my husband’s tennis elbow was so bad that he wasn’t able to lift things and this has taken that pain completely away with two tiny PowerStrips™ the size of a Band-Aids over them at nights… and it’s not even every night that he puts it on there. I have back pains sometimes so bad it wakes me up at night and I have a hard time sleeping, but not since the PowerStrips™. I just put half a strip on and all week long, sometimes even up to two weeks I won’t feel any pain after one application. I was once hobbling around for two days because of sciatic nerve pain and decide to put a half of a strip on my glute and within the hour the pain was gone! The product works!
So I gave my brother a strip about a week ago...he's a dialysis nurse and is bent over people all day...any way back went out...put the patch on...pain gone...sold...super excited to sell them.
I've been so thrilled with the stories of folks I've been sharing the Power Strips with. It is so easy! And it works! Yesterday, I friend who had knee pain, accepted my offer to put a Power Strip on her knee....she was pain free all day! She called me this morning and said, the Power Strip came off by the end of the day and wanted MORE! It is amazing when folks are in pain and relief comes within minutes or hours! I am grateful! I always love Stripping, though this adds a whole new dimension and is so much fun.
Dr. Mary
“My Father in law has a bad case of gout...after one night of use he has no swelling in his joints…good job PowerStrips!"
Just thinking of you. I just tried one of the healing ‘patches’ that you sent me I get real bad leg cramps and last night was very bad I should pull a muscle and I was hurting so I put it on and within moments it really take the pain away.
Kristen- from David
Hi my name is Troy Kearl. About a year and a half ago I was in Canada and foolishly thought that I would try to play hockey without any experience or even really knowing how to skate. I ended up breaking my ankle in 3 places and had major surgery that left me with 8 pins in my ankle for the rest of my life. I wake up every morning with stiffness and pain.
So, when Rick Bazzill told me he had a product that would give me relief, and that it wasn’t a prescription or a pill, I was willing to give it a try. That night I applied the PowerStrip™ directly to my scar and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning and stood up out of bed I was absolutely amazed that I had complete relief of stiffness and pain. It was like all of the hardware in my leg was gone. The fact that I had such amazing results in 1 day is truly incredible. I will never go without this product.
I have been looking for a product like this for my entire career in direct sales. Something that has such an immediate impact is a dream come true. Now, for the first time, the product can do the selling for you. I have given this product to people around the world and in every case there was a positive impact. Not to mention the fact that the company can ship this product anywhere in the world for $4.95. In my opinion FGXpress has everything in place to become the fastest growing company in the direct sales industry.
Another Great Testimonial "I also have MS, I started on the PowerStrip 2 weeks ago and within 1/2 hour the burning pain in my back subsided, by the next morning, the feeling had come back into my legs which have been asleep sort of for the past 10 years from the MS. I now have most of the feeling back in my whole body, good feeling, and the pain in my back from osteoarthritis is almost gone, except when I abuse it. More energy and a number of other small things are happening. If I keep this up, I will feel like a teenager soon!!! Love it."
Fran R.
In the last 4 days of using the PowerStrips I feel really good and a lot more alert! I have lower back issues from my old softball days & my right rotator cuff as well at times flares up especially when I am experiencing stress from workouts or the weather. I am feeling really great thanks to the PowerStrips.”